Pretty sure I didn’t have ectopics before I got AF. Now I have 15,000 PACs per day. Just wondering if I had a successful ablation, would the ectopics reduce?
Less ectopics after ablation? - Atrial Fibrillati...
Less ectopics after ablation?

I wasn't aware of ectopic beats until about 2 years after my ablation. About a year ago I detected pauses in my pulse and through this site I have a name for this occasional happening - ectopics.

Possibly but then you already know that AF and arrhythmias in general are a law unto themselves.
Some people have said that these have decreased considerably when they started taking magnesium (seaarch on here for more information about taking it: search box at top right of screen).
After two successful ablation, I still get little "runs" throughout the day. Similar to what I took for granted for years before it turned into full blown af. Doc who did ablation didn't seem concerned, and they haven't changed in a year's time.
I never had PACs prior to my ablation. Although I have not any AFIB since my last ablation (15 months ago), I now have PACs daily. Everyone is different but I am prepared to live with these PACs (with only a nominal amount of PVCs) as this can be a side effect of a “successful” ablation. While my EP (electrophysiologist) says that PACs in general, depending upon frequency, aren’t inherently dangerous, they are very uncomfortable as you know. For some, the PACs come and go away after time following an ablation and for others like me, they never go away I’m afraid to say. In my case, the last time I was measured, I had 2000 PACs and about 100 PVCs, all within acceptable levels. I suggest you talk to your doctor if you really have 15,000 PACs which would represent close to 20 percent of total heartbeats (assuming 60 beats per minute). My EP says he typically gets concerned when PACs are greater than 10 percent (I believe). Additionally you should also find out the number of PVCs if any, as these can be even more concerning, if frequent. In any case, talk to your EP
Probably not. In fact I would say I have slight more, but less violent ones. Then again I never had that many per day ever.
Hi, Your specific question was whether an ablation might reduce their frequency or better still get rid of them. The honest answer is maybe, as the experts don't seem to focus anything like as much on ectopics as they do on AF, for the obvious reason that they aren't considered life threatening. I have been plagued by them for quite a few years and the EP who carried out my ablation said that they might reduce after the procedure. Sadly, whilst my AF is much more manageable post ablation my ectopics are , if anything worse. I haven't quite reached 15,000 a day, but I was monitored as having 20,000 over a two day holter test. My EP said that he is willing to carry out a second ablation to see if he can reduce or eliminate them, but he admits that there is no guarantee of success and, as always, there are other risks to consider. I would love there to be more attention on helping with ectopics as they are very disconcerting, causing anxiety which itself begets more ectopics, a nasty vicious circle. I am still pondering whether a further ablation would be worth the risks, and the recovery period to see if that would help. The trouble is that ectopics come and go, as does my inclination to have a further procedure.
I went from having 33000 ectopics per day down to 1200 4 weeks post ablation but i really do not feel much better 4 months later...
Its always different depending on the individual but if i could go back i would still have had the ablation done despite having a bad experience in hospital..
In answer to my own question, I am now 54 hours post ablation and I haven’t had a single ectopic since coming out of sedation. My EP said that this was a good sign that he hit all the troublesome spots. Counting myself very very fortunate at this moment in time.