Hi kind people,
I hope someone is able to suggest, or at least share their own experience about the problem I’m having right now.
Some background. Like I said in my previous post - I am 73 year old woman. I was diagnosed with paroxysmal Afib about 18 months ago. Afib episodes have become very frequent and they last long - sometimes weeks.
About three weeks ago my Electrophysiologist put me on 2.5 Bisoprolol, once a day, and Flecainide 50 mg twice a day. I did not do well taking Bisoprolol, especially if I were in NSR - so I continue to take only Flecainide as prescribed. Flecainide kept my heart in sinus rhythm for three weeks.
This morning I woke up at 5:15 AM drenched in sweat - felt like a worse hot flush I have ever had. The body heat continued to persist for at leas 20 minutes.
When I made an attempt to get up I almost passed out. I managed to measure my blood pressure and heart rate. BP was 86/62 and resting heart rate was 130.
It is 12:45 PM right now, and NO change in my condition. I, so far, have taken 100 mg of Flecainide (I double the dose) with the hope it would convert my heart to NSR.
Since my blood pressure is low I fear to take Bisoprolol, and yet I suspect Bisoprolol would lower my heart rate.
Should I take bisoprolol with Flecainide even though my Blood Pressure is very low, and I feel extremely weak, and I feel I will pass out.
This Afib episode is wild - I hardly can move, because if I do my heart rate goes as high as 210.
Thank you so much for being there.