I am 75, with 2 years of paroxysmal AF, and looking again at my first Echocardiogram I had in May 2022, I notice there was a finding of an "interatrial septal aneurysm". This finding was mentioned almost in passing, without further emphasis or mention in the Report's Conclusions.
However, while such a condition seems to be associated with arrythmias and increased stroke risk, it has never been discussed with me by a Cardiologist (seen by an Arrhythmia Nurse) re stroke risk, nor my GP, nor anyone in Haematology concerning my choice about anticoagulation or not.
I am currently not anticoagulated, by choice, because of previous unexplained chronic bilateral subdural haematomas.
I am concerned as to whether this medical condition is one that would require further investigations or at least ongoing monitoring?
So is there anyone out there who has personal experience or knowledge of this condition, and is able to share what understanding they have gleaned regarding its potential to cause future harm?