When will the medical system wake up - Atrial Fibrillati...

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When will the medical system wake up

belindalore profile image
5 Replies

It's 4 am here in Florida. I can't sleep. Back to taking the Eliquis since being in the hospital has put me back to square one. As I couldn't follow my personal protocol I had at home taking my supplements and whatnot. I had the tests and blood work and you know what. I was expecting them to be negative because I do suffer from the bad side effects of this nasty drug. I was having chest pain. They didn't find anything. It's a side effect of the drug. Would they even consider that. No. Just switch to Xarelto and all will be just dandy. Well Xarelto has a bunch of lawsuits now and guess what it also causes angina. I'm not taking it.

I'm thinking about my friend who just passed away. Yes he had health problems. But in the beginning, before he went on blood thinners he was still active for his age. At first he was on warfarin but the diet was too restrictive for him. Plus I think he and his wife felt that Eliquis would be a better choice. Less restrictive diet since he was diabetic. No checking his inr all the time. Which was also less restrictive since he was an artist and he and his wife still traveled around to do the outside art festivals. But I could see the gradual change in how he was feeling. And it wasn't just because of his health problems. It was because the Eliquis and metoprolol he was on were draining him. He had no energy. He had no appetite and like me lost a lot of weight. I didn't even get to see him after they had driven back down to Florida. I was already in the hospital. He went in the next day. My partner helped his wife get Don in the car to go to the hospital and told me later Don was now just a little frail wisp of a man. Don could barely work in his garden after he started these meds. It was a chore for him to do the art shows which he always loved doing. He was a people person. He loved meeting people and talking to them. And so many times he'd meet someone and like the movie "6 degrees", he had something in common with that person. He played jazz. Now he couldn't play his clarinet anymore and he was so darn good at it. He still had his sense of humor. But for someone who had such a zest for life, it was gone. So I'm angry. Even though he and his wife had good Drs, those Drs still didn't address the side effects of these meds. He developed neuropathy. From the meds. Another med to fix that. He had restless leg syndrome. Not before theses meds. He was anxious and depressed. Not before these meds. You say how would I know. Because he and his wife are like family. 36 yrs we've known each other. And Liz would confide in me worrying about Don. And I and my partner are on these meds. So we both know how Don felt. I quit the metoprolol. Couldn't function at all on that. We both have some of the same symptoms Don had. And as sure as I'm typing this post, it was these meds that took my friend. I know and my partner knows because we too suffer from the side effects of the Eliquis and metoprolol. And the Drs don't and won't listen. And yes I'm angry. These forums would not exist if these meds worked for everyone. People come to these forums because the Drs don't listen. Because the drug companies and insurance companies rule over them. I just feel helpless and like my life and the lives of so many others don't mean a darn thing. We're all just guinea pigs. I just don't understand why a Dr can take an oath to do no harm and then turn around and does just that. Please someone tell me how they sleep at night? ????😠💔

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5 Replies
Globe-J profile image

Dear Belinda,

Sorry to hear about your friend's unfortunate passing away.

I agree, there are serious flaws in the medical establishments, all over the world. Taking back control of our health, considering doctors as (hopefully) knowledgeable advisers only may help.

Now you are there, for your friend. Probably the most important and positive act you can offer


jeanjeannie50 profile image

There are official places on the internet where you can report the side effects of medication, here in the UK its the Yellow Card website. I'm sure you will have a site in your country too.

It's so important that everyone reports side effects they've experienced through taking medication, unfortunately few people have heard you can do this, so the true side effects of many drugs remain unknown.


belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to jeanjeannie50

Yes. Problem here in the USA the FDA has become so politically corrupted that even if you report to them it doesn't do much good now. Sad the state of politics in this country.

EngMac profile image
EngMac in reply to belindalore

Sometimes you can be better off without the drugs. The anticoagulant drugs really don't reduce the stroke risk by much - 1% according to my doctor. But they increase the bleed risk by maybe 4% according to him. These percentages may or may not be correct. The other side effects are big negatives as well. The solution to AF has not been found, and as is evident from all the posts on this site, the ones supposedly helpful can have some significant negatives.

Maybe the risks of taking drugs are not worth it. Maybe the risk of not taking them is worth it to have a more comfortable life. I chose not taking them because of the side effects. It has been 7 years and I am still here and doing well. Supplements and maintaining a healthy lifestyle may be a better option.

I know my AF is caused by spine issues which I finally am making some progress correcting. It takes determination and lots of time and effort and finding helpful devices, which I think I may have found. Choosing options not recommended by what we hope are knowledgeable doctors is not usually supported by doctors or families. It seems your friend may have been better off not following doctor's recommendations. Unfortunately, no one knows what that life could have been but the end result would be the same; the intervening trip would have been different.

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to EngMac

Yes I tend to agree with you. The only thing is I have mild mitral valve regurgitation. And have no idea if it could cause me problems. I know people can live years with no trouble long as it doesn't worsen. And I honestly feel that maybe the Eliquis is making mine worse. How can a drug that's causing heart pain, angina, possibly be helping???? So sick of these arrogant Drs who don't know squat anymore. Afib or anything else like it should happen to all Drs like that and maybe they'd change their tune.

I would really like to talk with you further as I've been doing some thinking lately. I've been trying to to change my lifestyle. Eating better. Exercise is futile sometimes due to this nasty drug. Can you please send me a private message? I'm not sure how to do that. I have been looking at different sites on the internet and about to give up for the day and your message popped up. I see that as a good omen? Time for me to do a couple chores and eat lunch. Hope to find another message from you later...

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