hello my friends, 8 days post 3rd ablation and whereas I was full of the joys of positivity last week - I feel I’ve been steam rollered flatter and flatter by the day.
You may recall I had GA this time following the previous disasters with my other surgeries
This time is nothing to do with my consultant he’s brilliant- since op I have had asthma so coughing all the time has done the chest pain and growing pain no good - now as sore as day 1. Day 2 I kept having asthma attacks which then caused severe chest pain on left side to which I thought this is it. Took some pain relief which worked so didn’t 999 (to be honest stupid as it sounds I was actually to scared as I knew which hospital I’d end up in and hate the place and find them patronising and somewhat incompetent as I’ve mentioned previously
My throat just got worse and worse pain wise despite antibiotics and think it’s a bit swollen from the tube as food and tablets either won’t go down or get stuck, my throat is apparently bright red and going down past the back of the tongue, there is a blister or something on tonsil but not same as tonsillitis.
Yesterday I had put a sweet in to suck and ease throat, as soon as saliva developed I wasn’t even attempting to swallow when it was like someone poured liquid straight into my lungs - menthol felt like it burned but I was then coughing out none stop but could not draw breath back in - I think that must have sent blood pressure sky high as my ears were making the loudest noises
Eventually I recovered but today (following all that and 2 flutters to scare me thinking oh no it’s failing - I can now feel the ablation type pain in chest again and my groin site is painful again but not infected as they have put me on more antibiotics etc
I know it will sort itself out it just this time I’ve been I’ll since March and just as I say feel my mojo took a hike
I hope everyone else is having a good day and feeling chipper x