Yes it happened again, third year of having a flu jab and my heart has gone in to AF 4 days later. Blood pressure high too. Took the advice of my Cardiologist to have the jab due to Covid being active in is area. Advised previously when this happened to take additional 100mg of Flecainide along with the 200mg I already take daily to put my heart back in sinus rhythm. This is the second day I've taken additional PIP, should I take this until it goes back in rhythm or is there a limit to the number of days I should do this before seeking professional advice? I have suffered from PAF for 18 years.
AF after flu jab: Yes it happened again... - Atrial Fibrillati...
AF after flu jab

No you should not continue the higher dose. If PIP not effective seek advice from your EP or arrhythmia support nurse.
It must be something you've eaten, some nasty ingredients in food , it cant possibly be anything to do with the vaccine ingredients .
do you get anxious before flu jab??? Just a thought x
Have a look at what the vaccine contains mavisrich , put your mind at rest .
Hi. I also had a bout of AFib after my flu jab. I felt anxious the day after and that stayed with me until I had a short 40 minute burst during the night three days later. I had a similar reaction last year too but had no problems before that.
I am sorry that you are having reactions after getting a flu vaccination. Yes, we are all different yet the medical system is not built on differences. Anxiety can be a trigger for AF and it is hard to separate what causes what. Slow breathing is a solution for anxiety if you are willing to try it. It helps many people, but that does not mean it helps everyone. I only offer it to see if it helps you. It does not cost anything, just the amount of time you put into learning how to breath slowly. There is a direct relationship between how many breaths per minute you do and your heart rate. Generally, the slower you breathe the slower your heart rate will be. The holy grail of slow breathing is 6 seconds for the inhale with 6 seconds for the exhale. It may take awhile for you to get there.
Hi, sorry you are in still in AF, I really wouldn't keep taking more Flecainide without talking to your EP or cardiologist first, as Flecainide can cause other arrhythmia problems in high doses.
4 days later is a long time to connect the flu shot to an afib event.
Back in NSR. Thanks to all who replied, good to get a broad view of the problem.
I'm so glad you are back in sinus rhythm Be-Honest! I'm not getting the Flu Jab for this reason. I have a feeling it may put me into AFib. I'm on Flecanide 300mgs so can't afford to get any more AFib.
I personally wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. Quite apart from the preservatives (look it up) my father in law passed out more than once after the flu jab. Mother in law who has a lot of health issues including asthma, couldn't figure out why she caught a cold not having been anywhere and then said "oh I had my flu jab a few days ago but it's not that" . I give up!!!
I think it’s possible for the effects of an event to last. When something has set off my heart rhythm in the past, it has occasionally taken awhile for my heart re-set .......... sometimes the next ablation or cardioversion. 🙄