I Have posted recently about migraine auras. I used to have regular migraines as a youngster, but these reduced in frequency and intensity over the years. After my catheter ablation, I experienced a migraine aura, but without the headache; I knew to expect this from information here, and so wasn't worried.
I had a migraine Aura again in early July, which did not lead to headache. I also experienced one on holiday a couple of weeks ago and again yesterday.
Looking back over the last few years, it was rare for a migraine to progress to headache; i had decided the cause was low blood sugar/dehydration and at the start of an aura, I would drink fluids, eats something sugary and take a paracetemol. Since my ablation, I have done none of this and have still not had a headache. I am now wondering whether the current migraines are not related to my youthful ones, and perhaps are related to AF.
Does anyone else get headache free auras, and has this happened since their ablation?