Blood thinners & ibruphen cream 5% - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Blood thinners & ibruphen cream 5%

waveylines profile image
48 Replies

Hi theres, be grateful for any advice from you lovely people.....

Today I slipped on an icy slope & my body attempted the splits in a crooked way as its way past such antics- so landed very badly....... Ive badly sprained my left bones broken in my dare devil stunt! 😂🙄 Am on crutches courtesy of the kind nhs -oh joy. I know I cant take ibruphren orally but found some topical cream which Ive massage into my guessing thats fine? Really helps with the swelling alongside ice packs etc.

Hop along Cassidy will be starting on her exercises tomorrow as apparantly they help the ankle to recover. .....I'll do almost anything to get shot of the crutches......but the splits isnt one of them. 😂🤣

Appreciate your advice. Many thanks. X

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waveylines profile image
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48 Replies

‘Fine’ is perhaps going a little far, wavy lines, but not harmful used moderately in circumstances such as yours. It is absorbed through the skin but its action is local and it doesn’t travel through the body systemically like an orally taken NSAID does. But if you are concerned, you could try the old homeopathic remedy of arnica cream. This plant based remedy is traditional but often quite effective and medical studies have shown it to be OK to use with blood-thinners (anticoagulants).

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to

Thanx Callendersgal. Thats a great idea. Dont have in currently but will see if a friend would be so kind. My adult son has decided to hot foot to the peak district for the no pampering for this Torvill- not even a cuppa! 😓🤣

in reply to waveylines

Lol if I were you I’d take a turn for the worse just as he comes back and declare you’ll faint clean away if you don’t have an urgent cuppa! 🤣🤣

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to

🤣😂👍 Love it will.practise my best woeful voice for his return -might take a while as am not good at fragile dolly course if it were the other way round.....things would be very different! Lol... 🤣😅

BobD profile image

I was told by a docor who I trust that used sparingly it should be fine as little enters the blood stream. Obviously Jane Torville you are not so please stay off the ice.

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to BobD

😂😄🙃🙂 Will do Dean! Thanks for the info....given the doc gave it to me am guessing its OK. It is bliss & yes not using loads.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Was just going to recommend Arnica too. Have seen amazing results from taking the homeopathic tablets.


waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thanks Jeanjeannie. 😊🙂

Desanthony profile image

There are other topical creams you may be able to use. You can also use either hot compresses or cold compresses or a mixture of both. Hope everything heals well for you.

bantam12 profile image

I have to use it frequently and it's not caused any issues for me.

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to bantam12

Thanks Bantam....brill. it really helps so dont want to stop using. (I Sound like a druggie! 🤣).

waveylines profile image

Thanks Desanthony. The hospital gave me exercises for ankle as it shortens the recovery time. And am doing a mix of moving & resting so fingers crossed my sprain ups & leaves pretty soon!

TracyAdmin profile image

It is advised to not use Ibuprofen with anticoagulant medications, however, I would just contact the pharmacist for advice, if it is not listed in the box instructions.

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to TracyAdmin

Thanks its topical so keeps to a local area. Will check though.

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to TracyAdmin

Thanks Tracey. Rang pharmacist. They said no to using the topical ibruphen cream. 😒 She said some will be absorbed systemically so its not ideal. You are right - thank you for alerting me. Better get some Arnica then. Lol....

TracyAdmin profile image
TracyAdminPartner in reply to waveylines

You are welcome - it's always best just to check. You may find that many 'over the counter' medicines, creams etc, oral supplements or herbal remedies can also have an adverse affect on some medications.

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to waveylines

My sister is a hospital Pharmacist and she said the amount used and absorbed is so tiny it's not a problem but you must do what you think best, I will continue to use it 😊

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to bantam12

Thanks bantam. That's what GP said when she prescribed it and given what you're hospital phatmacist sis said I shall stick with using it. Makes such a difference & is enabling me to hobble along nicely which I know is important with sprains! I'd like the sprain to be short lived as possible! Thank u. Really reassuring!

C66t profile image
C66t in reply to waveylines

Talk about doctors differ.. I had nasty fall just bfore Christmas,forehead needed stitches injured hand and pulled muscles(couldn't raise my arm ouchy factor)but the ed nurse said ok to use Voltarol cream 3/4times a day I checked with my pharmasist he was also ok with it.Great improvement tg ,after 4 wks no need now. Best of luck.🥰💐

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to C66t

Oh wow that sounds a nasty fall. Glad your doc saw sense & glad you're all better now. Maybe some of the professionals just get scared by the mere mention of ibrophren!

Kudos4me profile image

Topically we use Arnica, oral strength liquid CBD oil (much stronger than the expensive cbd oil lotions) or a frankincense dmso oil (little goes a loooong way) the pharmacists are leery of ibuprofen due to intestional bleeds.

bayonnejoe1 profile image

I'm on Eliquis. Both my GP and Orthopedist say I can use it in moderation.

GrannyE profile image

I think the answer is to use the prescribed cream while the situation is acute but not long term. As you say not a good idea to try the splits. Ouch!

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to GrannyE

Thanks thoughts too. 😊

Cha275rL profile image

Been there and done that more times than I would’ve liked, and although it can be quite uncomfortable, the exercises really do help, so just do em. Hope it doesn’t take too long to heal. Take care.

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to Cha275rL

Thanks Ch27 -yes. Although to be honest the muscles I messed up are the opposite of what these exercises not painful to do. My foot was over extended & my knee twisted......the exercises in my pamflet dont address this but still doing them. Ive found best action is to keep moving on my feet little and often. Fingers crossed will be short lived.

Cha275rL profile image
Cha275rL in reply to waveylines

Oh….sounds really painful that, but glad exercises don’t hurt, that’s something at least. Good excuse to put your foot up and watch telly!!

Handel profile image

I was prescribed ibuprofen gel (I'm on a mix of BP tablets) by our GP. He specifically banned ibuprofen tablets as they don't get on with Ramipril!

I did check again with the pharmacist who confirmed that so little of the topical drug would enter the blood stream as it targeted the painful area directly.

I guess you're sat there twiddling your ankles around!!! I found that quite exercise helped me when I sprained my ankle (falling down a drain cover so not as graceful as you!).

All the best. Hope you're on your feet soon. Jan xxx

BrotherThomas profile image

I've been advised by an anticoagulation nurse specialist that you can also use Voltarol (diclofenac) gel in moderation too. I have a recurring problem with my right knee, which I twisted very badly once, and used it when I was on warfarin without problem. I'm now on Apixaban and haven't needed it so far.

Personally, I'd also be careful with natural remedies as many can also interfere with clotting. When I was first put on warfarin, I was also taking turmeric tablets and when I stopped, my INR dropped like a stone!

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to BrotherThomas

Wow Brother Thomas. Just goes to show that natural doesnt mean!. I feel encouraged and reasured that others have been ok using the gel too. Without it my foot was swelling up a lot more, despite ice packing, which compromised me further......Im only putting it on twice per day currently so done feel its a biggie in the scheme of things. Thanks

waveylines profile image

Thanks Handel. No I'm up and moving.....the crutch is brilliant and really helps, then resting with foot up. If I sit too long it stiffens up. The gel really helps with the swelling so am continuing.

Van28 profile image

My family swear by arnica gel from qvc. Great for sprains & helps bring the bruising out quicker. The footballers & sporty ones always have it handy. Can be applied as often as needed too.

Glemham profile image

I have a hip bursitis problem at the moment, which is very painful. My GP has prescribed a higher strength iboprufen gel than you can get over the counter. When I queried this, she said I’d be fine, as long as I didn’t cover myself in it from head to toe!

purpleswimmer profile image

I use it daily on advice from my HF nurse. She said if used sparingly it is fine. I use a blob on the end of my index finger and no problems. Xx

FancyPants54 profile image

I get bad migraines sometimes. Migraine medication makes me feel terrible. Paracetamol doesn't touch it. I have something called Zapain from the GP which is to make up for not being able to have Ibuprofen but it's a Codine product and I hate it. I spoke to the hospital pharmacist about Ibuprofen and anticoagulants. It is the only thing that will help the awful migraine pain. She said it was OK to take Ibuprofen when I really needed it, as long as it wasn't too often and as long as I took it with a small meal or snack. ie not on an empty stomach. So I do take them sometimes when I need them. Just keep the numbers low. I do use the gel if I injure myself.

I inadvertently did the splits on a slippery gym floor in socks once. I have never done the splits before or after. My god the bruising was dreadful. It ran all the way down the back of my legs, through my knees! And I couldn't walk very well at all for a couple of weeks. I feel for you.

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to FancyPants54

Aww thanks Fancypants. Sorry to hear about the migraines. A friend of mine suffers with them.....they are awful. Hope you dont get them often. Hugs

Sounds horrible your splits! I think I got off more light than you as managed to twist myself as I went down so landed semi on my side with one leg stretched out infront, tother behind. Agony & I cried pathetically like a baby! arthritic knee isnt impressed either! Lol...

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to waveylines

Migraines aren't too often thankfully. Last one was caused by my stress over having Mum over on Christmas Day! That lasted 3 days. She couldn't manage the steps in our house without sudden pain and weakness. At one point I thought we might not be able to get her home. That was a horribly stressful Christmas Day.

My splits were worse because I was in a dance class with a load of other people who could do the splits easily so no one had any sympathy. I had to sit down for a bit. I did manage to carry on and go dancing that night, but goodness the next few days were hard.

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to FancyPants54

Oh bless you! Sounded a tough day with ure Mum but I bet she really appreciated all your efforts. Your dance mates were very mean!! I dint know how you carried on dancing!!

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to waveylines

Let's just say I didn't do much leg work!

Mum turned out to have cellulitis. She'd already been on a course of antibiotics for it but it didn't work. She's just finished her second course. I'm really annoyed at the GP because although he did a home visit (good) he then sent occupational health round who have cluttered up the house with yet more things with wheels on to hold onto and a second raised toilet seat (ensuring I will not be able to go to the loo there as I can't do it inside a cage and virtually standing up!). I don't want her to become a baby reliant on walking aids. She needs to get her mobility back. We are converting a small barn in our garden and extending it a bit for her to live in. I don't want an invalid. I want the Mum I had in October, who was happy pottering about. I am going to arrange some private physio and get her going again.

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to FancyPants54

That sounds brilliant 4 ure Mum. Yes u have to fight against it all. Am sure the physio will really help ure Mum. Best gift ever! Wishing her much better health & more time for you both to enjoy together. Xx

Lucymoo profile image

Hi sorry to hear about your fall. I’ve been rubbing in volteriol cream 12 hourly one for my osteoarthritis joints and my GP and cardiology consultant happy with that as both say you don’t absorb significant amounts and it sure helps with the aches and pain. I use it for a couple of weeks then have a rest til it gets bad again. If it’s helping why not

waveylines profile image

Thankyou Lucymoo thats really helpful. I do have an arthritic knee which is why I had the Ibru gel so super reassuring to know I can still use it.

Thankyou everyone. Ive really appreciate all the advice and comments! I have a lovely bruised foot but today I got up on my crutches and it was less stiff....better than yesterday so am hopeful its not too bad and will recover quickly. 🤞🤞

tabletphobic profile image

A cold water bandage also helps quite a lot

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to tabletphobic

Thank you. They told me not to bandage ankle but ive found those little sandwhich freezer pack really good as theyre bendy & can wrap them round. Foot in a teatowel.

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to waveylines

Way back when I sprained my ankle they told me not to bandage it, after struggling with the pain too long, I did use a cold water elasticated bandage, I could walk on it and it got better quite quickly. I'm afraid I ignored their advice and listened to my Mother. Just saying I'm not suggesting you do the same. Hope its better soon

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to tabletphobic

Aww thanks tabletphobic really appreciate your good wishes. Hope I didn't come across abrupt....sorry if I did.

tabletphobic profile image
tabletphobic in reply to waveylines

No you didn't, its fine

ATSF profile image

I use Arnica oil for this, I have tried other makes but find Wella the best. Some time I use the prescribed Ibuprofen jell. Recently with my severe pain 24/7 I have been prescribed a cream that is made from chilies. It is only prescribed by Consultants and must be used as the instructions. I only use it on certain parts as it can burn like hell. For instance I use it on shoulders and knees, but not on the hip as I have severe periods of a burning sensation as it is.

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