I initiated the discussion a few days ago regarding AFIB and Coronavirus (CV)
I finally received a response from my electrophysiologist (EP) regarding my queries. He noted the following:
Even though my AFIB is currently well controlled by meds (no events in two years), and I am a very fit and physically active 64 year-old, CV would indeed still put me at further risk for an AFIB event regardless.
If an individual has CV and it is serious enough to trigger an AFIB event, this event in of itself could make the CV even more difficult to treat due to the rapid ventricular response.
Bottom line: The fact that AFIB is an electrical condition rather than cardio vascular disease per se does not mean that it is not relevant to the implications of CV. My EP views AFIB as a serious pre-existing condition that can further complicate our response and recovery to CV.
Clearly, there may be differing opinions in the medical community, but his logic seems very sound to me. Bottom line- we all need to be careful and I'm following all of the social distancing and isolation requirements that are now prevalent here in California given the additional risk of AFIB along with my age.
I welcome your thoughts and comments.