I am finding life quite hard at the moment, as I am sure, many of you are. There are so many uncertainties in our lives, so many decisions to make, risks to assess - will this drug help or hinder? Should I go for this treatment or that? Getting to speak let alone see a doctor right now is problematic and even if you are able to, time with them is short so no time to discuss fears or remember to ask all the questions you meant to. So where do we go to?
Here of course.
Having this forum is a lifeline for us all and hardly a day goes by without seeing a comment about just how important this forum is - so long may it continue.
Uncertainty increases fear, fear stresses our bodies and therefore our hearts. Some cope better than others, some feel threatened whenever challenged and lash out, any of us who have been on this forum for any length of time have at one time or another become the target of victriol, but on the whole, because we want to give back, because we believe that this should be an open forum which is not censored, where people can bring and talk about their fears and their hopes, their concerns and their ailments - we stick around even though we may not all still suffer AF. We do this because we take the long view because we have the experience and remember when we first came to this site, knowing nothing, feeling scared because there was something wrong with our hearts and that scared the shit out of us.
I don’t care what you believe or not believe about doctors, gods or others but I do care that you came here seeking something so I will do my best to offer my care, my thoughts and my empathy.
On the whole, this forum has been a safe refuge, more than just somewhere to come for advice or reassurance but a place to make friends, real friends who sometimes meet up not just Avatars in cyber space. Real people have real feelings. I love a good discussion but am aware that some don’t like others ‘falling out’. I get that but what I don’t get is playground bullies who go tell teacher without reasonable cause, as listed in the forum rules.
I get we will not always agree, I’ll agree to disagree with you and I will uphold your right to voice your views but not at the expense of others.
We are coming into the season of Goodwill to all, the winter solstice, a dark time, a time of festivals all over the world, whatever your god/s and beliefs so I pray that the light will return and that if we all hold hands together as we go through this dark period we will help each other find our way.
I am looking foward to reading the latest Christmas ditty from Jean and all the other contributors who crack a joke and make us smile. WE NEED MORE JOKES AND SMILES PEOPLE!