For you I would like some opinions about their b blockers I started for a feeling of pulses and palpitations 120 per minute that started after periods of work stress and health problems in family members the first year I started with bisoprolol 2.5 a day it helped me with the pulses and I had social phobia but it caused me insomnia and depressed mood after but in nebivolol 2.5 per day equally good medicine improved insomnia but it returned my social anxiety and also caused me daily headaches today I went to the cardiologist and told him how I feel and he gave me 25 one day I do not know what to expect from this drug because in the previous two I felt a bit strange and I was disturbed in concentration and generally in the functioning of the mind that I did not have before I said that I suffer from migraine the last two days I reduced nebivolol from 2.5 in 1/4 and the pulses reach one hundred at rest all the receivers thanks
various b blockers : For you I would... - Atrial Fibrillati...
various b blockers
the new drug is atenolol 25 the day I did not write in the above post
Experiences with beta blockers is similar to Marmite - love ‘em or hate ‘em. I’m in the latter category, I had all of the negative effects, most of which you describe, with none of the positives.
Coming off beta blockers can be a problem for some as they block adrenaline channels and so when you reduce or stop you can experience a rebound effect - hence increased anxiety.
Beta Blockers are also not recommended for those with asthma or vagal induced AF but they are the most commonly used drug to control heart rate and BP and work for many without problems.
If you do experience problems there are alternative drugs but often Lifestyle Changes can be almost as effective.
Hope that helps
Atenolol is still a beta blocker - anything with the suffix ‘olol will be a beta blocker.
ευχαριστώ για την απάντηση αυτήν την στιγμή προσπαθώ να μείωσω το nebivolol το έπαιρνα για ένα χρόνο 2.5 την ημέρα τωρα είναι 3 ημέρες στο 1/4 παρατήρησα ότι οι παλμοί μου ανέβηκαν σπο 65 έως 80 τωρα είναι από 80 έως 95 θα το μείωσω σταδιακά για τρεις εβδομάδες για να δω πώς θα είμαι και αν δω ότι δεν παλεύεται θα ξεκινήσω το atenolol
I am not medically trained. Also from being on this forum everyone is different in their response and sensitivity to drugs.
When I was diagnosed with AFIB. When in afib i was always high rate varisble but average 165bpm.
I was givem 1.25mg of Bisoprolol. This was terrible for me. I was asleep 40 minutes after every tablet , I awoke 4 hours later feeling terrible with pain in my arms and upper chest. My max heart rate was massively reduced to around 117 bpm.and I could only run 100 metres! ( was running 12 Km no problem the week before diagnosis). My resting HR was in the 40s , normally was 70.
My doctor tried me on Atenolol 25mg, another beta blocker, which was similar but I no longer had pain, but was still very tired and had poor exercise tolerance.
Then my doctor advised that I seemed in did not tolerate beta blockers and tried me with VERAPAMIL , a calcium channel blocker, and this had no bad side effects for me. I was taking this drug for 20 months until my AFIB progressed and I had to start taking flecainide to control it.
I cannot comment on the mental effects of Bisoprolol. I was very tired on it and felt terrible, but whether this was depression or just the general low feeling of being diagnosed AFIB and being very tired I cannot say.
I have a little problem with the translation yes I read verapamil I have heard that evesi is well tolerated by some the problem with b blockers was that it slows down I think and the function of the brain I join a mental fatigue I do not know how to explain it I could not focus somewhere it was impossible to make a prosthesis and besides i lost the words a gap i was bored to say bad things but it can be all in my mind because i have to take these pills i did not take them with the positive side thank you be well
I have been on bisoprolol, in varying strengths (once during an episode, max 20mg in a 24 hour period), for many years. I did have problems in the beginning - heavy arms and legs mainly and a real slow down of walking. But I have grown used to taking it. After an AV Node ablation, I am now on 5 mg a day. I did take another beta blocker at the start of my AF journey which was sotalol and this caused me many problems. So it's always trial and error I think with beta blockers and you need to try, together with your doctor, to see which one and which dose will be most effective for you. Good luck.
I will do this until I find the right medicine and the right dose and the time I need to take it. From my experience with the two drugs concor and nebivolol the difference is that the former controls the heartbeat better, and the latter the arterial pressure . I hope to get the right medicine and for me it may be atenolol who knows. Thank you for your answer
I have been on atenolol for 40 years with no problems. 50 mg. hope that helps.
Forty years almost half a life and a good proof of why you take it if allowed, I will take it for a feeling of pulse and tachycardia due to fear and anxiety, thank you for your help
Hi Giorgos. I have been on them 3.5weeks. yes they make me depressed anxious bad sleep faint feeling short of breath. Am asking to change to nebivolol . If that doesn't work I'll try something else. Got a ultrasound next week then monitor. I had palpitations light headed and breathless before taking bisoprolol so there is a problem but will wait for diagnosis. Take care,keep in touch. From Moira in England.