I was treated successfully for Non Hodgkins Lymphoma over 12 years ago and, I am delighted to say, remain in remission. It has come to my notice that there might be a causal relationship between the chemotherapy for the cancer and the Atrial Fibrillation which reared its head a few years later. Does anybody know if there is any basis for such a link?
Is there a link between A Fib and che... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Is there a link between A Fib and chemotherapy treatment for cancer?

It is not likely that your treatment has caused the onset of AF. Even if it was so, I believe that many patients with cancer would gladly trade successful chemotherapy result for AF... I do not want to spread a theory here, but it might be the other way round - that your predisposition for cancer has at the same time been the predisposition for AF. I would not be surprised if you have had, during your life, other health issues, like asthma, IBS, anxiety, depression, etc,... Am I right?

None of the above! I like to think that I ask a very positive person who has made the most of the cards I have been dealt.
Hi Ray - I have never had cancer but my understanding from a few posters on this site is that the short answer to your question is yes, some types of cancer therapy can trigger AF.
Perhaps someone with personal experience may post soon.
My late husband had 2 separate rounds of chemo in the 80s and 90s. After his death post heart op last year the pathologist report stated his heart damage and problems were due to past chemo treatment.
As a cancer survivor I can say that my SVT first reared it’s ugly head exactly when I was going through radiotherapy. However, it is such a stressful situation to be in, that I wonder if the stress rather than the treatment triggered the SVT. Also, IMO, any form of treatment for cancer is bound to have a lasting effect on the the immune system.