After a lot of wobbling I’m down for my ablation tomorrow so hoping all will go well. A bit panicky now. I haven’t been able to post or reply for a month or so as no WiFi due to moving house and dodgy phone. Thanks for all your help in the past on this forum.
Dither over. : After a lot of wobbling... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Dither over.

Take it easy and don't forget to read the two fact sheets.

Sending lots of luck 💚 I hope all goes well tomorrow, Bob you are such a great support to all the members on here - but please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any advice
Hope it works for you & wishing you a speedy recovery.
The waiting before bit is the worst so take something to amuse yourself with.
Hope all goes well basset! Good luck 👍 are you down for sedation or GA?
Thanks Elli. I’m down for sedation tomorrow. Hope it’s ok😳
I had my first ablation on Monday bassets and best advice I can give is don’t torture yourself while waiting like I did. It’s not as bad as you imagine and thinking about it too deeply makes it a lot worse than it should be. Make sure they give you plenty of sedation, especially if your nervous as some people have commented that they didn’t really feel a thing, where as I did so I can only think this would be down to level of sedation given. Even though I felt it though it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be. I made it alot worse than I had too.
Good luck all the best 👍
Best wishes for tomorrow. Will look forward to hearing how it all went.
Wishing you all the best for tomorrow! It's quite normal to feel a bit panicky but I'm sure you will feel so relieved when it is all over and wonder why you worried so much. I'm just 3 weeks post my 4th ablation and although it was a marathon one (5+ hours) it was the best experience of all my procedures ( It was sedation. ) Plus I'm feeling pretty good!You will be fine !
Thanks Julia. Nice to know your last experience was so good. I think the waiting is the worst bit. It would be better if the team simply kidnapped me quickly! Then my imagination wouldn’t have time to start me dithering! :)On
All the best bassets, hoping all goes well and that we get some positive feedback when you feel up to it…… matter how well you might feel after it’s done, please don’t be tempted to do any more than is absolutely necessary 😉
All the best basset. It's not as bad as you think - don't overthink it! it'll be over before you know it👍
Wishing you well for tomorrow. It will soon be here and then all done and dusted. It’s normal to be nervous so try and occupy yourself as much as you can. There’s always someone here or Tracy and the team to chat to if needs be. xxx
I had mine under GA nearly 2 weeks ago and can honestly say, if I had known how easy it was I wouldn’t have been so scared. The skill and care is superb. Most of the bits I found hardest are GA effects so might be even easier with sedation. Apart from one short sharp (10 minutes) attack of AF my heart has been very cool and calm since.
Thinking of you, it really is a well researched and known procedure, rest afterwards. Good luck, let us know how you get on, we are really interested!

Thanks FaberM. Wilco!
The procedure itself is far easier than you'd imagine. Stay calm. Take relaxing music to listen to - I even took mine in with me to theatre and they set my phone up out of the way and in airplane mode obvs. You've got the recovery sheets so keep them to hand. For many of us it's a slow and gradual process of recovery. The NHS suggestion of 3 weeks is ridiculous in my opinion. If you get an Arrythmia Nurse, make friends with them. Mine is a lifeline.
First few weeks are the hardest, just when you think your feeling ok you may get a blip, you may also have a migraine aura which apparently is quite common a day or two after the ablation. I had one and wasn’t expecting it but it is nothing to worry about. I had sedation, and recovery time is much quicker. All in all the procedure is fine, as usual it is just the build up to it that’s the worst. Look forward to it rather than fear it is the key I think. Good luck hope your life will be much more comfortable after your ablation. 😊
You’ll be ok bassets, take it easy and wishing you all the best.👍
Hope it all goes well for you and your recovery is as smooth as mine has been. Six weeks in from my ablation under GA and it’s been a life changer and one of the best decisions I have ever made. Take it easy and enjoy your progress back to normality. In a few weeks I wager you will be writing reassuring notes to other prospective ablationistas about how easy it all is and for them not to worry. Very best wishes.
Hope all went well! 👍
Still waiting in my lovely hospital gown! Thank you 😊
All over now and in sinus. Feel as though I’ve been steamrollered!
Do you look it?
I do. Back in hospital now
Went into at second day on and was advised by the staff nurse to go to a&e so here I am. They thought I’d had a heart attack but not so sure now. We’ll see
Thank you. 😊
I was so nervous about having the ablation and I wish I had not been. It was so much easier than I anticipated. The only hard part was worrying about it before hand and lying still for a while afterwards. (I'm not great at being still). Other than that, it is amazing what they can do and the relief from AF and fast HR is so worth it. Please keep us posted and good luck. You will do great!
Piece of cake,time you get this it will all be over, good luck for he future.