Do any of you get awful heartburn when you have an episode? It's very disconcerting.
AF and heartburn: Do any of you get... - Atrial Fibrillati...
AF and heartburn

I don't but I am sure someone who does will be along shortly who can commiserate. Best wishes.
I am not sure if I would describe it as heartburn but sometimes for a few days after an episode I get discomfort/ soreness in my upper chest as if I have eaten a bit of cake or pie which has got stuck and feel I have a load of burps that I can’t get out. I find sucking some Rennies or similar helps, especially with getting the burps out. I told my EP about this and he just said gastric issues were not uncommon with AF.
I’m really interested to hear you mention being unable to burp with indigestion.
This was my worst symptom when stuck in persistent afib last July to sept till cardioversion, it was very intense and came on at the slightest exertion. Felt like awful pressure and being desperate to burp but could not and gasping for breath.
I would sit bolt upright on the settee for a couple of hours at a time feeling like this, my heart rate was 130 resting and 160 moving around. Rennies and gaviscon helped a little but did not stop it.
I could not get over to the consultants I spoke to how bad it made me feel.
I did almost nothing for months and felt very disabled by it.
I had a dopamine stress test last December and when they pushed my heart rate to 130 all my awful symptoms came back and could not stop coughing.
It gradually eased off when my heart rate came down again.
I think this means it is a heart symptom rather than gastric alone and wanted to ask the EP and cardiologist when I saw them again.
I was due follow up appointments around now but have heard nothing and am unlikely to for a good while due to the current situation so I’m really hoping I can stay in normal rhythm as long as possible.
It certainly is not nice. My way of easing it I've found is to clasp my hands behind my head. Stretching my chest in this way appears to ease it somewhat. Guess we all try different things. All my appointments have been cancelled for the time being. I was due to have an MRI scan after having myocarditis prior to be diagnosed with AF. Six months ago I could never have guessed I would have these health issues. But I'm a positive person. 31 years ago I faced a diagnosis of breast cancer. That was quite a journey to get through but I did. What's the saying. Life is what happens when you are busy making plans. Stay safe. Thank you for replying.
Acid Reflux and Afib are very common, unfortunately all of the medical world are still not there yet. But if you do some investigation you will find that many afib patients are on Acid Reflux Meds.. I am.
Yep acid reflux, terrible tightness in the chest when unable to burp and can sometimes set off palpitations. Some people say it is the vagal tone that you have to ease. Not sure if the long term use of ppis can make symptoms worse too.
Yes it really is awful isn’t it. I saw an article on “silent reflux” recently, I had never heard of that before, all the symptoms fitted perfectly as I rarely get a burning feeling, even had the unable to swallow sensation very occasionally when lay down which is really panic inducing feeling.
I have been prescribed omeprazole and it really bothers me to take it but I’m nervous of stopping it.
Yes I take lansaprozole same family of ppis I believe, I too am wary of coming of them, I have been advised it is possible to take apple cider vinegar just before meals which would balance out the acid levels in the gut, which in turn could sort out the acid reflux problem and perhaps all the symptoms that go with that, including palps & AF. Doctors of course wouldn’t advocate any kind of natural supplements hence my hesitation in stopping the ppis. Why can’t things be black & White 😁
l have a hiatus hernia and l get the same symptoms
Not nice! I have cut my acid reflux med from 2 to 1 a day as have finished cochicine which I had been taking for 3 months after having myocarditis. Fingers crossed both heart inflammation and acid reflux are at bay as far as I can tell. Get mri when the current virus situation is over but goodness knows when that will be. Stay safe