Dentists: Went to see my dentist... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Went to see my dentist yesterday who was in sombre mood. He said that PHE had not given any advice, and they had not been given any protective clothing. Being a dentist is apparently *the* top occupation for coronavirus risk since it scores high on proximity to other people and exposure to infection. The surgery is only doing work which has already been started and general checkups have been cancelled. He said that he was sure that he could fit a crown in two weeks time.

My advice- particularly as we have AF- to get any dental work done pronto if you are able, as it may become difficult shortly. Also brush your teeth!

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I too went to the dentist yesterday for my 6 month check up. Dentist was as upbeat as ever had a bit of banter and a laugh with him and his nurse. In and out in about 20 minutes, bit of fluoride treatment .... job done. Hygienist appoint in 3 weeks time.

No sweat.

As a parallel ...... I'm a bus driver, so I got passengers getting on and off all day, some have concession cards, some pay cash, some go 'contactless' - and they are all looking at me breathing and talking to me in my face, especially the regulars.

Am I bovvered ........... naaaaaah !


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Love it, but you do live in Cornwall......😉

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Yes Flapjack, I do 😂😂😂😂😂

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Lucky bu**er!!

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I’m trying to persuade my missus that we should spend spring and summer in FlapJack (our motorhome) in the outer Hebrides.......not much luck so far!.....😉

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Then again Flapjack there is always the alternatives of; South Georgia, Tristan De Cuna, Ascension and St. Helena , try it could be a game changer.

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But I guess you can still get coronavirus in Cornwall-unless the cider kills it off’

CDreamer profile image

I rang my dentist as due to have hygiene appointment who advised me not to come and has put me onto a priority list for postponed appointments for when things start to return to some sort of reality.

I hear the government spouting all sorts of measures they are bringing in but ignoring the important basics about properly preparing front line health workers with adequate advice or protection.

Don’t know if anyone remembers the TedX talk that Bill Gates gave on the next biggest threat - circa 2015..........every word coming to pass!

mrsg46 profile image
mrsg46 in reply to CDreamer

Just watched this, thanks for pointing it out CD, very enlighting.

Finvola profile image

We brought our check ups forward but our dentist surgery showed no signs of impact at all.

On the other hand, I had my Apixaban blood test yesterday in a medical centre on lockdown. No one could enter unless they had been contacted by telephone by a staff member - our GP phoned at my request for bringing forward the test date and he authorised the appointment. It was reassuring and slightly unsettling at the same time.

Our dental and medical staff deserve utmost praise as frontline personnel and I am so grateful to them.

Rosemaryb1349 profile image

I phoned my dentists surgery yesterday to cancel my booked appointments for next week (a regular check up and a hygenist appt) the receptionist said I had just beaten her to the phone call as all over 70's appts were being cancelled. I have booked another for 6 weeks forward which can also be cancelled or changed if necessary. I asked if they would freeze my Direct Debit (Private Dentist) if this continues beyond a reasonable amount of time but was not given any information about that. Will have to wait and see I suppose - least of our worries right now although my local authority sports centre has frozen all memberships while group activities are cancelled.

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