Great. Now I have a yeast overgrowth. I am prone to yeast overgrowth in my system. I'm not talking about the vaginal yeast infections that women tend to get . I have more of an allergy to mold which causes me to get yeast overgrowth inside my body. Now I know that's one reason I feel so awful. Of course the Drs tell you not to use any herbs for anything. Which is what I did to get rid of the yeast and keep it in check. But if it gets too bad I would have to resort to a prescription to kill it off. Much as I said I am so sensitive to prescription meds. And you can't just take an antifungal med with Eliquis. So what do I do. Anyone out there please let me know if you have had this problem. I'm at my wits end. What did you do or take? Drs don't help.
Yeast infection: Great. Now I have a... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Yeast infection
Check out the you tube videos from Dr Eric Bakker he discusses yeast infections. He is very informative about how to rid yourself of this problem.
I could write a book about yeast infections. Have suffered for almost 30 years off and on. Yeast can colonize anywhere in the body. It's another chronic health problem that Drs don't deal with. Articles were being published in magazines in the late 1980's calling it the yeast syndrome and talked about all the health problems it can cause. I followed the yeast diet it advised. It helped me some and I went to 7 Drs, specialists in 7 years. They all didn't know anything. Patted me on the head and treated me like I was nuts. Finally a new Dr started practice in my original Drs clinic (original Dr knew nothing about yeast) and I saw him. He knew. He said they didn't start studying about yeast until 2 yrs before he graduated. Early 1980's. He told me I wasn't crazy and was treating other patients. He prescribed diflucan to finish off the yeast but I always watched my diet and found good herbs that helped keep it in check. But now taking this blood thinner you can't just take anything with it for yeast. Same with herbs because of possible interaction.
I'm in Florida and it is damp from all the rain and the mold grows everywhere. I live with my ex and he's got mold in the house. But since it doesn't bother him he doesn't deal with it. I could usually take my herbs and get rid of it but so many herbs can interact with the meds.
I hoped to move out of this state but help I was going to get fell through because of the pandemic. So I'm stuck. But I'll check out the videos. Thanks for your input. Might help.
You do need to be very careful with some molds, there is black mold which can be very dangerous if inhaled.
There was a herbal tea I was given in New Zealand which cured Candida - & it’s never returned thankfully. Where in the body & what type of yeast?
Tannin can inhibit some yeast overgrowths - black tea is rich in Tannin as is red wine but don’t suppose you want to take alcohol. Garlic is good, avoid sugar & all dairy - but you probably know that. Sorry, can’t help further.
Thanks. I'm aware of mold. It's everywhere in Florida. Been living here since the 80's and when it rains the mold grows very fast. Really no way to get away from it. You go outside and you are breathing in mold spores. It's been extremely rainy here this year. Worst it's been in a long time. Even Florida was in a drought for about 7 years awhile back. I loved it. The mold count was near zero. It will colonize in a weak part of your body. When I was diagnosed with yeast overgrowth in the late 80's I had been having recurrent UTI and my Dr kept me on antibiotics and it never got better. He didn't know anything about yeast overgrowth. 7 years later I finally found a Dr who did. Finally got the right meds and relief. Aids patients get it in the brain a lot. Cancer patients tend to get yeast overgrowth a lot. Things the Dr told me. We all have so much good bacteria, bad bacteria and yeast in our bodies. When we get sick the bad bacteria or the yeast can overthrow. We take antibiotics and kill both bad and good bacteria and the yeast takes over. For me all I have to do is breathe in the mold spores and the yeast takes off. Same thing for my sister. She lives in Michigan and there's a lot of mold up there from the Great Lakes. Like me she has a purifier in her bedroom. She lives with her son and his wife. She breaks out with a rash if she breathes in too much mold. And like me also uses the filters for the heat and AC systems that are supposed to catch the mold spores. My sister knew a gal in Michigan years ago who was bothered by mold so bad she had to wear a type of gas mask to go outside her home to shop. Awful. She couldn't afford to move. So yes unfortunately I know about mold. But I have to say I'd rather deal with it than the Afib.😛 I guess what I was really asking you all is there anything one can take internally for yeast overgrowth that won't interact with the Eliquis. I read that you have to be careful what you use with it. I always had good luck with certain herbs I have used but not sure I should use them now. Herbs like cleavers and uva ursi and pay d'arco are all good.
It sounds a bit counterintuitive as it contains yeast, but there are numerous accounts on the net of people with long term persistent yeast infections having major success on a diet including daily kefir (fermented milk). Homemade much better than shop bought.
Do a web search and maybe give it a try?