I’m wondering what experiences any of you have had coming down from 200mg to 100mg amiodarone? I’m on 200mg at the moment and it controls my PAF and ectopics completely but it has also lowered my heart rate so much that I have postural hypotension type symptoms when I get up from sitting, go upstairs, walk quickly - even just when I move sometimes! My gp thinks I should lower the dose if my cardio agrees and I would like to be on a lower dose anyway. But I’m scared of the A fib and ectopics coming back.
Anyone reduced their dose of amiodaro... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Anyone reduced their dose of amiodarone?

Yes my husband did and I wrote a post about 14 months ago about it. Interesting thread with a comment from one of the top EP’s about titrating down so you might want to look it up. Just click on my profile pic on this reply, go to Posts and scroll down - I have posted a lot so keep going down a page or three and you should find it.
I found it quite quickly - here’s the link healthunlocked.com/afassoci...
HI, I was reduced from 200 to 100 amiadarone. i was on it for a month befoe and about three months after my first ablation. It was reduced because I felt so lightheaded. My heart was steady as a rock on the 100 dose. I have also read that a 50 dose can be used to to good effect. Good luck
I gradually reduced my dosage over a couple of months from 200mg daily to 200mg three times a week. That's been the balance point for me, with no afib for over a year. Long may it stay that way! I guess we're all different though. Hopefully your cardio will be supportive and work with you.
This is a situation I can relate to. I was on 200mg of amioderone and had lots of side effects. Felt super fatigued and a host of other problems. When they decreased it life got better. Had a pacemaker inserted for extreme bradycardia. They seem to think that all is well for now. Now if they could diagnose the severe anemia. Have been scoped and drained of blood. Now on iron with vitamin C thrown in. Just moniter how you're feeling if the reduction occurs. The stuff takes time to leave the body.It causes anxiety, I know. Hang in there.
My doctor put me on amiodarone 200mg for maybe a year or two, I do not remember how old. But I know I insisted on my thyroid test and because of the medication elevated my thyroid which is one of the big side effects of that medication. I had to take another medication to get my thyroid back to safe range. The amiodarone did stabilize the A-fib.Just be careful. Go to Drugs.com you will find a lot of information there everything you might need to know. That is a great site I've been using it for years it will also give you interaction what you're taking. Plus the breakdown of each medication the pros and cons.
Wish you all the best. Don't forget it's your life double check everything everybody tells you including your DRS. They are not infallible

Thank you very much - good advice!
I was prescribed 200 mg twice daily by my former EP, no blood testing or other observations set up. I started feeling just awful and on my own cut back to 100 mg once daily; still felt awful. I then cut back to 50 mg once daily and started feeling fine. Am now still on amiodorone 50 mg once daily and metoprolol 25 mg once daily. My last visit with a new EP he said everything fine; no flutter and no AFIB (guess I'll have to quit this forum!) and to come back in a year. My lesson was to adjust medicines yourself (letting the doctor know) if you find bad reactions and truck on. I also found changing cardiac practitioners from one who acts like he's God to one who asks a lot of questions and listens to my answers very helpful! This is just one data point or anecdote but I found my life greatly improved by self regulating my meds. I asked myself which is worse, a bad EKG or continuous misery. Good luck with your situation.