I was diagnosed roughly six yrs ago with permanent AF, tried cardio version which failed after 10 days, was put on Warfarin and was left like that, the cardiologist wasn't really interested, just said carry on taking the tablets and bye bye ...last year I collapsed and was diagnosed with epilepsy, they found I that my rate was bouncing between 24 beats to 200 ! Only by the neurology writing to my gp to have this looked at urgently, i was given another appointment with cardio since the first diagnosis. They have now given me a pacemaker set at 60 and also put me on beta blockers, went back for my check up today and still get palpitations, so now want to give me Digoxin as well anyone else on these ?
The beta blockers make me feel tired as it is I take so many tabs for various other medical probs just feel a bit down having to pop more again, I am 58 by the way, I have to go back in three months to see how I get on and then they said they may try cardio version again... Even though it was unsuccessful six years ago.
Has anyone here had any adverse effects with Digoxin ?
Sorry for the long post by the way I don't know anyone else who has this condition and it makes me mad when people keep saying how lazy I am, if they only knew how I felt they would understand