Since my ablation, 10 months ago, I've not experienced an AF episode lasting more than 2 minutes - which is great. But I now experience a whole host of various ectopics - is this just the price you pay to reduce your AF episodes? Is anyone in the same position, and do the ectopics usually improve over time?
Ectopics and ablation.: Since my... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ectopics and ablation.

hi, I’m 6 months on since ablation for AF and I’ve had no episodes since June however started getting PVCs mid June and have steadily got worse. I’m in discussions with my cardiologist for ablation for those early next year as they are draining. Just felt I’ve jumped from one arrhythmia to the next albeit less serious. He believes these were actually the precursor to the AF and I just wasn’t aware that’s what they were when had been having palpitations for few year’s previous to AF being diagnosed. Bisoprolol and Flecainide take edge off them sometimes but it’s the tiredness that follows.
My ectopics ease up after I take 100mg Flecainide, too. I mostly get short bursts of PACs (more akin to SVT, rather than AF), which only last seconds - they stop if I stretch or adjust my position. I can live with it at the current level, but I'm a little anxious that the episodes will gradually worsen. Although, I'm not sure if all heart arrhythmias are progressive like AF?!
I'm sorry to hear your PVCs are getting worse. It's my understanding, from reading lots of info regarding ablations, that it is often wise to wait for a year before considering a further ablation procedure. My cardiologist disagreed with this, but an EP I know (I'm a student nurse) reckons waiting a year - unless you are really struggling with a high ectopic burden (10% +) - is sound advice.

Yes and yes. Ectopics aer a common (not constant) side effect of ablation. As a leading EP once told me it shows your heart is trying to go into AF and failing. I had similar after about nine months post one of my ablations but they responded to the slow deep breathing trick and eventually stopped.
they do improve over time and yes, it’s a common experience after ablation. Slow Deep Breathing Techniques help - avoid anything that exacerbated them. For me that was certain activities such as some Pilates exercises such as bending with head lower than waist height, some meals, just doing more than my body was ready to cope with and biggest of all - worry thoughts & stress.
Mine disappeared gradually declining in number until 12 months - went altogether. I would agree with suggestion to wait 12 months before considering another ablation.
Hi John3333333 I'm glad I've seen this post. I'm also 6 months post ablation and saw my EP at my follow up a few weeks ago, all was good. Things have been quiet, shall we say. However in recent days have noticed a few ectopics. Or it certainly felt like them. I put it down to anxiety/stress as got a few things going on. Noted a response on here that says an EP once said ectopics is your heart trying to go into afib and failing. Wasn't aware of that!
I've got a loop recorder in so at least it will "catch it" if anything significant comes up.
Hope things settle down soon for you.
I'm coming up to 2 months since my ablation, and getting some ectopics. It does my heart is trying to go into afib sometimes, but failing! . I'm really hoping things settle and they get less frequent or stop totally. 🤞
This is really interesting as I’m 1 year post ablation and I get lots of etopics every day which was also picked up by a 48 monitor I had to wear, they aren’t getting any better and when I mentioned it at my arrhythmia appointment last week she said they were extremely common and not to take any notice of them, which is easier said than done!
I am still waiting on an ablation next month, but have been getting these. Before my current bout of AF. Now I’ve been in AF for 2.5 weeks, but occasionally when my heart rate is back in the 60s I try the Kardia. Sometimes it still registers A Fib, but I’m getting the occasional ‘sinus rhythm with supraventricular ectopy’. Usually I can feel my heart pounding a bit then.
I do keep hoping it’s on its way back to NSR - but other times I try to ignore it all and just get on with things, and decide it’s persistent for now.
I am now at 3 months after my second ablation, thankfully I have not had any AF bouts yet but I am getting more frequent ectopic beats lately. It was interesting to read BobD’s comment about a leading EP told him that the heart is trying to go into AF but fails because that was my impression when I started getting them. They feel similar to what I used to experience at the start of AF bouts. Not had a follow up appointment yet but will raise the subject.
For me ectopic's started not long after my ablation and continued at an alarming rate, but reading on here about taking magnesium turate seemed to help a lot of people, so I gave it a try, it works for me four years later no AF and ectopic's very rare now.
The way I see it is that ectopics are the result of a single rogue signal. That's how mine started in 1996. The heart surgeon drew a picture and said it was nothing to worry about. So I didn't. When I felt AF I just thought it was just ectopics.
I think that the one rogue signal, over the years got added to one at a time until there were loads of them which kept me in AF for a third of each week.
When I had my ablation they found all of my rogue signals and zapped the lot so I haven't even had one ectopic since.
Ectopics after an ablation, I think, are a sign that the EP didn't get all of them. Or new rogue signals have developed.
Hi there, I found your experience very interesting. I have often wondered why some people complain of ectopics after AF and SVT ablation while others don't. May I ask when you had your ablation ? Have you wore an 24 hour ECG or Holter monitor since then? I ask this because many people get ectopics but don't feel them. It may be that you are still getting them but not feeling them.
It's two years and four months since I had my ablation. I haven't had any further contact with the hospital. I've got an Apple Watch so I keep my eye on my heart rate. I'm sure I am not having ectopics now. When I had an attack of AF, it would switch off and nothing would set it off for a day or so. There was always a two or three day gap in between and then off it would go again. As luck would have it, my ablation was after a two day gap and I'm sure the rogue signals were only too happy to pop up and be found.
I had a mini maze here in the US and was having some ectopics. I started taking Magnesium Taurate and the are almost completely gone! And no AF since my surgery on 3/1/2022!
I had lots of them PLUS the AF was back within weeks. Started sinus tachycardia plus bigemini beats after ablation. Felt horrible, as unfit as with AF. Only for docs this was "harmless". I was suicidal, especially when the AF came back and lasted (before ablation was PAF, then 5 days!). Since then no wish to be ablated again, who knows what surprises in it for me. In permament AF since 3/2020, thinking about AF node ablation and PM.