A little over 2 years ago at age 36 I experienced the first of what I came to find out was an Afib episode (of course, not until after being told I was just having panic attacks by some very unhelpful ER personnel).
This was about a week after a doctor had prescribed me rizatriptan for headaches (not migraines!) and I experienced a bad reaction to it, chest tightness and upper leg pain - I only took it once and it was odd that afib started a week later - but who knows. Could only find out if that's what started afib if I could time travel and not take it!
I saw a fantastic electrophysiologist after being referred by my primary after the first really bad episode in which my heart rate was hitting 240+ BPM at rest. He asked me a lot of questions about timing and eventually decided he believes I may have vagal mediated Afib. I did a lot of research into this over the next 2 years, and tried various things to prevent my episodes. I ended up finding that if I avoided garlic and onions in my diet, and most other fructans, I wouldn't have episodes for many months, until I ate out or accidentally ate something that would upset my digestive system. I went almost 2 years with only 2 bad episodes, and only a few minor ones. Then in August my teenager wanted to learn to cook, so we started off getting some mail order box meals, which meant garlic and onions often came back into our meals. I went with it sort of trying to see if all my avoidance was actually helping. (I LOVE garlic!)
Well I had multiple bad episodes September - October, one in which my heart rate ranged from 170-240 for nearly 2 hours. I made a new appointment with my electrophysiologist. In the mean time, I decided to try something new. After any meal which my body finds offensive, it seems I start getting PVCs. I feel them, then I can see it on my ekg on my watch. This often is a warning sign for me that it could progress to a nasty afib episode. So as a new thing, I started taking simethicone for gas when this happened. I didn't have any episodes after I started this, and I went to my appointment.
I sat there trying to explain this to my heart doctor, but as I told him I felt it was associated with what I was eating, how I could sometimes watch my heart go instantly back into NSR right after going while on the toilet during an IBS episode, etc, he said to me that "you'll always be doing something when an episode happens" and told me afib "rarely has triggers". This left me absolutely confused considering it was he who told me of vagal afib. At the time of the appointment, I had only just tried starting the gas-x that week so I wasn't yet confident to say it aborts every episode. I actually ended up crying for most of the appointment because I felt at a loss - I felt he was wrong and wasn't listening, and confused because beforehand I was sure he would get it considering what he had told me our first appointment. I was expecting a referral to gastroenterologist, and I even directly asked "do you not think a gastroenterologist might help?" he said no they're just going to run tests etc and you'll still have afib, my choices were going to be ablation or I could start taking flecainide DAILY (not PIP), and he wanted me to start taking my atenolol twice a day in morning and evening rather than the 25mg once a day. I still don't understand his change in attitude. I took none of this advice, I still only take one atenolol in the afternoon.
However now it has been 3 weeks since that appointment, I have stopped trying to avoid any food ingredients. Sure enough I get the PVCs when I eat garlic or onions especially - I take a simethicone softgel - a little while later I burp a few times, the PVCs stop, I have no episode. I even had an IBS episode about a week ago - took both simethicone and an anti-diarrheal after a bit of afib started (120-150bpm), and it stopped.
It seems at this point my afib episodes are 100% digestion upset related. Most of the times because I am having trouble burping/eliminating gas, and the air being stuck in my system is what stimulates the vagal nerve? I've even had times where I started getting the warning PVCs, and I would manage to just burp without taking anything, and it would be aborted, but most times I have to take the simethicone to burp. It's weird, it's like something is preventing me from burping sometimes, I'll feel it well up, and then I just can't get it to come out.
I cannot be the only one with this issue. Anyone else realize this and have their doctors listen? I am going to ask my PCP to refer to a gastroenterologist soon, I'd like to know, for example, if I might have a mild hiatal hernia. Since I never had an episode until suddenly 2 years ago and then regularly thereafter, I feel something could have changed in my digestive system. Essentially I find it much preferable to attempt get my digestive issues under control than doing an ablation or taking flecainide on a daily basis. I'd love to hear from any of you who have experienced similar and if you decided to do the ablation and why.
I've read that getting ablation sooner, and while paroxysmal, is more successful. I do worry I am risking a later ablation being less successful.