2 weeks post ablation: what should I ... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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2 weeks post ablation: what should I expect now?

Lynnvh profile image
33 Replies

I am two weeks post ep ablation for isolation of the pulmonary veins. I was a previously very active 55 year old female. Shortness of breath and irregular heart rhythm over the past couple of years has restricted my wish to maintain a healthy active lifestyle. I am wondering if there is a "normal" pattern of recovery? I was told that I can resume "normal activities" within a week. My first week was a bit rough. I had laryngitis, gastric upset and low energy (along with the usual mild discomfort in the groin from the sites of entry), but no irregular heartbeat as long as I didn't do too much. BP and pulse were elevated the first week or so. Now I just have an elevated pulse (80 bpm where it used to be around 60).

My question: is there a "normal" recovery curve. Two weeks post ablation I am finding anything more than just basic daily functions causes irregular heartbeat and shortness of breath. I would like to take walks longer than 2 km, but I'm finding after 1 or 2 km I have irregular heartbeat and shortness of breath. I also cannot do much in the way of exercise without triggering this. Any comments? What should I expect and how can I increase my activity level without causing harm?

Many thanks,


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Lynnvh profile image
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33 Replies

If you haven’t already, please read this.


Take it easy for as long as possible and bear in mind that if your groin is still bruised, imagine what the inside of your ticker must look like. Don’t be surprised to get occasional palpitations, ectopics or AF for 3 to possibly 6 months whilst the scar tissue heals......

Lynnvh profile image
Lynnvh in reply to

Thanks so much... your comments have helped me. ~ Lynn

BobD profile image

It is precisely because doctors are so glib about "being normal in a few days" that we wrote the fact sheet Flapjack directed you towards. As the old saying goes "youv'e been conned". Take it easy and follow the fact sheet and please don't try to go too fast. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!

Lynnvh profile image
Lynnvh in reply to BobD

Thanks so much... your comments have helped me. ~ Lynn

dadfrogboy profile image
dadfrogboy in reply to BobD

Hi Bob, the leaflet is great but doesn't mention about breathlessness weeks after an ablation ...are you aware if this is common?

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to dadfrogboy

Reaasonably common. Your heart has been attacked and will object.

dadfrogboy profile image
dadfrogboy in reply to BobD

Many thanks.

Sfhmgusa profile image

Hi there as I am 6 weeks into my second ablation I can give you good and bad news. Bad news first whilst this is a routine procedure it is not really a minor thing. And the docs can mislead you that you will be jogging home from the catheter lab😀

The good news is that if you take it easy thus can be a real “ fix” and slowly allow you to do pretty much anything you want. Two weeks really is much too soon to be doing more than gentle ( very) excercise.

After my ablation 1 I wanted to get back to normal ASAP and maybe because of that I had the need fir a second go having made myself a bit worse. So please take it really easy.

I’m not sure it is medically correct to say that your heart needs to relearn how to beat normally after ablation, but it feels that way to me, I get ectopic bests if I start to do too much and if I take it easy they appear to be reducing and my heat rate slowly returning to 55-60 from 75-80 after the ablation.

This procedure works! But you have to help it and I think that planning a gentle slope over 3 -4 months back to normal is probably the best plan


Lynnvh profile image
Lynnvh in reply to Sfhmgusa

Thanks so much... your comments have helped me. ~ Lynn

Diamondcat profile image

Good morning your case sounds very much like mine. I had my 1st ablation almost 5 weeks ago and expected to be back to normal within a couple of weeks. I am far from that. Heart stayed in normal rhythm for about a week then went completely haywire and I was in constant fast af for over 2 weeks and back in a&e twice. Even going upstairs puffs me out. I am now on more medication than I was pre op but I think things are finally settling down (fingers crossed). The healing time and process is different for everyone. Do as the good people on here suggest and take it very easy.. Your body will tell you when you can attempt more. X

Lynnvh profile image
Lynnvh in reply to Diamondcat

Thanks so much... your comments have helped me. ~ Lynn

Madscientist16 profile image

Click on my name and read my ablation recovery posts. I am almost 14 months post-ablation. I am a 54 year old female from the US, who is once again living a very active lifestyle.

BigDunc profile image

I am 3 weeks post Ablation. I discussed in my previous post I caught Covid whilst in hospital. I went into AF as soon I got home then after about 5 days returned to SinusCovid has effected my Stomach the most and my Hiatus Hernia has become worse than ever and consequently I went into AF again last Sunday.

I am over the worst of Covid now but have began doing some light exercise. I was previously extremely fit cycling every day and have started some light exercise. Like yourself suffering more ectopics during exercise and fast AF.

Cant do what I did before Which I suppose is understandable considering the circumstances but it’s heartening to know it’s not just me. Fingers crossed I’m hoping stomach settles down and I return to Sinus

Lynnvh profile image
Lynnvh in reply to BigDunc

Thanks so much... your comments have helped me. hope your illness from covid is short-lived~ Lynn

BigDunc profile image
BigDunc in reply to Lynnvh

Hi Lynn I flipped back into Sinus Rhythm yesterday after tea great relief. I have been walking each day (whilst in AF) only on the flat around 3-4 miles and noticed my ectopics had settled down. Felt ok apart from slight cramp which I treated with Electrolyte drink. Hang on in there

SophieBella profile image

I too ws left breathless after ablations on 3 occasions. This time after a few weeks, I walked 50 yars, then 100 yards and slowly built up - on the flat. However, its taken me about 6 months to improve on any slight incline. I still occasionally have to stop but it does improve.

dadfrogboy profile image
dadfrogboy in reply to SophieBella

Sophie, do you mind ne asking g hiw old you are, only as I am very breathless now just walking 4 weeks after ablation and used to be very fit. but I think I am anxious also which doesn't help as constantly checking my heart. I'm 51

SophieBella profile image
SophieBella in reply to dadfrogboy

64 when I had the 4th ablation, but about 52 with 2nd and breathless and 62 with 3rd and breathless.

dadfrogboy profile image
dadfrogboy in reply to SophieBella

thanks did the breathlessness improve?

SophieBella profile image
SophieBella in reply to dadfrogboy

Yes it has improved, but took over 6 months. Not 100% still, but if walking regularly I can manage inclines without stopping generally, whereas before I'd have to stop 3-4 times.

momist profile image

Just imagine that your heart has been taken out and used as a football, then put back in. It's a muscle, same as any other, and will take a long while to recover fully. At first it'll be very sore and stiff, and then that will ease a bit, and GENTLE exercise will be good for it, but don't overdo it! I've read reports of recovery in anything from 2 to 6 months. I guess that depends on how fit you were to begin with, and also how fit you are aiming for. For hip replacements and such, you would have been given physiotherapy. With this one, that's down to yourself, basically.

Good luck, and take it easy as long as you can. :-)

Jajarunner profile image

Hi Lynn

I'm 56 year old runner and triathlete and have posted extensively , and probably boringly, on here about my recovery over last seven months. You might find it helpful to read them, you can private message me too if you like.

In short, it's a slow process but it also took me months to recover from a cardioversion too do I am a slow recoverer.

Good luck xx

lacolyn profile image

I think you need to know that it's is going to take its own sweet time and you shouldn't push it. It is an operation. It's your heart. Be patient and don't expect to much of yourself. It will improve but don't get frustrated, do less than you did before and build very slowly. Enjoy the recovery, you'll get there.

dadfrogboy profile image

I'm 4 weeks post ablation today and had i known about this difficult recovery i wouldn't have had it done, heart rate often 100 when just standibg or lying down and lots of eptopic beats that I can barely function. I feel as though my heart has been damaged although my arrythmia nurse keeps telling me its normal. I was hoping that 4 weeks in i would be getting better but doesn't feel like it. I'm 51 slim male who used to be fit but there us no way I could run at the moment.

taking Flecainide for the eptopics and occasionally bisoprolol for the rapud heart, rapud but in sinus rhythm.

does any of this sound familiar?

many thanks


Diamondcat profile image
Diamondcat in reply to dadfrogboy

Hiya if you read my posts your journey sounds very much like mine. I’m just taking things one day at a time and praying that things get better.,I’m a 51 year old previously healthy woman and have had afib for 3 years. To be honest it’s pretty much ruined my life so far and I’m not the person I used to be. Feel old all the time and don’t live life like I used to. The ablation sounded like a brilliant option although I was terrified. Now that I am 5 weeks after it hasnt gone smoothly at all but I’m hoping it’s still early days. I’m a teacher and due back in school next week which terrifies me too! Think everyone’s journey is so different so just take your time and don’t rush things. I hope and pray things get better for you. X

dadfrogboy profile image
dadfrogboy in reply to Diamondcat

Sounds like we're in the same boat. when I xLm down and think clearly then i say to myself itd still very easy days and each day that passes is another day the heart has healed a bit more. I just wish my arrythmia team at Bristol Heart Institute had fully briefed me although they are a very respected hospital which gives me some comfort. When I get a fast heart heart beat or eptopic beats I seem to freak out so trying to relax more. What are your symptoms?Hope things improve for you as I'm sure it will.

dadfrogboy profile image
dadfrogboy in reply to dadfrogboy

I've just read your previous posts so understand your background. stick on there and things will improve and the heart is very resilient. x

Diamondcat profile image
Diamondcat in reply to dadfrogboy

It is very scary. I feel like my heart will explode. My symptoms are a racing heart. Have long periods of fast AF where my Heart has been going at 140bpm plus for days on end(hence trips to a&e) . I have every faith in Dr Schilling at Barts and know he is pretty much god in the heart world. They have been very good with me and I have found it really useful to be able to email them my Kardia readings to look at. I am still nervous that I will have another VT episode but so far so good. I am now on 160mg sotalol twice a day and 120mg dilitizem plus warfarin. Way more than I was on pre ablation but if it keeps things in check then so be it. I have a follow up appt in Feb so hopefully I may be able to reduce things then. And fingers crossed I will be in a totally different place by then! X just keep calm x

Diamondcat profile image

Hi LynnI can I my suggest that you take things easy and don’t push yourself. My journey is similar to yours and I expected to be firing on all cylinders after 2 weeks. I’m far from that. Just listen to your body. X

Ianc2 profile image

Easy, steady, consistent gentle exercise. Since covid ruined my tea dances and Saturday night dancing I have increased my day time walking to seven days a week and get quite twitchy if I can't get out. Give your ablation time to heal - it does take time. Your heart is in constant movement so the healing process takes longer than a simple burn.

dadfrogboy profile image
dadfrogboy in reply to Ianc2

Ian, can you remember how you were feeling after 4 weeks? I am 4 weeks in a min chance could I run (i used to) but walking more although get lots of eptopics when i start to walk and fast heart to begin with, starts to sort of slow down. I guess 4 weeks is still fairly new.....

Ianc2 profile image
Ianc2 in reply to dadfrogboy

Takes a bit longer than 4 weeks. Your heart has a scar running across it and needs to heal. Nice and easy regular gentle exercise for another 4 weeks , bearing in mind you don't want to undo all the good work. It takes time and we are all different but a slow warm up and warm down should help.

dadfrogboy profile image
dadfrogboy in reply to Ianc2

Much appreciated. I keep thinking I should be getting less weird heart beats and eptopics but yes its still early days and another 4 weeks should help I hope.

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