I had my appointment at St Barts today (the last one was about 6 months ago) and have been advised that I should have an ablation. I was reminded by the doctor that AF is a progressive condition and will almost certainly get worse over time-although it isn’t possible to predict how quickly this will occur. It was also pointed out that every time I have a bout of PAF-on average once a month- there is a risk of stroke; PAF is not less dangerous than AF. Apparently my left atrium is enlarged slightly and this will get worse without the ablation. When I asked how long I would have to wait for the procedure the reply was “eight weeks”. I said that I would prefer a bit more time so it was agreed that if this appointment wasn’t suitable I could postpone it. I was immediately offered a general anaesthetic when I said I was anxious about the procedure itself. Risk of stroke is about 1 in 200 and I must start an anticoagulant at least a month before the ablation (preciously I had been told 3-4 months). None of this information was particularly new, but I was hoping they might say that it would be ok to postpone for a year or so.
I still think the risk is rather high and I don’t relish the period after the ablation as I will almost certainly have further symptoms and be convinced the procedure has failed. I also have to decide whether to have the general anaesthetic or sedation. All in all, not a very good day.