Can you recommend the brands of COQ10 which give the best absorption as the prices vary a lot and I can see that good absorption is paramount to the efficacy of the vitamin
COQ10: Can you recommend the brands of... - Atrial Fibrillati...

I buy from Holland and Barrett myself.
I trust the Lamberts Healthcare brand (no commercial interest). For several years , I had my CoQ10 level tested (simple blood test posted to BioLab London & arranged by my Naturopath) every 6 months so could see the absorption confirmed at different dose levels.
Incidentally, the Naturopath said to stop AF I needed my Red Cell Magnesium and Co Q10 to be in the top quartile of the normal range, hence the testing. I got the CoQ10 to the top of the range but can't shift the Mg level from the bottom quartile 🤔.
I buy from Healthspan - I’ve used them for years and thoroughly recommend. I actually buy Ubiqinal which is apparently more easily absorbed. You can find them on line.
I also buy from Healthspan as their prices are well below those in shops and they make a point of their high quality.
I use both Healthspan and Simply Supplements, and both have heavy discounts this week if you hurry!
I am using Qunol liquid. There are cheaper brands but this comes highly recommended with a faster absorption I am told. Amazon has some good deals make sure you look at all the postings for it because there are different ones I don’t understand why but it can make a difference with price