You’ll probably say ‘Ask your GP’. But I can’t even get a phone appointment with GP. My last request, last week, resulted in a conversation with the practice pharmacist, which, while helpful with regards to medication, didn’t answer my other questions.
The story is, I have AF, which was diagnosed just over a year ago. With Apixaban 5mg and Bisoprolol 2.5mg per day onboard, the AF has been controlled, giving a reasonably even pulse of 58/60. Beginning of June I fell and hurt my ribs, making deep breathing and coughing painful. Avoiding these movements as much as possible made me develop a chest infection. This in turn made my pulse soar to 120/130. Antibiotics were prescribed at A&E, and chest infection duly abated over following week. Meanwhile, Bisoprolol was doubled to 5mg a day. Now, 1 week after antibiotics finished, my pulse is still fast, usually around 100 while seated, and about 118 when I move about doing not much, like making a cup of tea, etc. Still taking 5mg Bisoprolol following pharmacist’s advice. She is going to phone me in a weeks time to see how I’m doing on that. As it is, I can’t do much before feeling I’ll. What would you do? Have any of you been in a similar position? Am I simply being impatient?