Hi all, thought I'd drop a note giving my feedback and conclusions. Hope it helps anyone making the decision.
After 4 years of persistent AF and 4 cardioversions - I hated the idea of an ablation and refused to have one, believing that the cardioversions were good enough - the NSR after the 4th one lasting only 24hrs, I decided to go ahead with the ablation.
I had it done privately at St Anthony's in London on the 25th Nov by EP Mark Gallagher.
The night before I was so nervous that I couldn't sleep and at 3am was planning on cancelling. The Imp of the Mind was conjuring up all kinds of horrible scenarios and trying to convince me that AF is not so bad etc.
My nerves got steadily worse at the hospital (no-one was allowed to accompany me) and walking down to theatre I felt like a condemned man going to the gallows. The nurse walking with me noticed, and even commented that I was in good hands and would be fine.
Walking into the actual theatre was so intimidating with all the screens and machinery and at least 7 people bustling around. However they were so relaxed and competent and kept up a steady stream of chat and some banter with me, and I was way too distracted to panic.
I had general anaesthetic and in no time at all I was 'lights out', waking in my ward several hours later (I was on the table for a little under 4hrs).
The next 6-8hrs or so was exactly as per the Booklet available here, but in the middle of the night I started getting pain in my chest, it hurt to move and breathe deeply. This turned out to be an inflamed pericardium, which is fairly common in a small percentage of cases. Some strong painkillers helped and within 24hrs or so it has eased and then went away within two days.
The next month I was washed out and lacked energy and felt out of sorts, took it easy for the first week (I was on sick leave) and then started working from home in the second week (I work on a computer, so hardly taxing).
by the beginning of January my energy started coming back and I have steadily improved in that regard. I have started cycling again, only indoors so far, where I can manage my effort more easily. I have now had two 75mile weeks, still keeping my average HR in the 120's and rarely going up as far as 140. I will steadily increase this over the next few months, but have changed my previously mega competitive attitude and will not be doing any more 166average HR and 188 max rides anymore.
In the last week I have felt really good and strong, energy levels rising and enjoying the increased oxygen from the NSR. I've started phasing in the weight lifting again.
I still get short runs of fast HR but it rarely lasts more than 10 seconds and a few deep breaths gets it back to normal. I also still get the odd ectopic (I think) feeling a thump etc.. this is often together with me slumping on the couch or after eating a large meal,. Both of these seem to affect it so I'm trying to be much more aware of my meal size and posture.
Finally, if you'd asked me in the first month whether it was worth it I'd have been 50:50 to say yes or no, depending on how I was feeling. Now though I am convinced it was the right thing and am hoping that I am one of the fortunate folks who only need the one.
Hope this is of interest. I wanted to return the favour to you kind folks on this forum who have responded so helpfully and reassuringly to me in the past.
I'm happy to answer any questions so will regularly pop in to see any comments.
All the best!