Shyman calling.
Ppiman had problems trying to reduce Omeprazole dosage.
One of several drugs in the PPI family (Proton Pump Inhibitors).
Blocking acid production to prevent reflux. I have found several
medicines that help quieten the stomach and digestive issues.
If calmness can be restored and maintained, PPI dosage could
perhaps be reduced. There are lots of antacids to try, I have found
several preparations helpful. Gaviscon soothes, licorice tablets,
peppermint oil, an anti flatulent medicine called Simethicone helps
with bloating and gas. I would suggest that any Afibbers who find
they belch a lot or feel gassy, concentrate on quietening digestion
and you may find that Afib is less frequent.
Secondtry is interested in Ashwaghanda. I cant remember where I
first heard of it, I get lots of health supplement catalogues.
However I know its an Indian herb which has been used for centuries
in connection with stress and anxiety. I get mine from Autoimmune
Institute, but I think there are other suppliers. The dosage is one
capsule a day. It took a few days to feel any benefit, but I did start
to feel less anxious (which in itself helps health problems) but the
most pleasing consequence has been a marked improvement in
my sleeping pattern. A couple of years back I was having prostate
problems, after trying several remedies I came upon Prostaphytol
which for me did what it says on the tin and cut down nightime
bathroom trips to one. Since I have been taking Ashwaghanda
believe it or not, I have had a few through nights.... I'm 81..........