I had retinal surgery today for a vitreous haemorrhage which caused a detached retina. I dont think it is related to taking anticoagulants but next week I will contact my GP to discuss, hospital thinks it was wear and tear and age related. So relieved I decided to seek help from Moorfields, they were fantastic!
Update to my recent post re bleed beh... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Update to my recent post re bleed behind eye

Glad it all went well Jean. Keep us posted and take it easy.
Wishing you well, hope your discussion goes well. Take care to go slow & steady.
well done take care
That's good. Hope you recover well. Rest up and take things easy.
Hope you recover well, aren't London's specialist hospitals the best!
Glad it’s over and went well for you. Take it easy and take care of yourself. xxx
Good news !! Best wishes
Wishing you a speedy recovery
Hello! I developed vitreous haemorrhage in January of 2020. The eye bled, on and off, 4 times during lockdown. But out of the blue, last July, I woke up in atrial fibrillation. In hospital, I was put on a raft of meds, including Xarelto. 3 weeks later, I had a large bleed behind the eye, and this time, my left eyesight disappeared, as there was so much blood in it. Luckily, 6 weeks later, I had a successful cardioversion and, 4 weeks later, my cardiologist took me off the blood thinners, as my opthalmologist wanted to operate on the eye. Thankfully, my eye consultant then did a vitrectomy and laser at Xmas and my sight has now been restored. So although there is no definitive proof, I don't think the blood thinners helped me with my vitreous haemorrhage.
Thank you. The eye surgeon told me to carry on taking Apixaban and I will discuss with my GP. It's not clear what caused my bleed but retina was detached. I don't want to go through the op again, need to look after my eyes
Definitely!!!! We don't realise how precious eyesight is until we lose it. We are so lucky to have amazing eye clinics and treatments. Good luck and now that you've had your op, you will be up and running on all cylinders again very soon!!
Great news, Jean. Please follow doc's instructions after surgery and you will recover. My brother who had retinal detachment in both eyes a couple of years apart recovered well and I'm sure you will too!
Thank you. Took eye pad off this morning, drops 4 times daily. Today has been a tough day.