Started on 240mg Slozem 4 weeks ago. Symptoms of shortness of breath, but 02 sat levels 94- 97, really hard to breathe at time times with internal tremor. Checked out by A&E twice, normal bloods, heart and lungs. Anybody suffer this side effect?
Slozem (Diltiazem): Started on 240mg... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Slozem (Diltiazem)

Calcium channel blockers never suit me. I took one diltiezem and thought I was dying. . Wanted to as well!
At the risk of being shot down in flames by many on this forum - My question would be is it really necessary for me to be on any heart rate drugs 24/7?
Absolutely. Medications have destroyed my digestive system in 2 years. I did suggest this to GP, he thought a huge risk in coming off everything. Would love to give it a try for a week😜
Unfortunately it takes a long time to clear your system completely. Might be worth asking exactly what the risks are as against the long lasting risks of taking meds which are not intended to cure but make life more tolerable. If meds fail on making life more tolerable then for me there is no benefit my reasoning is what am I taking them for? Just my opinion which I have come to after 15 years of AF, 7 of which was taking meds which made me feel a lot worse - tired, breathless, easily fatigued, brain fog & weight gain. (I realise AF does this also but I was only in AF spasmodically whereas I felt symptoms all of the time).
Meds work for my husband - now 87 and without them he would be in a sorry state - but I started taking these meds at 57 - took me 7 years to realise they did nothing for me.
I got on fine with diltiazem but sotalol was bad for me and I got winded very easily.
But taking the point about being on heart meds, I think it's a good idea to review Beta/Calcium channel blockers. Do you really need to be on them? Only if your heart rate goes very high when in AF - mine never did (i.e. I was in the 80-90 range). I certainly felt a whole lot better when I came off the sotalol.
Don't know about SAT levels but 200Mg Diltiazem made me breathless. I tried 120mg which was bit better. Y