Hi started taking 2.5 apixiban 3 weeks ago after 3 tablets had a nose bleed so stopped taking it. 1 week later tried again and after 1 day had another nose bleed. Doc said to stop taking them and also to stop taking 10mg amitriptyline that was prescribed for nueropathic pain. After 1 week try again. To be truthfull I'm really scared to try again. I've had 3 episodes in the last 2 years since being diagnosed so P A F. 74year old female with no health problems. Would welcome some help and advice. Thanks.
Nose Bleeds : Hi started taking 2.... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Nose Bleeds

You are in the category who need anticoagulation for sure. You obviously have an underlying problem with your nose which needs to be investigated. Anticoagulants do not make you bleed any more easily BUT if you do bleed naturally then it may take longer to clot and stop.
Do speak to your doctor about the reasons for your nose bleeds. Better a few bloody towels than a stroke.
Thanks Bob. Had my nose cauterised when I was a teenager. Maybe still some weakness there.
Mine was obliterated by a cricket bat when I was 11 and finally re-built in about 1977, I suspect from scraps swept up after a car crash. Only time it bleeds is if I take aspirin or clopidogrel. Warfain has never affected it in the last 16 years.
Hi Nerja2012, I have been on apixaban for nearly one year and get sudden nosebleeds, no warning - just a gush of blood. The bleeding stops after a few mins if I press down on the upper nose area, so I have not been too worried. My understanding is that if you can't get the bleeding to stop, then it's a worry.
I also have the same type of bleed on apixaban. However it’s not a regular thing. Maybe one every 3 or 6 months. Maybe I have a dodgy blood vessel inside my nose? I just pinch it for a minute or so and it stops. Not nice though.
Mine aren't too frequent either - maybe once every 2-3 months. Recently had one on a flight. Alarming when it happens, but not too scary as they thankfully stop quite quickly!
In 2018, I left hospital after DVT/PE & previous AFib. At home, I had increased GI bleeding (not new problem, just much worse if that's possible) after just two doses of Eliquis. Had to go back in hospital very next day, for 2 weeks, sent home on Warfarin.
Fast forward to Nov 2019, started getting nosebleeds, hadn't happened (that I remember) since childhood.
Always self-treated, till 2 weeks ago, couldn't get it to stop. Went to ER ( I'm in the U.S.), they put a "rhino rocket" (Google it) in my left nostril/sinus, and packed the right with gauze, covered with huge bandage. Looked like I'd been smashed with aforementioned cricket bat! 😂
Had to walk around for 3 days like that, till my ENT ( ear, nose, throat doc) chemically cauterized it.
Been almost 2 weeks now, no bleeding except a minute amount due to healing. THAT I can handle, as opposed to the "horror movie effect" that happened prior.😉
So cauterization seems to have worked. I also bought a spray moisturizng nose gel, as well as Afrin brand ( it's the ingredient in that specific brand) nasal spray to use if it bleeds again. This helps to constrict the vessels, thereby stopping bleeds.
Sorry for the long story, just a very recent experience and your post caught my eye.
If anyone can avoid an ER trip & "rhino rocket" & packed nose experience, then my post is worth it.
Hope this helps! 😁👃
Had same issue; CONSULT with your doctors on possibly doing something SIMILAR to what I am doing : I am taking 7.5 mg instead of 10 mg by splitting 1 of the 2 pills; I always find these standardized dosages troubling as in reality only a subset of the entire population is identical to the "average" as found in those clinical trials; for me, 7.5 triggers nosebleeds ~once per month only as opposed to ~3 per week with 10mg.
On same thinner and getting nose bleeding one lasted all day on and off What can be done??