Hi I had a 2nd ablation last week has anyone had symptoms of cold hands and feet ? I have been suffering from cold hands and feet even when covered sometimes my hands are cold then my feet is this a symptom? Can last a few hours .
Cold hands and feet : Hi I had a 2nd... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Cold hands and feet

See other posts on here about it historically - seems to be a possible side effect of blood thinners. If it continues and/or is very uncomfortable would speak to your doctor about it
What medications are you on? Beta blockers have it as a known side affect.
Apixiban and bisopropyl
I had a poor blood circulation before being on beta blocker. Many of us with heart issues don't breathe well, by working on developing slow nasal diaphragmatic breathing, I improve my blood circulation and warm up my extremities. Beta blocker sotalol really makes me cold but blood thinner Xetalol warms me up. I also warm up by exercising a great deal 15000 steps and swimming every day.
I have had that in the past. Never worked out what was causing. Amazon do a brilliant electric foot warmer.