I think I am in line for having a pacemaker. Does that mean I will have to live with PAF after that without Ablations.
I think I am in line for having a pacemaker. Does that mean I will have to live with PAF after that without Ablations.
Not necessarily but that might depend on why you now need a pm. Any treatment is after all only about quality of life and reducing symptoms.
Hi Hugo40,
It depends on why you are having the pacemaker?
I had one for PAFib and flutter because I couldn't tolerate meds to control fast heart rate as the meds caused bradycardia and pauses, even on low doses. I then had an AV node ablation to control the fast heart rate. I still have PAF but don't have any debilitating symptoms due to ablation (cutting connection between atria and ventricles).
I've just had a pacemaker implanted because I couldn't take any meds without it, I have PAF and bradycardia, I'm now on lowest dose of Bisoprolol and the Afib is better but I can still feel it. An AV ablation is the next step for me if the meds don't work.
I had PM Nov2018 and it has helped enormously. It’s a really quick, same day procedure with no GA and has helped stabilise my heart - I can’t take any heart meds at all.
Ablations don’t always work and you do get used to the feeling of the palpitations so it is really for symptom control. If the PM helps control the symptoms or even the triggers then you may find you wouldn’t want one.
I’ve done the drugs and had 2 ablations and I wouldn’t want another. PM did far more to improve my QOL.