Intense burning sensation in legs and... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Intense burning sensation in legs and feet

Ochg profile image
25 Replies

Help - I need some guidance and advice please.

As I have already posted I am due to have my ablation next Monday 13th July ( diagnosed with PAF) - I am therefore currently self isolating. But I am slowly going stir crazy so decided as the weather is so lovely, bright and sunny I would go for a short walk, on the flat. Ensured I was well hydrated, had breakfast ( large bowl of porridge, two cups of decaff tea and glass of water). I was feeling ok to begin with, no AFib symptoms at all. However after a very short time of walking slowly ( less than 10 mins), I began to feel awful. My legs and feet began to get an intense burning sensation and I thought I was going to pass out. I stopped for a little while and the feeling of faintness passed off. I started to walk back home, then again intense burning sensation in legs and feet. I was only a very short distance away from home ( less than 100 yards or so) but felt as though I had just finished a marathon. Once home I checked my BP - fine 110/78 HR good 68 and regular, VERY pale pallor though, the intense burning sensation in my legs and feet remained for at least an hour before it slowly decreased in intensity, but legs still feel very weak and thigh muscles still feel weird. Still a slight burning sensation in my feet as well as my legs. Now are these symptoms side effects of any of my meds ? - Edoxaban - Flecainide - Atorvastatin.

I understand now that I have AF my QOL will also be effected, but I really cannot go on like this. I am really hoping (and praying ), that once I have had the ablation and on the road to recovery I will be able to get my QOL back. I have no other comorbidities, try to eat a varied and healthy diet. I am slightly over weight though ( need to loose about a stone), prior to all this ( sudden onset of symptoms 4 months ago) was walking 1- 2 miles a day, 5 days a week up hill as well as on the flat with no probs at all. This is all really taking its toll on me, physically as well as mentally. I am trying hard to remain positive , but after this mornings episode I am in need of some support and guidance please.

Has anyone else experienced these kind of symptoms ? Do I need to discuss with the EP next week after the ablation ? or wait and see how my recovery goes.

Never been so 'out of control' of stuff like this before so my confidence is also taking a bit of a bashing. I live alone so it is very easy to blow things up out of prospective. I am used to being on my own however, and getting on with life, but all this is really some else!!

Any help any of you kind folk can offer me I'd be REALLY grateful for.

Sorry for such a long post, thank you for reading it all.


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Ochg profile image
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25 Replies
Tako2009 profile image

Have you thought about getting a blood test - my son was experiencing tingling and odd feelings in his legs/feet - turns out he is magnesium and vit B12 deficient - now on the mend. Liz

Ochg profile image
Ochg in reply to Tako2009

Hello Liz,

Thank you for your reply, I did have some blood tests done at the hospital a few weeks ago was told 'all ok' but will ask again next week about the magnesium and vit B12 as you have mentioned- they never seem to tell you what they are testing you for do they unless you ask specifically. Thank you again for your advice. Shirley X

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to Ochg

Ask for a copy of the recent blood test results with reference ranges. You are legally entitled to them. Their idea of "OK" and actually having optimal results are often miles apart. You need to see for yourself. You need your results in the upper quarter of the reference ranges.

Ochg profile image
Ochg in reply to FancyPants54

Morning FancyPants54,

Thank you for your advice , will ask my GP and the hospital next week.


Buffafly profile image

Hello Shirley, one of the important things to know about AF is that it can be caused by some other condition, very often one that causes inflammation (eg I injured my leg quite badly and promptly had an episode), and also that not all your symptoms may be caused by AF!

As usual, should say I am NMT but know of several causes of the symptoms you describe, some of which could cause AF. I would also be a bit suspicious of the statin. I should speak to your GP ASAP 💜

Ochg profile image
Ochg in reply to Buffafly

Hello Buffafly,

Thank you for your advice, I do really appreciate it.

After doing some further research now regarding the statin medication I have been prescribed, Atorvastatin . I think my leg and muscle symptoms could well be directly related to one (of what I understand to be) , of the main side effects of this drug - muscle and joint pain.

I have had various blood tests done both via GP and hospital and was told all within normal ranges ( did not think to ask exactly what my cholesterol level was but as GP did not contact me to discuss further assumed level was within ok range).

As I have been relatively fit and well all my life ( I have being very fortunate not to have had any illness or symptoms of any kind ) prior to the sudden onset of AFib 4 months ago, I think perhaps this medication is not right for me.

Only one way to find out, will stop taking it and see if symptoms resolve. I will continue with

the anti-arrhythmic and anti coagulant medication though.

I will discuss this with the EP next week when I have the ablation.

Thank you again for your help, will let you know how things pan out.

Shirley x

Cally53 profile image
Cally53 in reply to Ochg

Hi Shirley. I remember I suffered quite badly when I first started taking statins. I agreed with my GP to take two a week for a while then gradually increase them. I can now take them with no problem. I did this over quite a long period of time though. Definitely worth discussing this with your GP.

I hope things improve for you.


Ochg profile image
Ochg in reply to Cally53

Morning Cally53,

Thank you for your advice , I will have a chat with the EP next week after the ablation, if I get the opportunity! Fingers crossed.

Shirley x

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Ochg

Why are you taking the statin in the first place? If you have been given it because of being diagnosed with afib then I would seriously question the need for it. I would also ask for the result of any pre statin cholesterol test and not just total cholesterol - both LDL and HDL and their ratios. There is a knee jerk reaction on the part of many doctors to put perfectly healthy people on statins just because their total cholesterol has hit the magic number ie the magic number that ensures that drug companies still make dosh out of these poisons.

Ochg profile image
Ochg in reply to Auriculaire

Good Morning Auriculaire,

My EP asked me what my cholesterol level was and as I did not know ( I had not been told by my GP). So he stated, ' well start the statins now then'. No discussion about diet, life style etc, just onto the medication! Suppose he just wanted to 'cover all bases' prior to the procedure.

I have followed his advice, but the side effects I am experiencing are just too much. I will look at diet changes to help going forward, and discuss with him when I am able after the ablation.

Thank you for your advice I will contact GP today and ask for the results.


mrgwair567 profile image
mrgwair567 in reply to Ochg

Hi Shirley

I don’t have personal experience with statins but I do have 2 friends who complain bitterly of very bad leg pains which resulted in one not taking them and the other taking a break from taking them. It seems as though this is a common complaint with statins

I do believe that there are different brands of statins which might suit you better

Please check with your doctor, you shouldn’t need to be in pain like this!

In the meantime good luck with the ablation on Monday hope all goes well for you!

Take care !

Ochg profile image
Ochg in reply to mrgwair567

Hello mrgwair567, thank you for your reply.

I have now found out my cholesterol result -5.9 LDL and 1.2 HDL. I do not have any other co morbidities and aged 62 I do not think these results are too bad.

I will look at diet changes to try and get the LDL a bit nearer to 5. I would rather try to get the level down via diet changes than continue with the side effects of the statin medication.

Thank you for your kindness and support , I really do appreciate it.



oscar3993 profile image
oscar3993 in reply to Ochg

I was able to lower my cholesterol 22% in 3 months by taking Plant sterols by New Roots! Not sure if this available where you are? I’m on Canada...check at a health food store! Was recommended to me by my dietitian.

Ochg profile image
Ochg in reply to oscar3993

Good morning oscar3993,

Thank you for your advice, I have just done a search and I can get this product here in the UK, I will be ordering some today.

Thank you for being so kind and helpful.

Take care and keep well and safe,

Shirley 😊👍x

mrgwair567 profile image
mrgwair567 in reply to Ochg

Hi Shirley,

All the best for Monday!

Look after yourself!



Ochg profile image
Ochg in reply to mrgwair567

Morning Lynne,

Thank you again for being so kind- not too long to go now- trying NOT to over think stuff ( easier said than done though). Have being listening to some mindfulness videos on you tube, helping lots!.

Will post as soon as I feel able to after Monday.

Shirley 😊x

barneyfrances profile image

When I was first diagnosed with AF my GP put me on Bisoprorol plus my usual BP medication and I had very, very similar episodes that you described -absolute hell, my legs were like lead and couldn't walk far. My GP took me off my BP meds and lowered the Bisoprolol l because my BP was far too low and have not had the problem since. Regards getting your blood test results I don't know if you have the facility of 'Patient Access' its a website where you can access your results,order prescriptions on line etc. Also there is a hospital website called 'Patient Knows Best' which is very similar. I don't know if it is just a London thing.....worth looking into.

Ochg profile image
Ochg in reply to barneyfrances

Hello barneyfrances,

Yes, I too was initially put on Bisoprorol but it tipped my BP far too low so was taken off it. My BP is normally between 110/70 - 138/80 . So they started me on an anti arrhythmic instead - Flecainide seems to have worked no more irregular HR.

So I really do think the statin medication is the culprit.

Thank you for your advice regarding the patient access website will have a look at that.

I have just contacted my GP practice and have been told my cholesterol results are : 5.9 LDL and 1.2 HDL, so not too bad really. I have no other co morbidities, so with some dietary changes should be able to get the LDL down to nearer 5.

I feel that those results don't really warrant going on statins- I know I am not a doctor but I think the diet route first is really worth a try rather than having all that powerful medication if you do not really have too. What do you think?

Take care and keep well and safe.


barneyfrances profile image
barneyfrances in reply to Ochg

I agree, to think that a couple of years ago I was medication free and now my time is revolved around AF and other complaints, still, mustn't complain, thank goodness for the NHS !!!

Ochg profile image
Ochg in reply to barneyfrances

Sorry to hear you are also in a little bit of a pickle at the minute- we are very lucky that we have our wonderful NHS to help keep us all going along😊x

Opoho profile image

I agree with tako2009. I was recently diagnosed with low magnesium and had the same symptoms you describe. I’m adding a banana to my porridge each morning and have another blood test scheduled for next week. Good luck with everything 😊

Ochg profile image

Hi Opoho,

Thank you for your reply, as you can see in my reply to barneyfrances, cholesterol not too bad I don't think. I will also add banana to my diet.

Thank you again for your support, fingers crossed blood test result goes well.👍🙂

FancyPants54 profile image

I've never been refused my test results. I go in assuming they are mine for the asking and I get them. As I have thyroid issues not currently catered for by the NHS getting tests and keeping records is a must. They will tell you your results are "OK" for just about anything that scrapes into the reference range.

Palpman profile image

Stations are not Devil Pills. My cholesterol is perfect but my cardiologist put me on statin. This is because they are anti-inflammatory and good for anxiety. Both of these conditions are pro arrhythmia.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Palpman

There are plenty of other things that are anti inflammatory and do not compromise an essential metabolic pathway in the liver. The primary side effect of statins is to inhibit the production of coenzyme Q10 as this is made by the same metabolic pathway as makes cholesterol. This is essential for the fuelling of every muscle in our body . What is the most important muscle in our body? The heart. Lack of cholesterol also means less vit D as cholesterol is the substrate for vit D . Also less sex hormones. Statins are the king of Devil Pills . The best advice for reducing inflammation would be to cut out all processed food especially sugar.

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