hi please any advice this is only my 2nd post, I’m new but have been educating myself reading and watching Drs videos on YouTube. Just been diagnosed with afib which I didn’t have when I had the anigram which they did when I was in intensive care for 5 days what they thought was a Takitsubos. they are still not sure If it was or not but since the anagram the pain in my wrist is also up my arm and my hand feels funny too. Do they always have to realise Trapped air after? Or was that something that just happened to me? I’m having an mri in 2 weeks so hopefully that will give more information on my heart. It’s a myocardial Viability mri I’m having, please can someone help and tell me if this will show everything in and around my heart? Drs not explaining anything to me so I’ve been getting my information from Drs videos and reading Books but still need help with questions I’ve written Above please, very grateful and appreciated
is it usual to have pain 10 weeks aft... - Atrial Fibrillati...
is it usual to have pain 10 weeks after anigram in arm

With regard to the pain in your arm, do you still have bruising? Also can you feel your radial pulse?
no bruising just a tiny red pin prick mark pulse is fine I just have a dragging painful feeling and numbness thank you for replying
Well at least that is good news. The reason I asked was that I had a complication following angiogram. I had extensive bruising, almost as if it was still bleeding internally, also, I had no pulse.
I had to see a vascular surgeon who said I had a false aneurysm and needed surgery. The artery had pinged up my arm so I never did get my radial pulse back.
The numbness could be a nerve damaged. Suggest you speak to the doctor and ask the question.
Oh that sounds so painful and so scary I really feel for you and I do hope things have improved now for you. Can I ask please did they have to get out the trapped air after? They did this to me several times in the day With a syringe. I had no idea things like you experienced can happen it’s quite shocking to me. Thinking about nerve damage I feel that’s what it is going on with me, thank you for replying to me I appreciate it
No I didn’t have to have trapped air removed. I was told that the complication that I had was rare. Just my luck! During the procedure the artery kept going into spasm and cardiologist had to keep applying pressure. There was quite a puddle of blood on the floor afterwards🤣.
Good luck with your tests and I hope results are good.