We’ll, he’s still in hospital; they’ve tried various drugs unsuccessfully to bring the HR down. They’re planning a cardioversion today - bit anxious about it because he missed a dose of apixaban on Tuesday in all the kerfuffle of going into hospital! 🤞🤞it all goes ok and does the trick!
So Worried - update : We’ll, he’s still... - Atrial Fibrillati...
So Worried - update

I don't think one missed dose will dramatically cause a risk of a clot. If the team are going ahead regardless,that's reassui. Best wishes for a good result xxx
As long as the hospital is aware, I’m sure he will fine because they can take the necessary precautions. Try not to worry, it’s the best way forward…..

Thankyou - I’ll just be glad when it’s done! Think the waiting is always the worst part!
Best wishes. They wouldnt do the cardioversion if they were unsure re the anticoagulation. Be reassured by them. Its a stressful time for you both but you will get through it.
Hope all went well
Thankyou - was put back several times today! Finally had it just after 5. They say it went well, his HR & BP are now much better. All being well, and as long as things don’t go pear shaped, he can come home later this evening 🤞🤞
Hurrah!!! Here's hoping all is sorted and he will be homeward bound.😊. He will have a couple of itchy burns for a few days but Savlon will sort that out.
Perfect x
Hi, I was on apixaban too and had a cardioversion. The worst part was the slught burn it left on my back!Try not to worry xxx
Hope it all goes well 🤞🤞
Hi I also spent a week in hospital in June this year with heart rate of 130 caused by atrial flutter and drugs didn’t work. Eventually had an ablation and touch wood been fine since with no flutter. Trust the experts they know what’s best. Hope all goes well.
I had my first Cardioversion (after my first event) without having been on any anticoagulants as they were satisfied I had only been in AF for 24 hours. Sure everything will be fine.
Praying for you both that things continue to go well. Take care. Hoping you can both get some rest. Always know what good people are in this forum to support you and your family. 💖
Have they tried Amiodarone? It worked well for me
Don’t worry too much about missing the apixaban shouldn’t cause a big problem. Hope the cardio vert works, good luck!

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