Hi all, I've been on here a few times and thought I would share my AF story. I was diagnosed with IDC (Idiopathic Dialated Cardiomyopathy) around 18 years ago. After around two years I had my first atack of AF which was a shock so off to hospital i did go, lassted about 10 hours and went away. This happened around once a year for a few years and then disapeared for six years, nothing, nada, zip, happy days. I then had two episodes 10 days of each other around two and a half years ago which resulted in two more trips to hospital, then nothing until last June.
Skip forward to March this year, after having a really bad cold/flu/COVID expierience in February I started with persistent bouts of really 'angry' AF and was getting them every few days and they were lasting for anything between one or two and ten hours, I was taken to hospital on three occasions.
I managed to get to see my consultant in the middle of May (It would have been easier to get sit down one to one and have a brew and sticky buns with the Queen)
He managed to arranged for me to have an urgent ablation on the 22nd of June. Seems I'm one of the unlucky ones and the ablation hasn't even put a dent in the AF so I am back on the list to have it again soon, please make it soon.
I am getting AF pretty much every day, it is uncomfortable and random with a wide variance in how long it lasts. Needless to say I am at my wits end and am totally worn out with it all and I needed to vent. There is another part to this that I am not able to tell you right now but needless to say you 'WILL' be shocked when you hear it.
Below is a timeline from the beginning of March this year up to now, ish!
March 2nd woke in AF went away when I got out of bed, duration unknown
March 3rd 3am went into AF lasted (10 hours)
March 11th woke in AF at 5am rang ambulance lasted (5 hours)
April 23rd 8.30pm went into AF lasted until 01.00am (4.5 hours)
May 8th woke at 7.30am in AF then in and out until 10am then constant for (8 hours)
May 17th AF started at 1am lasted (7 hours)
May 23nd AF on and off during early morning, dependent on sitting or standing 5pm AF again lasted (2 hours)
May 24th AF at 1.00am, I rang 111 instead of an ambulance at 3.30 as I was really worried about going to hospital (COVID) but they insisted on calling me an ambulance. The paramedics talked me into going to hospital even though the AF had gone by then. They checked me out and gave me a chest x-ray and blood tests, I was hoping to be admitted to get tests to see why this is happening but cardiology wouldn't admit me so I was sent home. Got home at around 10am and slept for three hours and thirty minutes after I woke I went back into AF which lasted (3.5 hours)
Called 111 later and spoke to the out of hours doctor about changing my medication back to nebivolol safely but got nowhere.
Rang A&E to try and speak to a doctor but the nursing sister in A&E would not help.
May 26th AF 1.00pm lasted (1h 50 minutes)
May 27th woke in AF 9am lasted (3 hours) milder than normal
May 30th AF on and off for around (5 hours)
May 31st *********************(exceptionally good day with no problems)
June 1st AF when moving around after getting up as unsettled as it was on April 30th, on and off all day.
June 3rd Woke with regular ectopics and background AF on and of for around two hours then went into AF (3 hours)
June 6th two bouts of AF lasting around (20 min and 30 mins)
June 7th woke early in the morning in AF lasted about (45 minutes) then stopped. Then started again in the evening at around 9.00pm lasted (2 hours)
June 8th AF started at around 8.30 lasted (5 hours)
June 9th full day with no AF ** missed one dose of sotalol during day
June 10th AF in sleep for unknown period
June 11th woke in AF lasted (10 hours) Changed back to Nebivolol 5mg
June 13th woke at 6.30 am in AF and it was off and on until midday (4 hours)
June 18th AF and really low heart rate (3 hours)
ABLATION June 22nd
Went to bed on the night of ablation at 11.00am and woke up at 12.30am in full AF after only 1.5 hours sleep, this lasted on and off all night until 10.00am, it then settled until around 8.00pm on Tuesday evening when it came back with a vengeance and was very painful, I called an ambulance and was taken to hospital 23 June at about 9.00pm. I reverted to sinus rhythm as they loaded me into the ambulance.
Was sent home around 05.00am the next morning.
Was rushed back to hospital 11.30pm on June 25th serious chest pain in AF possibly AFL with a HR of 210bpm. Bloods were taken and Troponin was found to be high, was admitted to hospital and stayed there until Saturday the 27th June
******************************Stayed AF free 26th June until the 2nd of July....(good times)
July 2nd AF started at 11.00pm lasted (3h 30 minutes)
July 8th AF started at 2.15am and lasted (9h 30 minutes)
July 14th AF started at 9.30pm lasted (2h 50 minutes)
July 17th AF started at 3.45am very briefly
July 17th AF started at 18.45pm and lasted (1h 40 minutes)
July 19th AF started 4.30am and lasted (3h 40 minutes)
July 21st AF started at 3.00am and lasted (2 hours 45 minutes)
July 22nd woke me am with three low intensity short sporadic bursts
July 24th am short fairly low intensity bursts on and off for two hours
July 24th pm three short episodes lasting no more than five minutes each
July 25th AF started at 4.20am lasted (35 minutes)
July 25th AF started at 22.50pm lasted (30 minutes)
July 26th AF at 20.00pm lasted for (20 minutes)
July 27th AF started at 1.30am lasted for (10 minutes)
July 27th AF started at 6.05am lasted (50 minutes)
July 28th AF started at 3.00am lasted (45 minutes)
July 29th three short episodes lasting a couple of minutes
July 30th AF started at 3.50am lasted (1h 30 minutes)
Aug 2nd AF started at 4.50am lasted (1 hour)
Aug 3rd AF started at 2.00am lasted (40 minutes)
Aug 4th AF started at 4.30pm lasted (45 minutes)
Aug 5th several short episodes lasting one or two minutes
Aug 6th AF started at 7.30pm lasted (30 minutes)
Aug 7th AF started at 01.05am (35 minutes)
Aug 8th woke in 10.00am lasted for (15 minutes)
*************(three days of peace)
Aug 11 woke three times with short-lived (lay on left to get rid) AF 7.00am 8.30am 9.45am
Aug 12th 05.10am lasted for (35 minutes)
Aug 13th 7.30am lasted for (50 minutes)
Aug 14th 2.05am lasted (40 minutes)
Aug 16th 2.15am lasted (45 minutes)
*************(three days of just one or two very short bursts)
Aug 19th 9.00pm lasted (35 minutes)
Aug 20th 02.10am lasted (30 minutes)
Aug 21st 00.55am lasted (20 minutes)
************** two days of peace
Aug 23rd 7.50pm lasted (1 hour)
*************Three days with several short sporadic bursts and one 15 minute episode whilst sleeping on the 26th
Aug 27th 8.55pm lasted (35 minutes)
Aug 28th 4.55am lasted (1h 15 minutes)
************* Four days of semi-peace with a few short bursts (several seconds)
Sept 2nd 4.00am lasted (1h 30 minutes)
Sept 3rd 4.55am lasted (50 minutes)
************** peace for a day or two
Sept 6th 3.05am lasted (1h 30 minutes)
Sept 6th 11.30pm lasted (40 minutes)
Sept 7th 7.15am woke up in AF lasted (10 minutes)
Sept 8th 3.55pm lasted (55 minutes)
Sept 9th 11.15pm lasted (30 minutes)
Sept 10th 11.40pm lasted 1h 20 minutes)
Sept 11th started with lots of severe ectopic beats and in and out of AF for short periods. This is the first time I've experienced ectopics since before my ablation. Getting virtually no sleep and chest discomfort
Sept 12th as per yesterday, lots of ectopics when at rest and they are worse lying on my right side than my left.
Sept 13th, same as yesterday, lots of ectopic beats in and out of AF in the evening and early morning though sleep was pretty much undisturbed.
Sept 14th started with irregular beats within one hour of waking which is unusual this progressed to AF (25 minutes) then again in the late evening (30 minutes)
Sept 15 4.00am lasted (60 minutes)
Sept 16th two short episodes in my sleep, went away when I rolled over onto my left side and came back when I rolled back to my right ride. Full AF at 10.30pm lasted (45 minutes) still getting a lot of ectopic beats, big thuds and very uncomfortable/painful
************** two days of relative calm, just a few short bursts lasting a few seconds
Sept 19th 5.00am lasted (1 hour 30 minutes)
Sept 20th 5.40am lasted (25 minutes)
Sept 22nd starting at around 8.00pm I was getting lots of ectopic beats and in and out of AF which was lasting just a minute or two at a time but was persistent until around 3.00am on the 23rd Sept this included a new experience of a very regular run of ectopic beats one straight after the other which I managed to record on the app on my phone.
23rd Sept started at 3.10pm and lasted (40 minutes)
24th Sept had lots of ectopic beats starting around 1.00am culminating in AF at 5.00am which lasted (2.00 hours)