So, I arrived at the Golden Jubilee Hospital in Glasgow at 0730 this morning. I was called in to a room in ward 2c where I donned a rather fetching but rather revealing gown and filled out all the required forms. The staff were warm and welcoming and very reassuring. Around 0800 the surgeon who also happens to be my consultant, Dr Gary Wright, arrived and explained what was going to happen and when (I was first up!). Again he was very reassuring and calmed my nerves from stratospheric to high alert! After signing the consent form and chatting to the anesthetist I was led through to the lab where the procedure was to take place.
Now dear readers I would admit at that point the big fella's bottle nearly crashed and I was seriously contemplating pulling out. I think my face told that story as the assistant surgeon placed her hand on my arm and said you'll be fine",. So I laid down and after a half Brazilian off we went. Tbh I have a limited memory of the procedure as once the sedative hit I went a ilttle giggly before dozing off. I can remember a lot of technical chat, having what felt like an ice cream headache and points where I could feel 3 or 4 almighty thumps but that's about that. After what seemed ilke 15-20 mins (nearly 90 mins) I remember Dr Wright saying "all done" before taking an echocardiogram and the staff wheeling me back to the room.
I was disappointed initially to find myself in AFib which progressed into tachycardia. I was fully expecting to be kept in and cardioverted but Dr Wright came round and declared the procedure an unqualified success. He was delighted that he was able to access both veins and as I went into AFib he could further isolate the troublesome areas. He explained that the AFib and tachycardia was absolutely normal and actually was a good sign of a successful freeze. I also had a sore chest especially when taking a deep breath which again he said was a good sign. He did warn that there may be some rough waters to come but he is confident that this would be successful. I've to continue with Flecanide and Bisopropol for the next 2 months and he will review my anti-coagulents. I have an appointment scheduled for 3 months time. So after proving I could walk round the ward I was released into the custody of the current Mrs Boag.
As soon as I got into the car I reverted into NSR and am now ensconced on the settee eating dinner and watching the football. I do feel like someone has hit me in the chest with a sledge hammer and there's certainly no bedroom shenanigans on the agenda for sometime but overall I feel very confident about the future. Time will tell my lovely friends..........