After two temporarily successful cardioversions (6 months af free each time) I had an ablation in May and all seemed to be going well. I remained happily in sinus rhythm for over three months until suddenly, out of the blue, my heart rate and blood pressure rocketed and I ended up in the Resus Department of my local A and E. My bp and heart rate were eventually brought under control by increasing my medication (Bisoprolol and Ramipril) and adding in Digoxin and after two days, I was allowed home.
Since then, any kind of exertion leaves me very breathless. Just walking upstairs has to be undertaken in stages with a rest between each one. I have seen the surgeon who performed the af ablation and he has diagnosed atrial tachycardia. I am now due to have another ablation using a ‘high definition mapping system’ which he hopes will be successful.
I would love to hear from anyone who has had a similar experience or who can offer some advice. I have been warned that this ablation procedure will take longer (any idea how much longer?) but will again be carried out under general anaesthetic (thank goodness!)
Any advice on recovery time etc and indeed any advice in general will be most gratefully received.
Thanks in advance