duffence between Paroxsysmsl andxpersiistent AF
difference between paroxsysmal and pe... - Atrial Fibrillati...
difference between paroxsysmal and persistent AF?

Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation (PAF): Episodes last less than 7 days and self-terminate.
Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: lasts more than 7 days and can require medical intervention (e.g., cardioversion).
Long-Term Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: Lasts more than 12 months continuously and may be resistant to standard treatments. Ablations and other rhythm interventions, can become increasingly more difficult here as the Heart can start to remodel.
Permanent afib: A decision by doctor and patient not to try any more rhythm strategies. The decision can be reversed.
Thank you Jim , this is what I thought. I have had “ persistent “ for 15 years , on Digoxin for 15 years. Then in a report from Rheumatology they say I have Paroxsysmal . Quite a few other mistskes too , should I bother?? No point is there? Just hope they get the correct knee for guided steroid injection next week. Ps , I have never seen an electrophysiologist either? Louise.
An ep would make sense because you don't want to start getting into long-term persistent territory. They are much more qualified to diagnose and treat. If you can't get a referral, some people go private for an initial consultation.
And definitely don't be afraid to speak up if they try to inject the wrong knee! Yesterday, they started PT on my right knee, when the problem was the left knee. Got to keep your eyes open!
Jim , that is awful !!!!!!
I’ve given up speaking up , they don’t like women who question . I’m worn out and prone to tears whhen , I used to be tough.
I had Mitral vslve repair in 2.000. I was brave then . Alone with a 11 year old daughter , we got through . 8 years later had bad flu , knew my heart was being erratic . GP ignored me. Then started the rushes into A and E. All calmer now , three drugs control AF into bearable . Any stress or infection send AF loopy. It is « persistent », but, now 5 years into Rheumatology …. Multiple vague diagnoses , it is unsettling . One really does have to be proactive bit thzt is tiring and more so beczuse ôe department does NOT talk to another. As for
« electrophysiologist » pigs might fly. L
NEVER give up.
You are the CEO of all your medical ails.
I have refused to have 2 persons for consults. The hospital has to give me another.
But I still have this Endocrinologist on my triage team with no cardiologist. My surgeon had to say to her Joy's Thyroidectomy will be done asap. And if Joy says NO to RAI Treatment post or Suppression of her TSH then I'm not going to twist her arm,
As for the operation it should have been done in 4th month but it got to 5th month. The cancer had spread down 2 out of the 12 lymph nodes taken. And caled back last year 4th as calcifications are showing.
I continue to ring Booking Clerks, Radiology Department or yearly ultra-sound checking appointments to be organised - me and prompt them that I need the scheduled procedure or appointment.
cheri JOY. 76. (NZ)
Jim , I forgot to say I had 2 ablations, in St Mary’s Paddington , very lengthy things, both failed. L
With two failed catheter ablations, if so motivated, you might then want to see a cardiothoracic surgeon for a mini maze or hybrid procedure. Several members here have had success with surgical ablations when catheter ablations alone have failed. MummyLuv should have more information.
Interesting interpretation meanings, James.
But in 2019 I was diagnosed with
STROKE - Embolic - Left Frontal Lobe
AF - Rapid and Persistent
CANCER - Papillary Thyroid Cancer
The Persistent AF leaves me to wonder - do I have AF during asleep as my rapid now controlled for rapid H/R on CCB Diltiazem 120 CD mg early morning ?
They have never changed the diagnosis to permanent but they won't do Cardioversion, Ablation or put on Anti-arrhythmic meds as in 2021 shows a severely dilated left atrium.
I asked about Sotalol as my Systollic and Diastollic can be high. They said NO we can give up on trying to get you back in normal sinus.
But, they have never tried. Being under an Endocrinologist who relied on Metopolol a BB and left me @ 186 day but 47avg bpm Night - proved to be my normal.
I would say that leaving me on rapid during the Day was unforgiveable.
I had said NO to it. It will make me breathless. 3 x 23.75 daily - it did, sweating profusely on any exertion. Later 1 year 5 months later a 24hr Heart Monitor proved it and pauses 2 secs at night!
Even to this day when told that CCB Diltiazem was better for me - controlled H/R she still sits on valuing Metopolol.
Why I wasn't ever trialled on a CCB as well at hospitalisation time 2019 I feel I would not have damage to my heart.
Later a Heart Murmur was found as soft Systollic, in 2022.
It was a PRIVATE Heart Specialist who trialled me on CCB and it worked and resolved the rapid H./R in 2 hours!
So I read reasearch which states from trials done in 2017 that ALL PATIENTS should be trialled on both a Beta Blocker and separately a Calcium Channel Blocker!
I had my stroke due to Thyroid Cancer in 2019.
Don't hospitals LISTEN!
cheri JOY. 76. (NZ)
At least stay alert for the draw line!!!
Yes, it happened to a young boy in our "Training Northshore hospital".
He had the wrong leg amputated. !!!! SHAME SHAME SHAME
Disgraceful, unnecessary experience,
but I had my Johnson & Johnson Mesh kit removed in that hospital. at least I had the top and female, young Chinese Surgeon and I only have one of this and that female.
My daughter is lined up to have a thyroidectomy there but she postponed surgery so far and iodine supplements are reducing the size of her 4.2cm nodule.
cheri JOY. 76. (NZ)
You really should see an EP, but I can't see how you haven't as you say you have had 2 ablations?
Karendeena, the 2 ablations were 15years ago. Not seen that cardiologist since.
Technology has progressed so much in fifteen years. It really might be worth the chat to try getting your life back. AFib can really be a bummer.
Hi Mary ca, I have not read your posts before. Thank you for writing to me. I read your bio, you have been through a lot.
I am worn out and afraid . It seems now we have to check everything and basically treat ourselves. I used to scoff at friends who said “ it is not fun getting old”. But at least they got old! My heart stuff really started as a child but went loopy when I got to fifty. I believe I usually cope well knowing there is accessible support out there. But, that has changed. . RA has now arrived , it is hurting and is changing my life.
Too much going on .
Self pity is not helping. L
No but I understand. I have osteoarthritis, two replacement hips, knees on the way out, shoulders, hands, spine, fingers, left thumb in particular, strange, on top of AFib. Walking has been really beneficial as has losing three stone. I've had two ablations just over eighteen months apart, the last one, last July. Very rough few weeks to 7th Aug and no AFib since. My EP is very confident! Lol. I've had them done in Dublin under my health insurance. Being public in Ireland means you don't even get told there is such a thing as ablation, at least I didn't anyway. Our local top level public hospital is overwhelmed every day. It's the last place anyone wants to go. People die because they'd rather not go there.
On that cheery note!!!!
But you are completely right!!
Now your history puts mine much lower down the problem scale.
Honestly how do you manage to be tough? Walking was good , did a lot to raise money for BHF. That was last Autumn, then I started crumbling , physio stopped me moving for a week , and now knee has gone , can’t walk. SO painful . Limited to paracetemol cos of heart drugs . But I have my cat ! A jungle of a garden and I paint ,now standing hurts. Three old children living abroad. Don’t think it is to escape me. Do keep moving and send me some of your resilience!!!!! L
I take gabapentin for pain as well as paracetamol. I can also take palexia. There's quite a few drugs we can still take for pain. You just need a pain specialist. Granted my GP prescribed both gabapentin and palexia. Lyrica put weight on me fast, similar to gabapentin but I'm not aware of side effects.
I just got to the stage where it was give up or lose weight and move. I did a bodyslims program. Calorie counting and walk for one hour a day. I was in the++++ 70s age group when I started walking. Now I'm in the excellent for my age group. It sometimes hurts but it hurts more when I stop because I'm sick. Mary
Sorry for this long message but hope it’s all helpful.
Everyone has different experiences. I’ve had AF on& off for 20 years. 3 ablations & 2 CVs (the CVs & last ablation were 2022). Every procedure made me very ill, the final ablation I went into heart failure, the EP had no idea what caused it. They were on the verge of letting me choose to pace & ablate or do nothing. Then I all of a sudden self converted back to NSR & amazed everyone. I’ve had a couple of attacks in 2 years, one followed a bad fall & flu vaccine lasted 2 months, the next was literally a year later, again for 2 months following flu vaccine. Also had chest infection with both. The last one I commenced Magnesium Taurate and self converted & ok since Nov last year. Yes always infection or inflammation sets me of and so I am also fairly positive they for me the flu vaccine has caused inflammatory response as they say it’s not a live vaccine! Last AF was 4 days after that vaccine. Exactly 12 months apart. I would though get an EP consultation first & formost. You can see whos in your area (even if you can’t go private) look on the BUPA website, find a consultant that does work at the private places near you and then it may list where they do their nhs work from. If not the private Secretary will have details if you call. Finally say to your GP you would like a referral to blah blah at nhs hospital & give details. I doubt you’ll be turned down then. GPs do just refer to Cardiology which covers the whole spectrum but EPs are the ones to see for electrical issues.
Having a high level of vit D is a much better way of guarding against respiratory infections than having flu jabs as it works for all respiratory infections including covid ,whereas studies have shown that getting a flu jab can make you more likely to catch a non flu respiratory infection. Flu jabs can cause reactions . I gave up having them more than 10years ago and definitely feel better in winter than I used to when I was having them. Since getting and maintaining my vit D at a high level and taking NAC I have had 2 respiratory infections in 9 years and got rid of them much quicker than friends and family who had the same thing.
Thank you for that, I was not aware of the infection prevention with VitD but I am doing & taking high dose of that that, also zinc,multi vitamin and lots of riboflavin packed stuff. I am asthmatic & mild bronchiectasis plus a whole host of other genetic things (I was definitely not favourite team when genes were handed out to my team 😂) However I’ve only had the one issue with the flu vaccine and normally as soon as daffodils flower I get allergies that set chest off so you may well be right as nothing this year so far 🥳 x
My mother had bronchiectasis and I have asthma. NAC is very good for lung health. It does have some mild blood thinning effect but I still take it . I can manage my asthma with only 1/2 puffs a day of Symbicort rather than the 4 puffs prescribed.
Thank you AFof flipper, I am under cardiology at Addenbrookes. OHS was at the old Papworth . As you know even yearly check ups are rare now. A and E is full of people who cannot see their GP . My experience of Private hospitals here is not good , terrible follow up care , so these private patients end up in A and E. So unfair on the overwhelmed but wonderful A and E department.
You have done well.
I didn’t mean go private (albeit it’s all the same consultants doing private that do nhs) I just meant look to see which is the best capable for what you want. So if want to go back to Addenbrooks, look for electrophysiologist on Bupa (that will be the consultant) then ask for GP referral to that name
I was lucky to be on my husbands work private health so when you can do that you see the consultant every time (in the nhs you may see consultant first time then the junior Drs after that) Hope you manage to sort it x
Thank you flipper.
I don’t know what I want …. I do know that here, you will wait months for an appointment after a referral .
I have waited 6 months so far for a gastro appointment, not heard a thing. Though it goes against the grain I tried to get a gastro appointment privately, the wait still would have been 3 months. Ended up in A and E. L