I took this photo from my window at sunrise. The image doesn't reflect the beauty of it at all but it really was stunning to see. A great start to my day with my morning coffee.
It reminds me of
I took this photo from my window at sunrise. The image doesn't reflect the beauty of it at all but it really was stunning to see. A great start to my day with my morning coffee.
It reminds me of
hi how are you doing Paul?
Hi Blue.
I'm good thanks. I have had campylobacter for 11 days and spent most of the time on the loo. Excuse my way of expressing this but I woke at 1-30 am this morning and needed the loo (badly). I thought Putin had got trigger-happy and nuked the village I live in! It was like a bomb going off 🤣🤣🤣
My motion had blood in it. That did for me - taking an anticoagulant with internal bleeding is not the best of ideas.
So get this. I called the doctor at 8.40 am and they said to come in at 9.15 am - the surgery in Gnosall is the best I have been to. It's the same every time - theres no waiting or having to call back 20 times because the line is engaged. They answer there and then and always see you within an hour. If they can do it I wonder why other surgeries can't do the same. My last surgery was almost impossible to contact by phone and they were always fully booked anyway - you had to wait a week or two to see a doctor. Many times I was unable to contact them by calling and had to drive to surgery to try and make an appointment.
Luck of the draw I guess.
I hope you are doing well too.
That sounds sounds nasty. I got CDIF when I was in last year and oh my totally flooded me. I ended up being in hospital for two weeks. I went in with a very acute UTI and was really poorly. I was just getting over that and then I caught Covid on the ward. Then two days later, I ended up with CDIF. it took me just over two full months to properly get over it.
Where's Gnosall? Lovely sunrise, GP surgery functioning as it should and the lovely Paul. I want to move.
Hi Ang.
Gnosall is on the border of Stafford and Shropshire. It's a nice village but not much happens here. It's in a rural area and most of the people who live here are 80+ dog walkers or tractor drivers. You have to drive an old tractor (not a car) to really fit in lolz.
Here's a picture of my local. It's lovely in the summer to sit outside and grab some lunch.
🤣. Since having AF, I find excitement is overrated 😁. Don't think I fancy the tractor....... where would I put my Tesco shop?A friend lives in Market Drayton, so not a million miles away. I'll tell her about the pub. 😊
Simple solution Ang. Get a donkey or horse instead and attach a small trailer at the back to carry your Tesco shopping.
The villagers in Bulgaria do this all the time and are quite inventive with this!
A horse? Nayyyyyy. 😁.
Come on Ang - don't be a neigh-sayer.
Get it - 'neigh' sayer.
OK, I'll get my coat
Boom, boom! I think I need to trot off now, before I get saddled with anymore bad jokes and I don't want to get us hoofed off the forum .......... I thannnnk you. 😊
Your an old romantic Paul but lovely photo
So beautiful 😍
thank you, I love this .. it is a wonderful world ...
Perfect start! Xxx
Hi 'our Wil'.
A perfect start to the day as you say. I like to start and finish my day on a happy note. I hope you are keeping well.
Hiya!Yes after a similar nasty bug hit me Boxing Day...yuk!
I'm currently away for few days with my sister in Devon,so sea air might pick me up as I'm still a bit weedy I hope.
Been a bit down with chronic back issues and youngest son has marital problems. Hate it when I can't kiss it better for him like a child.!
Keep well Paul 🙏 ✨️
Beautiful photo Paul and I love that song. It certainly is a wonderful world for us here in the UK.
Hi Jean.
The world really is a place of wonder - certainly in nature. It's a shame the human race doesn't pull its finger out and get climate change, wars and hunger sorted out.
Maybe one day?
A girlfriend's funeral played "a wonderful world".
She was 42 and died then her estranged boyfriend, driving her truck hid a concrete 2-lane bridge on her side. I had been talking to her at 9am and she died in the arms of the fire brigade at 4pm. No airbag on passenger side. Her girl behind was left brain damaged. Their son 2 was OK with the driver having the only airbag.
The music piece was soooo inappropriate. But she had planned her funeral earlier and that is what she wanted.
At aged 16 years working in a children's hospital we nurses all got "shigala". a nasty stomach bug. Nurses sent home, children ended up in the main hospital.
A soda drink gone flat was the best we were told to replace minerals and to hydrate.
Remember pinch of salt, tspn glucose and juice of fruit for replenishment.
It was a terrible experience, But we washed nappies whilst handking the children in spinal chairs, calipers, cerebral palsy etc.
You will soon be over it. REST REST Paul. Too much on the computer. Your head needs a rest.
cheri JOY
Beautiful photo ❤️ Thank you for sharing it. Love the song
Thanks Babs.
Louis Armstrong was a very talented man. He sung that song with such passion. Put it on pause at 1.5 minutes into the song. He has tears in his eyes.
To think that was recorded live! He puts some of these 'wanna be's' on the X Factor and Britains Got Talent to shame. Saying that the shows have found some real talent.
Susan Boyle anyone? It was amusing when she first came on as everyone was laughing at her when she said she wanted to sing with Elaine Paige. The laughter soon stopped when she started to sing. She went on to achieve her ambition.
In the last few days we’ve had sunrises like this here in the Pennines. They certainly lift the spirits. And the snow is finally thawing and I can get my car out. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photo.
I thought we weren’t supposed to be having coffee! But impressed you were awake so early to take the interesting photo.
Hi Vonnegut.
I tend to be an early riser - normally wake up around 5am. Have my coffee and watch Sky News then get stuck in to working on my projects online. It's when I'm most alert and switched on. By mid-afternoon I start lagging and cannot work so well. I need to be switched on as most of my work is very techy. Early morning is when I'm most productive.
Cheers Paul
That’s interesting - but if you feel more awake then you don’t need coffee, which I thought was bad for us!
hi Paul, Iv had upset digestive system too lately.!!! I’m ok now thankfully but every visit was like a flock of starlings, excuse the phrase but you get the gist.?
Thank you. Sorry to hear you have been ill Paul. That’s a nasty thing to get and l had something similar several years ago. High temperature with it. I remember keeping hydrated and as it was nil by mouth, l had glucose tablets and boiled water. Terrible couple of weeks. Take care.
Thanks Cavalierruble.
Indeed it knocks you about quite a lot. I still completed my tasks for the week even though all I wanted to do was sleep. I'm proud of myself for doing this.
Yes, it knocks the stuffing out of you (pun intended). I lost a few pounds l can tell you! Not a nice way to lose weight. Love your photo. I saw that too and so did a friend of mine. Something spiritual about that morning wasn’t it?
Hi Cavalierrubie. Yes, indeed it was spiritual.
I've been exploring spirituality for some years now (just for personal interest). I approach it from a scientific point of view. As Quantum Physics moves forward some things can't be explained by any sceptics or conventional physics. Quantum Entanglement is one such example. It blows Einsteins E = mc2 out of the water. There are other scientific tests conducted which prove conciseness changes matter.
This isn't really the right forum to discuss this so I'll leave it at that.
Have a great day.
Agreed! The red sky here in Ohio this morning was awesome too!
how beautiful....am usually up around 05:30, never seen such golden sunrise.
But then every sunrise has its beauty, as it heralds another day.
BTW, I like your ginger cat. I got one of them too, love him to bits.
Hi Pigeon.
Henry was dog not a cat! He was a rescue dog without any teeth but he had guts. He was very processive about me and if anyone came near me when he was sitting on my knee he would attack them! I was the only person who he liked - everyone else he hated
oh my, I did look again and still it looked to me like the lovely animal on your lap was a cat; but I guess you should know better😀
Lost his teeth, you had to mash everything for him then? From what you say, Henry must have been hurt by people, if he so hated them. Then he found you to cuddle to, bless him, no wonder he was protective of his daddy.
Do you have a pet now? I could not live without an animal by my side🐈.
Hi Pigeon.
If you click on my profile picture you will see a much clearer image. I don't have a pet ATM as it wouldn't be fair on the animal as I will travel again this year.
Henry was a rescue dog and had been abused. His last owners just dumped him - nice people (not).
He was an old dog and at least his last couple of years were happy with me. We became very fond of each other and I feel honored to have gained his trust.
He was a rascal though. It was funny because if anyone came near me they would attacked by a 6 inch tall Henry with no teeth lolz.
lovely photo Paul, No matter what AF brings us yesterday, ‘today is a brand new day’and with it brings us new hope
Beautiful sky Paul...how uplifting. A gift from the Universe. ✨️