Hi all well look who’s back. I’v dosed up on my Oramorph and paracetamol so will hopefully get some sleep. On a my positive note I spoke to my cardiologist last week and she said they where having meetings over the next few weeks about patients that I have that need to go for transplant assessment. I’m at the top of list as I’m the most unwell and unstable. My cardiac nurse is phoning on Tuesday and my cardiologist is phoning in 4-6 weeks.
My life now: Hi all well look who’s... - Atrial Fibrillati...
My life now

Hi Tori so nice to hear from you again, it's good news that you are top of the list but bad news why you are there, hope you get some good news soon. Take care my darling, keep safe, sending lots of hugs. xxxxRuth
Nothing like a post like yours to put all our complaints into perspective; not your intention, I know, and I hope very much that everything you need happens for you and wish you all the very best. x
Glad to hear that you are top of the list and I feel confident somehow that things will go well for you and no one deserves that more than you, sleep well knowing that all our best wishes are with you every step of the way.
Shirley xx
Hi Tori, nice to hear from you and great you've been able to speak to your cardiologist. Top of the list - that should get your transplant journey underway. Please let it be at Newcastle (but of course you will go anywhere)! Have you stopped the horrid fragmyn injections now?
Sending you my very best wishes for a successful outcome. Please keep in touch. Jean x
My thoughts and prayers r with you love x
Hope all goes well...
Wishing you all of the very best . I will be thinking of you. X
Thank you all for your kind words. My AFIB has revealed it’s self for now. Don’t know how it will last but every day is a bonus
Very best wishes for your assessment and I hope it is all good news for you. Thank you for letting us know how you are doing. xx
Hi Tori. Wishing you so much love and sending lots of virtual hugs your way. Hope the assessment brings you the news you've been waiting for.
Jan xxxxx
You’ve had so many problems in your life so far, you’re strength puts me to shame. You deserve a break, so hope all goes well now and you get nothing but good news. Hugs 🤗🤗 xx
How you feeling now how is the anti depressants meds? How’s your anxiety any better?
Hi, after weeks of trying to get GP, EP and Mental Health Team to talk to each other it was finally agreed I could take 100mg of Sertraline with regular ECG's. Cant say I have noticed a great improvement in my mood, still getting very low days. The better weather helps. I am now on so much medication I don't know what is causing what, so many side effects. Still quite anxious. Thank you for your interest, I hope you are well.
Good luck buddy.
Good luck buddy2blue xx
I can't add much more to what has already been said really.
Just one thing though
Stay positive (easy for me to say I know). The doctors are aware of everything and treatment is on the way - that's cracking news. I feel sure you'll see it though and come out the other end much stronger. Hold tight and things will get better for you.
That's something to really look forward to.
"My cardiac nurse is phoning on Tuesday"
May I suggest you write down a list of questions to ask. Cardiac nurses are spot on the ball IMO. They do know their stuff.
Rest is important and I think breathing technic's are important to you right now.
Good luck with it all - you'll get there.
Edit - just want add one more thing. Your watch reading shows 77 HR one minute before it hit 150. 77 is fine but 150 is high. I've been there (from memory it hit146). If that rate continues for to long then it's an A&E visit - for me that's what I would do. Certainly after a 3 or 4 hours of it. With afib it can change from minute to minute - however 150 HR for more than a few hours needs checking. For me anyway.
My doctor has gave me aromorphMakes me very sleep anyone else on this for COPD
Also I get my 2nd COVID jab on Friday
So sorry, good luck! Hard to sleep with all that going on and the underlying concern.
I was just thinking about you and trying to find you and ask if there was any news on your transplant and I just saw your post, has things settled a bit at all your in desperate need of that transplant you can’t keep suffering like this it’s been to long
Hi I’m still in AFIB but at home as they can’t do anything for now. My cardiac team are in regular contact with me. They are having meatiness over the next few weeks about who takes priority for transplant assessment. There is me and another 2 patience’s needing to go but I’m the most unwell and most unstable so I take priority. Xxx