covid vaccine : Hi all just to say had... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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covid vaccine

oliviab9 profile image
39 Replies

Hi all just to say had covid vaccine earlier today as I am a public health nurse .. I am not on any anti-coagulants just flecanide and nebivolol. No side-effects so far , hopefully this might reassure people

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oliviab9 profile image
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39 Replies
meadfoot profile image

Thanks. Good to hear. Stay safe out there.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

That sounds promising you'll continue to have no side effects then. Can you please report back again in a weeks time.

Thank you.


oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Will do .

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply to oliviab9

Better in three weeks after your second one. We have our follow ups around January 9th. I have no side effects but my wife has an even more painful arm than after her flu jabs. She asked for it in her left arm but they ignored her request whereas the one who did mine asked and did it in the left as requested.

oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to seasider18

Yes I had mine in left arm , I offered left arm and it wasn’t questioned no pain in arm as yet although few colleagues have had sore arms and headaches . Agree that 2 nd dose may invoke a different response, but worth it I feel

Fastbeat profile image
Fastbeat in reply to jeanjeannie50

I had my 1st covid jab on Sat. morning,all good and very well organised

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Fastbeat

Good to hear. Can you please report back again in a weeks time and say how you've been.

sharonrc profile image
sharonrc in reply to jeanjeannie50

I had my covid vaccination on 11th of Dec. Apart from a heavy arm and bit of a headache the first day I've had no side effects. It hasn't triggered AF at all. I'm also a nurse and I am part of the covid vaccination team. Most people seem to tolerate it with no ill effects. If you've ever had an anaphylactic reaction to anything it's not recommended at the moment.

oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to sharonrc

I think my fear was that it would trigger Af episode., but have honestly felt fine . Don’t envy you long days on vaccine team but uptake rate here in NI good at present

sharonrc profile image
sharonrc in reply to oliviab9

I'm in Scotland and so far it's just healthcare staff and care home staff and residents I've been involved with. The over 80's should be soon too. Let's hope it starts to make a difference.

oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to sharonrc

Let’s hope so , keep safe

reinaway profile image

Had my first vaccine yesterday as I am in the over 80 bracket and have had a few symptoms. Developed a sudden headache in the car on the way home which went away a couple of hours later when treated with pain killers. Felt lethargic for the rest of the day. This morning have a sore arm but slept well. Hopefully all is well but as always am worried about it triggering AF but then I constantly do that about anything unusual!😕

oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to reinaway

Yes I am the same about triggering AF .Glad you are both ok

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to reinaway

Thanks for reporting back and being so honest as to how you've felt since having your covid jab.

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply to reinaway

I felt reasonably OK yesterday but today tired with headache and my usual joint and muscle pains are worse. Standing is an effortMy wives painful arm cleared up overnight

oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to seasider18

Hope things clear up for you. Colleague I was with yesterday was also vaccinated she has POTS and is feeling a bit rough today

Redwing30 profile image

Thanks for posting. As a retired nurse I have no concerns about the vaccine and will get mine as soon as its available. There is too much negative and false information on social media so any positive information is very welcome.

oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to Redwing30

I agree although with having PAF was a bit anxious in case it triggered an episode . Whole family a bit jealous yesterday I have to say .

momist profile image

oliviab9 Not relevant to the Covid19 inoculation, but I'm very curious as to why someone who needs flecanide is not on an anticoagulant? Is there some medical reason, or was that your own decision?

oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to momist

Well I decided along with my cardiologist as I only scored 1 on chads for being female and had no other health issues other than waiting on a shoulder replacement not to take an anticoagulant . I could be wrong but I feel that my AF was started /triggered by an anti inflammatory drug called Celebrex .I may change my mind in the future about anticoagulant therapy.

momist profile image
momist in reply to oliviab9

Sorry to have pried, but I am a believer of avoiding risk where I have the power. I guess this attitude comes with old age, I didn't used to feel that way. I know a lot of people misunderstand risk, and not all risks can be avoided. I hope you keep well over Christmas and enjoy at least some of it. Ian.

oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to momist

No problem you are not prying , I have changed other things in my life that were for me stressors and feel that this has helped AF for now .

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to oliviab9

Mine was triggered by Celebrex. I only took 2 .1 x 100mg two days running awoken in night 4am after second one with what I later found to be AF. I google while on a&e trolley and Celebrex increases chance of developing AF by 70% and usually kicks off after first couple of doses. It causes electrolyte disturbance apparently . And not just Celebrex is a risk with all NSAIDs. I filled in a yellow card as none of the doctors seemed interested in doing it . I now take magnesium .

oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to Peony4575

Hi glad I’m not alone here with this . GP who I saw at time said the the problems Celebrex causes in older females in particular make her averse to using it .

oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to oliviab9

Sorry meant prescribing it

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to oliviab9

Hi yes I felt relieved when I saw I wasn’t alone with this experience . How quickly after taking the Celebrex did you get a bout of AF and have you had subsequent bouts and at what intervals ? Sorry to ask questions . This happened to me at the end of August and haven’t had another episode so far but it does seem to be the nature of the beast . Am only on aspirin

oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to Peony4575

Well I was taking it for a while and it caused a rise in BP and GP ran blood tests and results were all over the place so I stopped it and then AF started I went to A&E and was cardioverted successfully but at that time I was under a lot of stress in work and it came back with a vengeance and I paid privately to see an EP who started me on medication. I have been ok for a while now but hate to tempt fate by saying that . I stopped alcohol and caffeine and retired from my full time job , I am now back working 6 shifts a month which has helped and I know that I have been lucky to be able to do this.

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to oliviab9

It’s a horrible experience and am sorry you ve been through that . I was already decaf and drank a glass of fizz very occasionally but now on the wagon . I think stress is a big baddie. The cardiologist I saw when admitted put me on bisoprolol I didn’t trust him so went to see another privately a couple of days later . He said no need to take it all the time so had terrible time trying to get off it . Failed twice it caused all kinds of arrhythmia s but not AF so switched to atenolol and things have calmed down am on last 1mg and hoping all hell doesn’t break loose when I finally stop . And all because of two Celebrex . I wondered if I might have naturally lower levels of magnesium, Celebrex increases your potassium , and have been taking mag citrate for a month and my muscle tension and other things have improved a lot . I don’t do well on drugs . Can I ask which drugs EP put you on ?

oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to Peony4575

it is a horrible experience but keep reading all the posts on here I have had so much reassurance from them . I was initially started on bisoprolol which really didn’t agree with me so I stopped it myself ( prob wrong thing to do ) and I saw a cardiologist who started me on sotalol which worked for a while and then private EP prescribed flecanide and nebivilol . I also take vit d , magnesium and co enzyme q10 . With hindsight I was probably having a good few episodes of AF that I was putting down to work anxiety and it took buying a Kardia monitor to prove to GP that it was AF after the initial cardio version . But these 1st episodes were when I was on Celebrex and I felt so odd that I checked my BP in work never was AF mentioned until I went to A&E nor did anyone feel my pulse radially I had my 1st ecg in A&E . Sorry if this is a bit garbled

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to oliviab9

Not garbled makes perfect sense . I woke with a pulse of 180 and also I was blown up like a hot air balloon . I still stayed at home for 4 hours thinking it might settle then went in . It settled with a dose of bisoprolol and amiodarone after some hours. Since that happened an old friend told me she took a strong dose of ibuprofen after having a knee op. She described terrible palpitations for half an hour during which she was sweating and she threw up as they ended ( cause or effect of cessation ). Went to GPS but of course was no trace but she knows the two were closely associated and would never take another NSAID. I suspect it’s a common problem and the association is not often made . It is so lovely to meet you have felt like a bit of a loner with my Celebrex trigger

oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to Peony4575

It’s always good to talk esp re AF because if you don’t have it you don’t know what it’s like . I haven’t taken an anti inflammatory since that and don’t like family members taking them either . At the start of my AF experience I really did think I was going to die but have gained confidence in myself to know that isn’t likely to happen this is a great support source. But feel free to ask any questions. Take care x

Aqua_1 profile image
Aqua_1 in reply to oliviab9

Hi Olivia, just wondering how you are feeling 2 months post vaccine? I trust all is well and you didn’t have any bad side effects? I’m in Australia and vaccine rollout begins next week and I’m abit nervous. Thanks in advance for your reply.

oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to Aqua_1

Hi feeling absolutely fine, have had 2 nd dose of vaccine also and had a headache and sore arm following that for about 12 hours and took paracetamol other than no problems. Had a run of AF last week lasted 2 hrs but totally unrelated to vaccine. I am sure you are nervous but you will be glad once it’s done . All my work colleagues have been vaccinated and apart from sore arms and headaches all grand now. Good luck x

Aqua_1 profile image
Aqua_1 in reply to oliviab9

Thanks so much for replying Olivia! Did you get the Pfizer or Astra Zeneca vax? x

oliviab9 profile image
oliviab9 in reply to Aqua_1

Hi sorry for late reply , I had Pfizer vaccine x

Aqua_1 profile image
Aqua_1 in reply to oliviab9

Thanks again Olivia x

Bambi65 profile image

Im going to pass

Tomred profile image

Hi Olivia b9 I'm sorry but getting a vaccine today does not reassure me of anything

Rubyray profile image

Thanks. I too am on flecainide and Eliquis. I am 82 and will get the vaccination as soon as it is available in my area.

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