I am considering having there surgery and would like to hear from others that have had it or are also considering having the procedure?
Has anyone had or is considering cath... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Has anyone had or is considering catheter ablation to overcome Afib?

Technically ablation isn't surgery , it is a procedure. Many of use here have had such, in my case four over the last sixteen years and no AF since 2008. What do you want to know? There are ample fact sheets available from AF Association main website describing not just the procedure but what to expect when preparing for and recovering from the procedure.
Thanks for your response. For me it is about how successful people found it. I know the surgeon says 85% success rate, but I want to get a sense from people who have had it rather than the Dr selling me the procedure. It would seem that 85% success is overstated if it took 4 goes to fix yours, and I see another person saying they have had 3 but still have AF. Do you think there are degrees of AF that make it harder to catch in one shot, or are their other factors?
Trouble is that ablation is thought of more as a course of treatments to improve QOL rather than a one off cure. Those lucky enough to have no AF after 1 rarely stick around this forum - until AF returns.
I got 3 years relief from very symptomatic AF after 2nd ablation. I savored every second!
So many variables to say - you & your lifestyle, experience of EP, equipment, your suitability - check out the link Bob mentioned as AFA are not about selling you anything - the charity exists to give you information so you can make an informed choice as to what’s right for you.
Had a Cryo ablation 3 weeks ago. I suffered with AFIB and frequent ectopics. It’s worked for me . I procrastinated for ages. I am so glad I had it done .
The general feeling is 50-70% after one procedure rsing to 85-90% after several. Mine took three and as I said no AF snce 2008. the fourth was for a completely different arrhythmia.
Yes there are degrees or AF of course. Some lucky people find that dealing with the four pulmonary veins is the magic bullet whislst others have more complex areas firing off which is why you read of people who have cryo balloon followed maybe a year later by an RF ablation to touch up those areas which the balloon is unable to treat.
I've had three ablations and still have AF
Here's the link to the Health Unlocked website that talks about ablations
I had an RF ablation 3 years ago and has so far kept the AF away.
Had a PVI cryo ablation January 2018 No AFIB since. Not taken any drugs since May 2018.

Welcome to the Forum! If you would like any supportive advice or information about all treatment options, including ablation to treat AF, please visit our A F Association website for details on patient resources and our 'Virtual' HRC2021 A F Association Patients Day - launching online Sunday 3 October - follow the link for further details : heartrhythmalliance.org/afa...
Just had my second ablation for afib about 3 weeks ago still too early to say how successful it may be. Had first PVI ablation about 11 months ago and tried to come off antiarrhythmics after a few months - unfortunately after coming off meds the afib events ramped up again so would not call the ablation a complete success. However, would not call it a total failure either as went back on medications post ablation and kept my heart stable for 5 + months till 2nd ablation (this was in comparison to symptomatic afib happening every 4-7 days). As with many things in life need to be looked at in shades of grey not black and white. Ask your EP or cardiologist as to how they define a successful ablation - if they define it as never experiencing afib again, then they may be setting you up for disappointment (certainly not to say though that many people can find multiple years of heart stability after one ablation)
I hope your 2nd one proves to be more successful for you.What is the recovery like, do you feel after effects for a period?
Yes I hope the second one is more successful as well - thanks In regards to the recovery everyone can be different, but for the most part my recoveries have not been too bad considering I have had my heart burnt in multiple places without burn cream or air to speed healing. Did have some severe throat pain after my 1st ablation as they nicked my trachea/ throat during anesthesia process, but this healed in about 7-10 days (no problems after my second). Got most of my energy back over 4-6 weeks after 1st ablation and feeling pretty good energy wise now after my second ablation 3 weeks ago. You only get one chance to heal so I been taking it slowly ramping up exercise, which I believe is the wise thing to do post ablation - key being don't push yourself too early.
My age of 48 and fact that apart from afib in pretty good shape going into both procedures might have made a difference in my recovery (longer procedures may also require more recovery time). My father in law in his early 70s did not have complications from his ablation but took longer for him to get his energy back over a number of months (his only ablation has held for 5 years at this point though)
I had my one and only in 2013 and still free of AF.