I had a nightmare two nights ago it was about 2 hours after I had fallen asleep. As I woke my heart rate was about twice what is currently for me normal. It took something like 10 - 15 minutes for my heart to calm down and even then it was faster than usual. I used slow deep breathing and lay as calmly as I could on my back.
One of the reasons this worried me was that whilst I have now been back in NSR for 10 days following my recent ablation, it was waking up, either in the morning or during the night, that often triggered my AF in the past. I did a study on the regularity of waking being my trigger and over 2 years 56% of my episodes started this way, the others were random with no real major links.
This did worry me but it is not the first time this has happened I am hoping that I can have sweet dreams in future not bad dreams.
Does this sound familiar to anyone else?