We only need another 111 recruits and we will then have 20,000 members of our forum.
Just wondering how many still look regularly.
Pete 🤓
We only need another 111 recruits and we will then have 20,000 members of our forum.
Just wondering how many still look regularly.
Pete 🤓
When I joined the orginal yahoo forum I think I was number 9 or something close!
There were 13,000 or so when I joined a few years ago. I felt, especially when I had my really bad year, that I had such a living, supportive family here. And I have been lucky enough to meet up in real life with three of the members - one lives her in Western Australia and two others visited on holidays.
Hi Kaz, yes it was great to meet up and hopefully again when this virus has finally run its course! I joined about 5yrs ago and although I don't post so much now I read other members on a daily basis as it's become part of my morning routine. 😎😎
Can't believe it's 16 months since we were there meeting up with you! xx
I still look in more or less daily. I've been a member for at least seven years and it's been a real lifeline for me in the past. Can't remember who suggested it but thank you to them and to everyone who has been there with support, information and advice over the years.
Interesting question Pete, I joined back in 2014 and I think there were around 2000 members then. Occasionally I look at some of the archives from those early days and very few names seem to be around now. I guess (and hope) that many benefit from the advice offered and manage to get their symptoms under control and are able to get on with their lives.......
I usually check it daily, and comment if I feel I can be of help or have gone through similar problems.
I was No. 3 when it was AFA and all I can remember from then was a chap called Clive whom I think was No. 1 and a lovely lady called Joanne who worked in the office. I can’t remember when the forum was born but BobD May remember. ❤️
When I look back to how it has grown and the advances in Afib since then it is brilliant.
Love Frances........who lives up north in one of the Yorkshire areas back in lockdown as of midnight......and tomorrow is Yorkshire Day! xxx
Jo Jerome was CEO of AFA when it started but stepped down a few years ago so she could devote more time to family issues. She is now with Thrombosis UK and I do a few proof reading things for her from time to time. The "What should I do if I forget my anticoagulant" was one such item I stole. lol Sorry Frances I can't remember when we switched to HUL from Yahoo but do know it was a cost issue. Because it was a moderated forum it relied on a member of staff approving each post before it was available and the more members we got the more long winded it became and the less other work was done by over stressed volunteers.
I Joined having been diagnosed in Nov 2018. I look in almost daily & make comments if I feel it contributes. BEST wishes.
I look most days, rarely make comments but have learnt so much through this forum which has helped me make decisions and be in control rather than blindly following (sometimes incorrect) consultants and GP's advice. Thank you all so much.
I look in most days, cant remember when I joined. Had a cryo in 2008 so must have been around then as I had been in contact with AFA..
I look in such a helpful group , thank you xx
Hi, I joined a month after receiving my diagnosis in December 2019 and look at the site every day. I don't make any comments but receive comfort and reassurance from reading other people's comments and the advice given to them. From being very frightened and anxious on a daily basis initially, I now feel that I have my life back and owe it to you all on this forum with your measured and consistent response to the questions, many of which I would have asked if not for seeing them here first. Thankyou for being here for me in a way that no one else is.
Joined Feb 2017,still read posts regularly, been a source of info and help.
I have been a member coming up for three years now. I read posts nearly every day and have also made the occasional comment. What a great bunch of people you all are; everyone being extremely supportive and I have learned a great deal from reading posts and their replies. When I was first diagnosed with af I asked my cardiologist to jot down a few ideas for me to do my own research; I wanted to learn more. Thanks to Dr Hyde, I found this site quite quickly.
Like Angie06 and others, checking and reading the latest forum posts is now part of my morning regime. I'll add my suggestions or opinions where relevant or where they may help but as my AF is permanent and asymptomatic, I've not experienced many of the unpleasant effects that others have. But my knowledge increases every day, thanks to the many stalwarts who post and respond regularly. Thank you all, you probably do not realise how many lives you touch.
I've been a member for about a year and I read posts each morning over breakfast and I comment occasionally. It's lovely to have such supportive, friendly people who understand what's what with AF and I have learned a lot from reading the questions and replies and comments - my cardiologist even told me I was well-informed! Bit of an overstatement there - I have still so much to learn and take in, let alone remember, but it was nice of him to say it and made me feel good. This forum has been and still is invaluable. Thanks to all.
I can't remember how many years I have been a member since finding a link after "Googling" Afib. I still read every post over breakfast and the replies. It enabled me to ask pertinent questions of my Consultant who commented that I was well informed and then treated me accordingly allowing me to ask questions and to question some of his proposals ie my refusal to take amiodorone. I would be lost without the support from this wonderful forum.
I do as it's been a life line in the past but now I have been diagnosed with Sarcoidosis I spend more time on their Facebook site "better the devil you know" as that is what gave me the gift of a stroke and AF. If we had 20,000 we could be a powerful force in helping to change government resolutions that effect our health.🤞
I joined 2013 when a friend suggested we attend Patient Day - they had recently been diagnosed. My only regret is that I hadn’t found AFA & forum prior as I learned more in a few hours at Patient Day than in the prior 7 years of faffing around locally with medical people who I just didn’t get on with.
I have been a member for many years, and find it interesting and educational.
What is the significance of 20,000 do we receive some special recognition?
No prizes I am afraid.
I just noticed how near we were to a membership of 20,000 and was wondering just how many of those were active.
Not quite sure if it would crash the website if everyone replied.
Right now we have 19870 to go.
This was my very first post - healthunlocked.com/afassoci...
It’s interesting that the subject matter Anxiety & AF is the subject for the Surrey Zoom Talk on the 5th. And that it’s still one of the hottest topics, along with discussion of anticoagulants. NOACS were brand new then & I think only Dabigatron was available. I had 1st ablation in Nov of that year 2013 & had to start taking it prior to ablation. I came off for a while after AF ceased but then had a TIA so straight back on them.
I joined April 2014 and the various posts were a great help. I still read the daily posts (although sometimes not for 2-3 days) and will respond / contribute as and when I have any experience or knowledge to impart. Sadly I have more serious health issues to deal with currently and my PAF is now permanent so doesn’t cause me the same problems it used to.
Yes I keep a eye most days...
I read daily. This forum has been a tremendous help for me. Member for three years.
Dr Tim Betts told me about the AFA and I found the forum through them. Very grateful for it. Feels like a supportive community and it is very well run.
I check it every couple of days as find it a comfort that i am not alone with my weird heart!
Just looked up when I joined - exactly 5 years ago today - as VeeT. Unfortunately had to change my email address, couldn't find out how to do this on the site so had to join again as LizLancashire. I might have distorted member numbers !
Joined nearly 3 years ago after a spell as an in-patient with AF and put on waiting list for an ablation. But I don't remember how many members there were then! I drop in most days to see what's what!
I have found the site very helpful since last year when i was diagnosed with SVT.
I joined in November 2019 after being diagnosed on holiday in Vegas. It’s a great forum. I comment from time to time but look in most days. When there’s days when I’m feeling unsure and frightened about this condition, I have a read and know I’m not alone and others on here give support and sound advice.
Hi Pete I still look in regularly but don't post much these days , I should be Doodle 71.
I decided rather than dwell on my condition I would try to ignore it and get on with life, not easy with a regular reminder of it every 10 days .
I will post more in the winter when the weather chases me indoors....
I read the posts every morning. This organisation is a godsend. Lovely supportive people and really helpful information.
I do .. It's an excellent forum