I had an ablation almost two years ago. In the month or so after the ablation, I had migraine without aura 3 or 4 times, and read that this happens to some, and that it goes away. And it did but not entirely…which was not surprising as I had had occasional migraine aura without headache since I was in my 40’s (now 78).
And I had not irregularities or afib until the last month. Now something odd has happened. Three or four times I have had short episodes of Afib and/or arrhythmia happening between 1-2 am. I take a PIP and do deep breathing and things return to sinus rhythm. The pulse never gets high, last time stayed in the 60’s.
Plus on two occasions as I was having the arrhythmia or afib, I had migraine without aura at the same time.
So two questions: 1) Is there some kind of link between Afib and migraine aura and 2) Isn’t it odd to have this at a particular time when it occurs? (Probably happened 4 times in the last month.) I should add that I have a glass or wine or two, but for all the time except the last month, that seemed fine. Maybe I have developed a greater sensitivity to wine now??
Look forward to any responses, always find this community supportive and informative.