Blood glucose levels higher - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Blood glucose levels higher

belindalore profile image
β€’12 Replies

Anyone taking Eliquis had their glucose levels get higher? Mine has gone up since taking this. Never never ever have I had my glucose over 100. Normal is between 70-100 for non-diabetics. My level has always been very good. In the 70's. Last labs I had before starting Eliquis it was 79. Very good. In the hospital recently it's 102. But the day of my angiogram it was around 80 and they gave me glucose for the angiogram. They wanted it up to around 103 for the procedure. And it hasn't come back down to my previous levels. It's been a couple weeks since I got out of the hospital. I know what my reading is because I have a blood glucose meter for one of my cats so I used it. I received a letter from my insurance company today discussing managing diabetes. I thought why am I getting this letter. So I checked my blood sugar and it was a long enough time since I'd eaten last to get a good reading and it was 100. That's an okay reading but I know NOW it's higher because of the Eliquis. It can cause diabetes. So I'm not happy. This medicine begets too many other illnesses that a person never had. There is no history of diabetes in my family nor do I have any reasons (diet, lifestyle,etc.) that would predispose me to get diabetes. I'm not overweight, exercise (best I can on this poison medicine), eat well (no junk food)no alcohol at all, don't eat any sweets except for a tiny piece of Dove dark chocolate (I cut off a tiny piece off of one of those bite size candies) once in awhile. I know, I know some of you will say the med doesn't bother you or this isn't a side effect. 1.) I'm so glad some of you aren't bothered by any or many side effects of this poison and for me it is like poison. 2.) Yes causing diabetes in some people is a side effect. So I'm not a happy camper. I'm thinking about a fellow on another forum. Eliquis was causing his kidneys to decline. Had never had any trouble whatsoever before he started the Eliquis. In the six months he'd taken it his kidney function went way down. And of course his Drs said oh no it's not the Eliquis. Yep it is. So he's got to decide whether or not to stop the Eliquis or maybe have a stroke. How dare these Drs and their arrogant attitudes do this to people. It's sickening. I'm sick of these Drs. I'm sick of the insurance companies who'd just as soon let a patient die rather than allow needed testing. I'm sick of big pharmas pushing the FDA to push through these poisons. And I'm sick of the FDA for being so corrupt as to cower before the drug companies and approve all these poisinous meds. I won't tell the name of the other forum I was on about the man I mentioned. There are many other forums besides this one and I look at them too once in awhile. Similar to this one. People ask a question and others reply. I pray that man will be okay somehow cause he sure wasn't getting any help from his Drs. Nor do I. Shame on these Drs. I always tell people God has a trap door. If you go before him and he sees you have knowingly done harm to others he trips the trap door and you go to the devil 😈. Exactly where these bad Drs should go.

Thanks for letting me vent. πŸ˜”

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belindalore profile image
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12 Replies
Bridges4 profile image

Can I suggest you stop Eliquis (Apixaban) and go onto another treatment (Warfarin?). There are several others you can look at as well. I have been on Apixaban for several years and get my bloods tested every six months and so far no problem despite having heart failure; diabetes, AF and, recently, an eight month treatment for prostate cancer.

Perhaps I'm very lucky but my doctors have been really great. Can't say the same though for my GP's surgery which seems to have shut up shop totally!

Good luck and all the best for the future.

Auriculaire profile image

You really need to do an intensive check on your glucose to determine whether you are headed for D2. Take readings with glucose meter fasting , then 1 hour and 2 hours post meals. Readings should be under 140 at one hour and 120 at 2 hours. There is a good website I think it's Diabetes101 that deals with keeping diabetes under control using diet and they reckon aiming for these levels is tight control - it's certainly much tighter than the levels set out in the little booklet that I get from the pharmacy to record the results in! According to my fasting glucose levels I am mildly prediabetic so I do this intensive testing for a week twice a year to keep my eye on things. It is the way your body handles food ie the post prandial readings that are more important as the fasting can be mucked up by something called "dawn phenomenon ". It is only for fasting glucose that normal is between 70 and 100 -well maybe in America here it is 110. It is perfectly normal for glucose to rise much more than this after eating. It is how quick it comes back down again that counts!

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Auriculaire

Thanks. Once again I'm blaming this on the meds. I never had any problems with high blood sugar. No one in my family. For it to all of a sudden go up AFTER I started Eliquis can only be because of the Eliquis. It's a side effect. Just like the poor guy whose kidneys are now failing. Side effect. And Drs don't want to hear it. Have you always been prediabetic or just recently. What were your labs before you took Eliquis?? In my 68 years have never had high blood sugar. If my blood sugar had been 100 in the hospital before they gave me glucose for the angiogram why would they have even needed to give me the glucose? When the nurse said they wanted it to be around 103 before the angiogram. It took a few hours with IV to bring the glucose up to where they wanted it. Something doesn't add up and my gut tells me it's the Eliquis along with all the other side effects I suffer from. The Drs don't get that we know our bodies and how we feel and what happens when we take these meds. I'm sick of their flimsy excuses. Let them take it if they think these drugs are magic fairy dust. Between feeling like I'm half dead all the time and the Drs who don't listen I'm about done. Try a different approach.

This morning I can hardly function. Legs are so weak it's an effort to stand up. Headache, body aches. When your quality of life keeps going down how is that getting better? When taking this poison and it stresses you out trying to deal with all the side effects that I have, and I have many, how is that getting better? And when I mention this to the Drs they just look away. Trying a different med is not for me. Tomorrow I'm going to my GP office and insist I get the pharmacogenomics test to see how my body metabolizes meds. I know my body and I know I have never been able to tolerate prescription meds. I have another post on here about that. I had a Dr 20 years ago who knew that. Told me I'd probably always have trouble taking prescription meds. My sister can't take prescription. She's on a prescription she's determined to get off of. Nor my brother and my father couldn't. So to me it points to the genes we have that metabolize these meds. CDreamer had a post awhile back about this. Insurance used to pay for this test. They stopped this summer. The FDA and insurance companies decided that the test was too inconclusive. Ha. Truth is it was stepping on the toes of big pharmas pushing these drugs and they were afraid they wouldn't be able to get more dangerous drugs pushed through and keep that big money rolling in. Disgusting.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to belindalore

I have been doing this twice yearly testing since 2011 . I was having trouble with symptoms of sudden drops in blood sugar so my doc gave me a glucose meter he had hanging around. When I tested it it was not particularly low - just felt like it! I have had fasting glucose round 110 sometimes a bit above sometimes a bit below for about 15 years now. Prediabetic range is 110 -126 here. My post meals have always been ok . The highest are always after breakfast but this is apparently normal. My GP has never suggested that there is anything to worry about but then he does not bother to test my cholesterol anymore. He knows I would refuse a statin. I went on Eliquis in March last year. When I tested earlier this year my blood sugars were marginally higher especially after breakfast but still ok. I suppose that could be due to Eliquis but I can't say I'm that worried about it.

I too have problems with prescription meds and they have got worse since being floxed. This is a common reaction for floxies. I cannot take the painkillers for my hip pain very often as they make me feel bloated and upset my digestion. The next day I feel depressed and weepy. So I put up with the pain. I suspect the Eliquis might be making it worse but the xrays of both hips show that I need surgery . The lack of cartilage is more likely to be from Cipro as I have cartilage degeneration in my rib cage as well and that is longstanding.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Auriculaire

So sorry. It's heck getting older like I had in an earlier post. But it would sure dang make it a little bit easier if the Drs would believe usπŸ˜”. Please take care of yourself. I so like your posts. 😍

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to belindalore

Doctors have a problem. It is hard for them to acknowledge that the drugs they are handing out are actually poisoning some of their patients . After all they have been taught in medical school that these drugs are there to address the conditions people present with. Some of them are naive and cannot get to grips with the sharp practice of the drug companies. But I suspect that in your country where even bigger sums of money can be made from medicine many are simply venal.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Auriculaire

Yes there is lots of money to be made by Drs from the big drug companies. Here the drug companies hire reps to call on the Drs to explain to them about their magical new drugs and convince the Drs to use them.. I don't know about nowadays but the drug companies used to give Drs free trips and lavish them with gifts and pay them money for giving their new drugs to the patients. The reps would even tell the Drs to use a drug for some other illness that the drug isn't even prescribed for. Like using metoprolol which is actually BP medicine, for heart rhythm. That stuff nearly did me in. I remember watching a TV show a few years back and a former drug rep told how the drug companies lavished Drs with gifts. Of course this rep was in the dark so you couldn't see his face and his voice modified. There would be so called conventions Drs would be paid to lecture at when they were really pushing the new drugs. It appalls me that this sort of thing has been going on for decades and nothing done. But I suppose it really isn't illegal. More immoral to me. There's a website of which I forget the name that tells how much money Drs accept from drug companies. I looked up my cardio Dr and he had accepted a little less than 300. That's not a lot but to me 30 cents would have been immoral. I even think it was someone on here who posted the website but more than a couple months ago. And nowadays that's too long ago for me to remember. 😏 The man who posted it did say one of his Drs had raked in over a million dollars. Guess that Dr had no conscious at all.

I think some Drs do know the many side effects. They either don't want to be bothered or like here in the USA too many Drs have the insurance companies breathing down their necks. Limited office visits dictated by the insurance companies. Different insurance companies only cover certain meds or procedures. The Drs fear if they order too many tests and don't find anything , some insurance companies will make the Dr pay for the test. It's crazy over here. People here have listened to the idiots campaigning for President tell them-if I get elected I'll fix the healthcare problems and straighten out the insurance. Blah blah blah. Like a broken record. In actuality it just gets worse. We have government officials who have great insurance but they don't pay for it. The taxpayers do. It's just all a big game. And the ones who lose are the hard working citizens. Lip service from anyone running for office. They tell you what you want to hear to get elected. Then when they get in office they end up with amnesia. Oh well I could go on and on til the moon falls down. I tell people to read an article by John Gordon Steele titled "A Short History of American Insurance" . I believe that's the title. My brain is misfiring again. πŸ˜• It tells how insurance started in the USA and why it's become what it is now. It actually started out to be a good thing. Until some man decided it could be a real money maker. Downhill from there.

We have turned the clocks back for daylight savings time. I don't know if that's done in other countries. So now it gets light an hour earlier in the morning but darker earlier in the evening. It's kind of outdated to keep doing it.

I will stop now. I think I may get into the Guinness book of World records for the longest post. 😳 Take care.

Desanthony profile image

No problems here taking this for nearly 4 years and have full bloods every 6 months and nothing come up yet.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Desanthony

We're all different.

Desanthony profile image
Desanthony in reply to belindalore

Yes we are. Its a shame you can't get more help with this. I know how difficult it is out there.

belindalore profile image

Yes it is difficult. Because of the rules and regulations imposed on Drs by the insurance companies most Drs won't buck that system and actually TREAT the patient anymore. So too many patients get poor care and just end up another statistic. It's unacceptable that healthcare has regressed so through the years. Now it's just big business and too many Drs are compensated by the big pharmas for prescribing their drugs. I grew up in an age where Drs treated the whole you. I hear from more and more people who say Drs don't do that anymore. Sad.

rosholt profile image

I know meds cause health problems. My husband has seen his platelets go down for the last four years. It seems that lipitor can cause this problem along with the other prescriptions he is on. I take Xarelto and have had no problems at all.

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