Lyme disease anybody?: Has anybody... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Lyme disease anybody?

Auriculaire profile image
78 Replies

Has anybody been diagnosed with Lyme disease and if so how did that affect their afb? I have had 7!!! tick bites this summer but only the one on my back was attatched for any time given how miniscule the others were. Two months later a pink rash appeared at the bite site. This is unusual as the rash normally comes within 30 days if the tick infects you and I have had no symptoms. Doc looked dubious when I told him the rash onset time after the bite but when he looked at the rash was in no doubt at all even though it is not the classic "bull's eye". Prescribed high strength Amoxicillin for a fortnight . I am a bit worried given that this pesky bug has had 2 months to take up residence before getting treated.

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Auriculaire profile image
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78 Replies
pd63 profile image

Treatment is best as soon as possible, I walk regular and don't wear shorts and stay away from tall vegetation areas such as bracken etc.How did you get so many ticks?

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to pd63

I don't know. As far as I know I have never been bitten before this year. I don't walk in woods or long grass. We keep our lawn mowed and I wear long trousers for gardening . Only two of the ticks were on my legs at knee level. We lost our cat this year to cancer. He used to get ticks occasionally. Doc suggested we should get another!

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Auriculaire

They can drop off trees too.

etheral profile image

Doxycycline 200 twice daily is the drug of choice in the states at this point.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to etheral

Here it is 3gm of Amoxicillin for 14 days. I'm glad because after being floxed I know I tolerate Amoxicillin well. Doxycycline can cause severe rechutes for some floxies. It is 7 years since my last exposure to an FQ and I am much better. I really could not face a setback .

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Auriculaire

I get regular tick bites each season (only one this year). Once, the bullseye appeared and I understood only Doxycycline is effective, certainly was for me. If you need more info I have a file of various articles/personal experiences that I could look through to check for possible alternative actions. Best to PM me with your email and I can then attach bits.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to secondtry

Thank you .I did not wish to take Doxycycline as it can cause severe relapses of floxing symptoms in those who have been floxed as well as having a worse raft of side effects than Amoxicillin. I know I can tolerate Amoxicillin as I had it for 14+ days the last time I had diverticulitis before my colectomy. I was relieved when the doc said the preferred treatment here was Amoxicillin though it is twice the dose I have ever taken before.

BobD profile image

My late brother in law contrated Lymes after a tick bite where the sun never shines on a walaking holiday in Greece. . Ended up having to have an artificial aortic valve some years later which is the only reason they ever realised what happened.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to BobD

That's bad luck. A lot of people don't get the rash so never know they've been bitten till it's too late and the microbes have done the damage.

EngMac profile image

Not a good thing to happen. Shania Twain got a tick bite. She speaks about it on her new documentary which is on Netflix I believe.

A medical person in Kansas in the US knows a lot about Lyme disease. Look up her Facebook webinar on Lyme disease. Her name is Linda Bamber. She invented the I have one and people who get one praise it’s effectiveness for many health issues including Lyme. This has been my experience for many health issues but not for AF. If you private message me, I can give you another website and source for the watch that might be cheaper.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to EngMac

Thank you. Had to google Shania Twain. I am hoping that the doc's confidence that the antibiotics will knock it on the head is well founded. So far apart from the rash appearing I have had no symptoms but he said that wasn't unusual in the primary stage. What is this watch?

EngMac profile image

Linda Bamber does a Facebook webinar using Zoom, I think, every Wednesday at 12:00 noon Atlantic Time. People can ask her questions and make comments at the end of her presentation. I am not very knowledgeable about Facebook but you can likely access register for this on her website.

I have another source you can call or email. Private message me for it.

These aids that I know about are not drug based.

EngMac profile image

Ms Twain is an amazing lady. The documentary is well worth your time.

The watch is based on sound frequencies. The 850 types of health treatments can be downloaded on her site. Sound is now being used more by mainstream medical to treat health issues. There are a lot of frequencies for Lyme. Lyme disease is very complex. Some of the best experts are in the States where there is a lot of it. Where I live in eastern Canada Doctors now are better at diagnosing it and treating it. It mimics so many health symptoms. This is a specialty not knowledgeable by many doctors.

My sister, her daughter and her husband all have numerous health issues. They wear the watch most of the time and find it has helped. Even my nurse sister-in-law in France finds it helpful. For her to admit this is unbelievable.

One example of success that I had was it fixed a back disc problem in one treatment that three chiropractors and other devices that I have tried were unable to fix. It has stayed fixed for a few months now. I am on heart drugs that cause a cough. Running the watch on the cough frequency a couple of times got rid of the cough. These are just a couple of examples of success that I have had. My wife has had success with some health issues as well.

My sister broke her watch. She values it so much she ordered two more so she will always have a spare.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to EngMac

Thaf sounds really interesting. I have lots of health issues due to being floxed though time has improved them . The watch sounds as if it might help me .

scotsrish profile image

I was just reading about this the other night as like many we have had an abundance of ticks this year, from what i saw was that the bulls eye is the sign you have been infected with lyme from a specific tick. Not all ticks carry lyme hence just rash no bulls eye. You doctor was smart to hit it in case. I have a friend who rescues dogs in Costa Rica. The poor buggers get covered in ticks but only some get the lyme disease.

LaceyLady profile image

Aspivenin by Aspilabo originalText

I have had one of these for many years, works a treat to remove injected venom. I come up in lumps

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to LaceyLady

Would it work if a tick had been attatched for more than 24 hours? I have read that the tick needs to gave been feeding for 24-48 hours in order to infect you. I have no idea how long the tick on my back had been attatched for . It was engorged unlike the others.

LaceyLady profile image
LaceyLady in reply to Auriculaire

I couldn’t say for sure that it would stop you getting Lymes, but I’ve used it on old mozzie bites with good effect, ie I didn’t get such a large lump. It’s a reverse injection type of thing, pull plunger out, apply cup and push to suck skin, I have seen ‘venom’ come out.

EngMac profile image

Not all things I have tried seem to work but some of these are more difficult to determine the extent of any result. Heart failure has improved significantly but this could be because of new drugs I am taking or maybe some of both.

Lilypocket profile image

HiI don't know if this is of interest to you but worth a look. The natural product Tic Tox has been used for a while with great results. It was ( if my memory serves me right) a french man who developed it but as it was all natural products and had good results it was banned in France! Yep because I don't think Big Pharma liked the idea of something so simple and cheap ( at the time) being in direct competition. You can order it from a pharmacy in Germany.

Research it online and see what you think. Of course first line of attack is always antibiotic treatment but Lymes is complicated and presents in different ways hiding in the body and the antibiotics dont always work .

Take care


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Lilypocket

Thanks Lily I will look into this. I went to my local pharmacy to ask if they had tea tree cream yesterday. I used to buy it in Boots before we moved here 21 years ago. The assistant looked puzzled and said they only had the oil. I guess I'll have to make my own! How is your post ablation afib? Is it settling down yet?

Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to Auriculaire

Yes but only because I have temporarily been put Amiodarone (3 months). I always thought " never me" knowing the dreadful effects on the body. But when your back's against the wall with HR of up 160 and feeling crap you clutch at any straws. My heart needed a rest and time to heal. The upside is I feel good because I'm not on Bisoprolol (3.75) now and have noticed a big difference! I would search for words or names and started thinking I was going a bit senile. But all that has disappeared! I had no idea it affected me and felt pretty good on it. I really hope the ablation has helped but won't know til I stop the meds. I would love to stop meds ( except anti coags) so will probably need another ablation. But that's a bridge to cross when I get there.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Lilypocket

3 months isn't that long and if it helps and you have no side effects better to take it. Are you having to keep out of the sun?

Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to Auriculaire

I do anyway as I have had a couple of pre- cancerous lesions removed one from my face and am blue/ grey eyed. I go out in factor 50! But my skin looks better for it.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Lilypocket

I would find that difficult. I sunbathe every day weather permitting ( not now of course it's too hot) building up from 5mins each side in Feb/March to about an hour in summer and I never wear sunscreen. But I garden in long trousers ,a t shirt with elbow length sleeves and a very big hat. I feel better when I can do this even though I actually don't like lying in the sun in summer that much and prefer the shade. I believe firmly that the sun is good for health - the UVA promotes nitric oxide production and the near infa red is good for the mitochondria.

Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to Auriculaire

Yes I love lazing in the sun on a beach ( in Normandy) after a swim. I do go brown. When I come off Amiodarone I'll go back to doing that but from 5pm onwards . I take a phiale of vit D every month ( prescribed by my GP) to compensate.

CDreamer profile image

When I was taking HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment) I came across a lot of people who were taking it for Lyme’s - especially those who were not diagnosed in time to take the antibiotics. The treatment seemed to work for many who suffered the long term affects. It is quite common in the US, less so in Europe but in UK was available at reasonable cost through the MS Society centres - until COVID hit at least.


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to CDreamer

Fat chance of finding something like that in the sticks here! I'm hoping the antibiotics will work. The doctor muttered darkly about jabs for a month if they didn't but seemed to think they would as although the rash was late in appearing he said it was only 1st stage.

Lilypocket profile image
Lilypocket in reply to Auriculaire

There are at least 3 or 4 hospitals in France that are specialists in Lyme. The one I heard was excellent is in or near Strasbourg. I have one near me too about 40 minutes away. But you are not there yet 😉

pusillanimous profile image

I find Lyme disease interesting. I live in South Africa, and there are plenty of ticks around. In my case, I used to breed and work German Shepherd Dogs and because of this, as working dogs, they had to be worked, just to obtain qualifications for breeding etc. This meant tracking in the veld for long distances through various types of vegetation depending where the tracklayer had decided to lay his track! Many of us suffered tick bites, but I have never heard of anyone contracting Lyme disease, The most common effect was Tick bite fever, which affected the liver and was usually treated by a tetracycline class of drugs, as were the dogs, who developed Biliary fever or Erlichia, but if it was not caught early resulted in anaemia with blood transfusions and possibly death. We always made sure the head of the tick was removed when tweezering it out, Rarely, in the northern part of the country, ticks carry Congo fever, but the cases are few and far between. We knew we were in for trouble it the site of the bite became scabby and infected !

oscarfox49 profile image

I regularly have a dozen or so tick bites in spring and early summer but fortunately I can usually detect them early and remove them promptly. The danger comes if the ticks are carrying the disease which is more predominant in some areas than others. We have lots of deer in the forest here which are carriers. In terms of what is the safest way to dress, I find wearing just shorts and open sandals means fewer ticks than wearing protective clothing as the ticks seem to prefer finding their way up through loose fitting clothing. My wife who goes out in wellington boots and long trousers tends to get more than me. Many of mine seem to come to me from the dog who picks up more of the things that any of us.

Any fever or weakening of the system is likely to worsen the symptoms of AF but fortunately I have never had Lyme disease, as far as I know.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to oscarfox49

We have deer in the woods round us but I never walk in them. I am sure any garden ticks preferred our cat till we lost him in April as I have never been bitten before ( that I know of) in 21 years of living here.

Kent2007 profile image

I have PAF. I was infected by Lyme a few years ago (confirmed by blood tests sent to a 'specialist' lab in Southampton). Put simply, any amount of stress - physical or mental - sent my heart into AF. A hot shower, a pee - almost anything. Fortunately, NSR set in reasonably quickly. As soon as I got the antibiotics, symptoms of Lyme disappeared and I returned to 'normal' PAF. But, as everyone on this forum says, we all react differently to things. But, wrt Lyme, early diagnosis is the key.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Kent2007

Thank you - thats very reassuring. It is over 8 weeks since the bite and so far my afib has not been worse than the average for the last year. The rash was the first sign of any infection.

Kent2007 profile image
Kent2007 in reply to Auriculaire

Auriculaire - I am pretty active outdoors and regularly pick up ticks. Obviously, I try to get them off me asap, but I am on the alert for symptoms. Alas, many of the sypmptoms are not that different from Covid. I have regarded the business about bullseye rashes with suspicion - I didn't get that with my infected bite. The sign for me was that the red swelling caused by the bite did not go away; the classic symptoms (plus my heightened propensity to go into AF) came about 20 days later.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Kent2007

Out of the 7 bites I have had this summer only the one on my back had a swelling that took a few days to go away. It itched a lot too and the itching has come back with the rash though the bite is just the usual purplish " bruise" I get with any healed wound since on Apixaban. One of the tick bites on the side of my knee had a bruised area round it that appeared immediately but behaved just like a bruise going from purple to green to yellow as it faded . I bruise very easily and put this down to having squeezed the site of the bite after removing the tick . I was watching out for symptoms but had nothing other than feeling slightly "off" for a very short period when we were on holiday about 10 days ago ,which I put down to the heat and too long a bike journey. So I was surprised when the rash appeared 2 months later . It is not a classic bulls eye but the doc was in no doubt I needed treating.

Singwell profile image

Following with interest as we live by a river here and I wouldn't be surprised if Lymes was around too.

Ppiman profile image

Bad luck. They are a real issue these days being all over the place. I'm guessing the increase is caused mainly by the enormous numbers of muntjac wandering freely now, although I'm told that badgers and foxes also carry them. I think we could be in for real trouble as bites and Lyme disease are on the increase.

Luckily, we've not yet been bitten in East Anglia, the countryside in which we spend most of our time, only in Somerset. Many years ago, my younger son came home with maybe a dozen attached to him. So far, we've had no Lyme disease, but I've had several tests that have all been negative. As others have said, I gather the disease needs treating early and aggressively.


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Ppiman

Yes 3gm of Amoxicillin daily for a fortnight seems pretty aggressive to me. Luckily its dispersible as the pills are enormous and I would have real difficulty swallowing them. Sadly they have aspartame in them which is no douby to disguise a nasty taste. I am taking saccaromyces boulardii as well but expecting the upset guts at any moment!

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to Auriculaire

I once worked for what was then Bencard, part of Beecham Research Labs who had discovered and sold Amoxil. It's an extraordinarily safe antibiotic in terms of toxicity, but it is broad spectrum, as you likely will soon find out! ;-)

I hope all goes well.


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Ppiman

Thank you . I reckon 3/4days before the runs kick in! But it's the only nasty side effect I get .

Hi Auriculaire I have just been through the three weeks of antibiotics, doxycycline for Lyme. I had 2 positive tests. I had a bite on my ankle which turned septic and was ulcerated, I couldn't walk and it spread across most of my ankle, it looked like a spider bite so was treated as such by the doctors. When I first noticed it, as I didn't feel anything, it was like a large mosquito bite with a hole in it and I originally thought it was a tic so asked for a Lyme disease test after the wound had healed, just in case, that's when it came up positive. It hasn't affected my AF so far but then I only have that occasionally,.. but I still have pains in my feet after finishing the treatment so am talking to the doctor today otherwise I feel fine. I don't know what symptoms I had really as most of them, aching joints, headaches were whilst I was on the antibiotics, which never suit me. I did have itchy hives come up all over me after about 4 days of taking them which I am guessing could have been the Lyme being killed off? Personally I still think that bite was a spider, it looked like something out of a horror film! Maybe I had Lymes for a while and coincidentally was diagnosed. I hope this helps.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to

Very helpful thank you. I think you are probably right about the spider bite. When ticks drop off after feeding they don't usually leave holes! Normally it is when one makes a bad job of withdrawing the tick and mouthparts get left behind that infection sets in. I had similar to what you describe after a horsefly bite and my thigh swelled up horribly. I think the hives were more likely a side effect of the Doxycycline which can be a nightmare for some people especially those who have been previously floxed with a Fluoroquinolone.

irene75359 profile image

I was concerned when you said you had had a number of tick bites this summer. Just as well you came out in a rash, hope the antibiotics do the trick.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to irene75359

Thanks Irene. It is as well as I have had no real symptoms. I have felt slightly off for very short periods when we were on holiday recently but put that down to the heat, overdoing on the bike and an altered eating pattern. Are you sweltering in Spain ? We are back up to mid 30s again this week. My daughter is 7 months pregnant and finding the heat in London very difficult to cope with.

irene75359 profile image
irene75359 in reply to Auriculaire

It is very hot here! But I don't go out in the heat of the day and it is cool indoors. My daughter is staying at our's in London whilst we are away and we have a portable air conditioner in our bedroom, the whole family sleep in there when it is hot. Poor girl, wouldn't want to be pregnant in this heat.

The ticks always worry me, where we are here and also when we walk our dog in Richmond Park (with all the deer). We make sure she is always up-to-date with flea and tick drops AND that she doesn't pass anything on to us! Take care.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to irene75359

We are managing to keep the house cool but I am fed up with not being able to live outside as I usually do in summer! Having to have the blinds down and the windows shut till 8-30pm is a drag and cooking is a very sweaty affair. But it does go cold at night. So far we have had only one night when it didn't really cool down at all till well after midnight and was really oppressive .

secondtry profile image

Don't forget the probiotics after treatment finished to replace the good stuff!

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to secondtry

Yes they said at the pharmacy there was no point in taking them till afterwards. It's a real drag. Probiotics with lots of different strains do not agree with me so I have to be careful what I take.

Rosamoyesii profile image

Some years ago, my husband contracted Lyme disease. It all started one evening when an engorged tick was discovered on his back. I removed this and noted a large red ring around the bite area. Next day my husband was totally ‘wiped out’ by what I would describe as flu-like symptoms - huge night sweats, and generally laid low, all within a matter of days and his limbs started swelling as if they had water retention. I don’t know, but this is what they looked like. I requested a home visit and when the doc arrived I told him that all the problems had started following the tick bite. The doc was reluctant to agree that it could be Lyme disease but said he would do a test anyway. Three weeks later, (during which time no treatment was forthcoming even when my husband phoned to request something to help with his breathing and the reply came back that the doc didn’t want to prescribe anything until he knew what the problem was), my husband received a phone call from the doc who, in a surprised voice, informed him that he had Lyme disease. By this time, it was too late to start treatment to fight the initial onslaught of the illness.

At the time, we lived in a hilly rural area surrounded by sheep farms. Occasionally we would get small Sika deer through the garden. Sheep ticks don’t carry the bug, but deer ticks do.

Watching the utter devastation my husband suffered with heart problems thereafter was enough to galvanise me into finding out as much as possible about the condition.

The point of relating all of this is to try to give you some comfort in that possibly any mega reaction would have shown itself within the first few days: night sweats, flu-like symptoms, breathing problems, limbs swollen beyond belief.

Note - all of these symptoms commenced within only a few days of having acquired the tick bite.

The other thing to watch for is aching joints over the years: I tell myself that could be old age!🙈

I’ve had lots of sheep tick bites, but always managed to deal with them promptly, with no visible after effects.

Hopefully the above will relieve your mind of ongoing anxiety. You have a doc who seems to know his stuff by prescribing a large dose of antibiotic to deal with any possible infection. Stay strong and well. Rosa ☺️

Auriculaire profile image

Thank you Rosa. That's shocking -not to treat despite those awful symptoms and for the test to take 3 weeks .Did your husband recover at all? My doctor said that treatment could be given even if it was not discovered till later - it just took longer and often the antibiotics had to be given on a drip.

Rosamoyesii profile image
Rosamoyesii in reply to Auriculaire

Unfortunately my husband did not recover. I became an ‘expert ‘ on the situation, when I was looking after him for five years, in that I kept myself well informed about the disease. I’m sure so much more could have been done. Every drug under the sun, it seemed, was tried and no improvement. The only thing which improved was my vocabulary, at the total incompetence of the handling of the situation. I even resorted to inventing a few unique words of my own which, over time, may possibly enter the Oxford English Dictionary. Now there’s a ray of sunshine. 😀

Your doctor put forward all sorts of suggestions, none of which are familiar to me or were tried here, so hang on to your medical man. He sounds a find!

Thanks for writing. Rosa. ☺️

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Rosamoyesii

That is so sad. I have read about people who continue to have symptoms despite several courses of antibiotics. I just hope I'm not one of them! I think Lyme is quite common here in France. We have lived here for 21 years and there has always been a poster in the doc's waiting room warning people about tick bites and symptoms and to come for treatment quickly.

jgolay profile image

I live in New England where Lyme is epidemic and have had it twice in the last 15 years. The first time I didn’t know I’d been bitten but had two bullseye rashes — only other symptoms were feeling emotionally “off” as if I was getting sick and radiating joint pain. This last time I had a small rash from the bite in the beginning and felt lousy, but no fever. I didn’t test positive until 5 1/2 weeks after the bite… my astute nurse practitioner said to test at 5-6 weeks post-bite. I had joint pain in my tailbone and she said that it’s common to get joint pain near the site of the bite. I don’t tolerate doxy well so have been treated successfully with 1500 mg amoxicillin for 14 days.both times. Only the females deer ticks cause Lyme; they have a reddish spot on their backs and males don’t. A friend had babeosis and another infection related to tick bites and developed severe myocarditis that has impacted her for years so it’s important to test for everything including anaplasmosis and erlichiosis here in the States. There’s also a commonly used protocol here to take one dose of 2 doxycycline at the beginning if you find a tick that you think has been on you for more than 24 hours. Hope all goes well for you!

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to jgolay

Thank you. I am on twice that dose of Amoxicillin!

bassets profile image

I've had a tick bite but happily no target. High strength antibiotics just in case.

Cjcjcjcj profile image

Ms Terry Herholdt Ivermectin Specialist from South Africa has had a lot of first hand experience with Lyme Disease and the use of applying 1% injectable transdermally. This video of her on the Rumble channel Ivermectin4Health is very interesting for sufferers of Lyme and other

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Cjcjcjcj

Thank you. I will watch that Interestingly I read an article yeaterday about someone who was researching Ivermectin for Lyme with the hypothesis that there could be concurrent parasite infection. I think they were in America.

malaekahana profile image

I had Lyme disease over twenty years ago, well before the onset of my afib. Another early indicator in addition to the bull's eye rash was flu-like symptoms within a couple days of the bite, and they lasted about 24 hours--chills, fever, fatigue. Do you recall anything like that? In my case, Lyme manifested first as Bell's palsy a week later, and when I checked into the emergency room believing I had had a stroke, the PA who checked me in asked me about the flu-like symptoms. I had to think for a moment because it had been so brief and I attributed it to a 24-hour bug at the time. Back in the day, amoxycillin was the treatment, and it resolved the palsy and Lyme within 10 days. I don't know if this can be any help to you, but hang in there!

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to malaekahana

Thank you. I was watching out for any symptoms and the rash but when more than a month had gone by with nothing thought I was ok. I was a bit surprised when the rash appeared 8 weeks after the bite! I did have a day feeling a bit off when we were on holiday 10 days ago but put it down to the heat and overdoing. Very encouraging that it was resolved. I am on 3gm Amoxicillin for a fortnight.

Poochmom profile image

Yes I have Lyme disease and co infection Babesia. Babesia is the cause of my AFib I am convinced. It messes with my vagus nerve and causes Mis firings. If you have had the bullseye and you don’t have at least 8 weeks antibiotics you very well could be dealing with chronic Lyme which I can tell you is no fun. It’s heartbreaking. I have been treating Babesia for three years and still can’t get rid of it it is so embedded.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Poochmom

My rash is not really the classic bulls eye . More a sort of pale pink patch with some darker pink patches on the periphery. The doc has not ordered a blood test so I don't know if I have Babesia as well as Borrelia infection. The thought of 8 weeks of antibiotics is horrifying. So far I have had no symptoms except the rash.

belindalore profile image

I read recently that it can take a few months for some people to have a reaction to the tick bite. Ticks seem to be worse this year worldwide. Take care of yourself and hope the amoxicillin kicks it. 🙏

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to belindalore

Thanks Belinda. Yes that's what the doc said . He seemed to think up to 3 months but it was unusual. I have never had tick bites up till now ( that I know of) so to get 7 in the space of about 3 weeks is OTT! I have stopped lying in the shade under our Lime tree in case they were droppjng on me from there like ants sometimes do. It's too hot to go out now anyway in the afternoon! We are on our 4th heat wave this summer.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Auriculaire

Yes ants are everywhere here too. You can't walk an inch without stepping on ants. Get bites from them on occasion. Still hot here. Cools down some when it rains. But then it's more humid. What us humans have to put up with. 😒😂 Take care.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to belindalore

We are desperate for rain. I'd put up with the humidity to see my garden looking less sad. My American prairie plants still look ok and the wisteria is unaffected because it has it's roots in an underground stream but many plants look parched. We are only allowed to water our potagers after 8pm. I keep the water from washing in the bath and use it to water the plants in pots on the terrace and flush the toilet. It makes me so mad to see car washes still open. As if clean cars were a necessity.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Auriculaire

Not getting as much rain as usual in the area of Florida I am in. It's hit and miss. I agree with you. I try to recycle too. My pet peeve is the home owners who have automatic underground water sprinklers for their lawns usually have them on a timer to run at a particular time. I've seen so many times when these sprinklers are running when it's raining. I don't know where these people think water comes from. It's maddening. They are the ones who get mad when there are water restrictions. In fact I believe there are restrictions in my town that are permanent. When there isn't much rain people are supposed to cut back on their water usage. But not many do. And it's not enforced. You would think a state with so many lakes and surrounded by water would have plenty. But the aquifers are going dry from people who have wells. There are a lot of natural springs but same thing. People tap into those. Florida has an ongoing fight with Georgia over sharing a river that flows through both states that is used for water. Niagara company was allowed to build a water bottling plant north of me and taking water from one of the good springs. !!!! These politicians are destroying our world. All for money.

I have not tried this (haven’t been bitten by a tick or diagnosed with Lyme) but there is a parasite protocol for Lyme that many have been VERY successful with on this website:

You can contact this person via TruthSocial @floridasharkman They are very receptive and helpful!

I am not a doctor - just sharing - I always suggest contacting a trusted physician and doing your own research before trying any protocol or medical procedure, medicine, or supplement.

Prayers for complete healing!🙏🏻

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to

Thank you. Tried the link but it said not available outside America. I have read that Ivermectin might be useful for coinfections.

Parasite cleanse

Again, I am not a doctor - just sharing - I always suggest contacting a trusted physician and doing your own research before trying any protocol or medical procedure, medicine, or supplement.

Prayers for complete healing!🙏🏻

Vonnegut profile image

When it happened to my husband some years back the doctor told my husband it was flu but that night I noticed the huge bullseye rash that had appeared on his arm and sent it to the doc who realised it was Lyme disease and told me to come to the surgery to collect some strong antibiotics which I did. On my return my husband was comparing photos online and his was definitely the best! Sorry to hear you actually have Lyme disease now as it doesn’t sound good. Hope they find something that can help you,

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Vonnegut

Thank you- I was treated with 2 weeks of 3000mg a day of Amoxicillin. The rash disappeared about day 10 of the course. I don't think I have had any symptoms since so I'm keepin my fingers crossed that the treatment worked.

Vonnegut profile image

Hope it does- good luck

beagle44 profile image

How are you doing with your tick bite? I've got a nasty bite. I don't know if it's a spider bite or a tick bite. The picture is taken about 3 days after I noticed it itching. The welt is the size of a dime. What did your bite look like? I'm wondering if I should have a doctor look at it. Thanks

insect bite
Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to beagle44

My tick bites were nowhere near as big even the one that got the rash round it eventually. By the time the rash appeared the bite itself was not very noticeable. Are you sure it"s not a mosquito bite?

beagle44 profile image
beagle44 in reply to Auriculaire

It could be a mosquito bite. You've made me feel better knowing it's probably too big a welt for a tick bite. I hope you're doing better. Thanks

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to beagle44

Thank you. I do not seem to have any consequences so I am assuming my course of antibiotics worked!

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to beagle44

Thank you. I do not seem to have any consequences so I am assuming my course of antibiotics worked!

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