Hello everybody hope you’re well as can be expected, With my pvcs playing up and having some tiny snippets of fast heart rate, I’m nearly two years post my second rf ablation, just thought I’d ask how many ablations you can have before your ep gives up and chucks me on the knackers yard. I’ve had very little Af but tiny snippets here and there, these pvcs are getting me down now though. Sorry for the moan.
How many ablations can you have? - Atrial Fibrillati...
How many ablations can you have?

Few EPs will attempt to ablate only for ectopics I'm afraid but the basic answer is however many your EP is prepared to try. I've had three for AF and one for Atrial tachycardia and I know my EP would try again if we both thought it worth while. I'm 77 by the way so age is no bar.
My EP said if my heart enlarges anymore he will ablate the pvcs to stop any further problems, pacs used to bother me, but I could breathe my way through them, but these pvc swines are hideous and bloody relentless at times 🤮 how’s the pace maker making you feel by the way, really good I hope?
Makes little difference as it is set as a safety net rather than a crutch. Had a nice chat with my EP on Monday morning by phone ( he was early) and he said it is probably working at night when I'm asleep. Since that isn't very often (lol) I'm not so sure. Waiting for my bed side box so they can keep track of me.
I have had 7 ablations.
After 3 ablations I was told by my first EP, that there was nothing more he could do for me and he then retired.
A year or two later, I visited the hospital for a cardioversion and a new EP cardiologist said he felt it was worth trying again.
I had two more ablations with him, and then he moved on to another hospital.
A new EP came down from Barts, and after two more ablations, I have now been virtually free of AF for a number of years.
Obviously I’m an unusual case, but it only goes to show that sometimes they shouldn’t give up.
We are all different, of course.
As long as you are healthy enough to undergo the procedure and you can find an Ep/ afib clinic that feels there is benefit in you undergoing the procedure then not sure there is a ceiling on the number. I personally know of a person who has had 8 and since #8 has been afib free for 4+ years.
That said, quality of the EP doing the ablations might also play a role.... (note I have had 3 ablations myself over approx 2 years)
I think it entirely depends upon your individual heart anatomy. My son's colleague has had, I believe and if I recall, six over many years. He is now 76 and his AF has again returned with Afl but he's fine.
I have had 3 and 1 aborted due to rare complication. The last was for tachycardia and flutter and my EP said he had to do a lot of zapping in areas other than pulmonary veins so it would be my last. So far it appears to have been a big success but I am resigned to pace and ablate if it returns.
I live in Wales so can’t pick my centre of excellence for second opinion unless I went private. Some of the other replies are heartening though.
I think it may depend on how much scaring the ablations have caused and in what area of the heart and probably on hospital policy too. X