hi just a quick question to anyone on here that uses tumeric supplements as a natural anti inflammatory treatment...I have a reoccurring inflamed disc in my back which ive always taken ibuprofen for wen needed..but my .doctor now says I can only use ibuprofen for no longer than 3 days and to try tumeric everyday instead while I'm taking flecanide and bisoprolol...so has anyone with af on here had any experience with the tumeric as I also read it can cause arrhythmia or palpatations as well ?...
tumeric anyone : hi just a quick... - Atrial Fibrillati...
tumeric anyone
i take ginger and turmeric for pain and i dont have any heart side effect
Hi Jose thanks for the reply and I take it you have atrial fibrillation as well
yes i have. turmeric might be only an issue if you take regularly blood thinners as it is also a blood thinner. cortibahealth.com/learn/is-...
Hi Andy,I have PAF and am on Bisoprolol. I’ve found turmeric causes an increase in ectopics that are often a precursor to an AF episode for me, so I stopped it. However, ginger seems to be fine ( a close relative to turmeric that also has anti-inflammatory properties) so I make a tea out of fresh ginger root when my arthritis is causing problems. The trouble with this PAF business is that everyone’s triggers are so different, and what one can tolerate another can’t, so I would suggest the only way to know for sure is to try it.
I tried turmeric for chronic pain and was unable to tolerate GI effects.. burning, pain, reflux, etc. It did not cause afib problems.
Glad to see this post as I thought Turmeric was contributing to my episodes then thought it was a silly idea, now don't feel it's so silly
I used turmeric and brufen before being on blood thinners. And miss both of them for degenerative arthritis and scoliosis. Now I’m using magnesium spray. I find it helps but is short lived.
Hi AndyI avoided tumeric, except when cooking, because of the potential interference with my anti coagulant Apixiban.
Instead I take resveratrol, a plant steroid with good anti inflammatory effects. The 18 month old soft tissue injury around my knee has responded well to resveratrol and I rarely get pain with it now, just stiffness if I have been static too long.
Hi thanks for the reply , where do you buy your resveratrol from can I ask ?
I get it on Amazon and I use the Time company. It is expensive at £23 but if that gives me 3 months pain free, plus all the other claimed anti oxidant benefits, then Iam happy to pay that.
I have taken turmeric for years and have had no problems.However, I can't take any brufen type medication at all as it gives me stomach problems. Mainly acid reflux.
I take Zooki turmeric supplement occasionally hasn't caused any probs. Ibuprofen is a big no no for me and I only take paracetamol if needed. Someone on here with a better memory may say why but as I recall it was because of it being an AF trigger. Suggest you do some research on it.
Hi ...yeah ibuprofen doesn't seem to trigger my af at all I think the doc is more bothered about it interacting with my meds , but I keep reading tumeric can trigger it as well...
Paracetamol is the same as Tylenol here in the USA. Be careful because it's bad for the kidneys.
Thanks for the caution, I need it rarely so hope no issues.
If you take it rarely it would be okay. Taking it every day and even in the recommended dosage can be harmful. For some of us. My second deceased husband was a kidney transplant patient back in the early 70's. Drs told him back then to take Tylenol for any pain. I think now it's why his transplant didn't last long. He took too much. Not long ago I ended up in the ER because my BP went too high and I couldn't get it down. Only thing I'd done was take Tylenol for a few days for my gut pain. I even took half the dosage since I'm so sensitive to any medicine. Finally figured out it was from the Tylenol. By the way Drs couldn't figure it out. BP went down some at the ER so I went home. Quit taking the Tylenol and was okay. Saw my cardio Dr a few days later and she said yes it can happen to some people. So no more for me. But remember we all metabolize meds differently and even more so when some of us get older. One young male ER Dr as he was leaving my room turned around and said to me, "Getting old sucks." I told him, "You don't know the half of it". We laughed. But it's true sometimes.
Take care.
Tumeric is a natural MAO inhibitor, although a mild one. For some people it may make them vulnerable to hypertensive crises if they consume foods high in tyramine.
I took tumeric for years -- but stopped when I developed Afib and learned MAO inhibitors can trigger cardiac events...
It is too bad, because I think its anti-inflammatory properties are really helpful!
Good luck --
It really boils down to how each of us reacts to the same thing as so many have already replied to you. It's trial and error for anyone. Don't know til you try it. I use ginger tea on occasion but it can upset the stomach. Also a blood thinner and can lower BP. Tulsi tea is also another one good for the heart and other ailments. But once again it is also a blood thinner and can lower BP. Hope you find something. Take care.
A bit of turmeric is fine in cooking, but for those taking an anticoagulant such as warfarin, it's not a good idea as it well interfere with clotting factors. I don't think it will cause an arrhythmia, and if you're not taking warfarin, it should be ok, though do ask your doctor.
Reading all the replies is interesting. I would caution people to make sure the turmeric is organic. It’s a root vegetable and would be easily contaminated. i mention this because its the contaminates that trigger me. Recently my neighbor sent over some cherries which were not organic. Using this as an example of non organic. I ate some and don’t you know I went into AF for 14 hours. It’s so annoying.