Well I don’t post often but I read & revise a lot of other folks Experience & advise on here which is brilliant & a remedy for me. Anyway October I had that loop recorder put in due to a car accident. I’ve been given the go to drive again since nothing showed up even tho I explained it was just a normal road accident nothing to do with the heart or health. However since then I’ve had a little discomfort & ectopics flutters which I feel a lot more now since that ablation in feb last year. I was taken of the tabs last year in may when my eco showed my heart in normal health which sent it into overdrive with ectopics & palpitatons as I was told just stop them. Anyway straight back on 2.5mg each of bisoprolol & ramipril which I’m on still to date. I’m due to see my cardiologist soon for a mri hopefully to rule out anything else & close the case as just a case of myocarditis as the Cause of all this heartache 🙃 anyway just wanted to say the mental struggles since all this is way more of a battle than the diagnosis. I hope each & everyone who endures anything like nothing but love & the pleasure of this wonderful site. I’m here for anyone who’s had an issues like myself to help or guide best I can with my journey ❤️
happy new year nothing but happiness ... - Atrial Fibrillati...
happy new year nothing but happiness & health.

Hi GM1987,
Sorry to hear about what you’ve been through - this is all certainly a roller coaster ride, however our Afib journeys take us.
It’s a real shame you were advised to just stop the bisoprolol as it should be known by the medical professionals that it takes time to reduce. I hope all goes well with your cardiologist and if they suggest coming off the bisoprolol again, at least you know now to try and reduce much slower rather than just stop (and prob reduce even slower than they suggest) All the very best to you.
Well, you've been through it a bit. I'm sure the MRI will be useful and put your mind at rest. It did me, even though my symptoms continue (ectopics and mild racing, AF just occasionally). It's said to be the gold-standard test for the heart.
that’s really all I need now just to help settle the anxiety from it all & get some closure to the whole episode. I mean just a bout of indigestion scares me silly now incase it’s something more. The mri will hopefully reassure & extinguish any doubts.
Good luck with your further investigation. With regard to the bisoprolol, and not being a medic to advise you, all I can add is that the consensus view on the forum is that you should not ever just stop this drug, but wind it down slowly.
I recently had a telephone consultation with my medical team who agreed to change my dose from 2.5mg twice a day down to 2.5mg morning, and then 1.25mg evening. three weeks later, a further phone call asked how I was doing, and then I could reduce further to 1.25mg twice daily. After a period of months on this, they will agree to reduce that to once a day, and then later maybe stop it. Just my experience and expectations.
My ablation was at the end of June 2021. I will be taking the anti-coagulant (apixaban) for the rest of my life.
thanks for sharing advice & your story. I hope the ablation is a success for you, I know mine helped but did have a rough road at the start of recovery with it. However the apixiban was stopped for me after 3 months due to my age & my heart rate/ BP along with eco results & sinus rhythm all back in normal state, the cardiologist said its more of a risk taking it than it is beneficial to me.